Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sir Francis Bacon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sir Francis Bacon - Essay Example Bacon's thoughts on science are closely associated with those of Galileo. A benefit of the early Renaissance was the rediscovery of the writings of those living in antiquity. With the new reading of Galileo, Sir Francis Bacon rejected the form of speculative reasoning that dominated the Middle Ages. Bacon believed that if you wanted to really know about something in nature, you needed to approach your study in a methodical manner, gathering real data that was observable and recordable. He states in his book The Great Insaturation, "There are and can be only two ways of searching into and discovering truth. The one flees from the senses and particulars to the most general axioms [laws]†¦The other derives axioms from the senses and particulars. This is the true way but yet untried. Bacon believed that if you wanted to understand soil or rocks, you would gather many different samples or specimens, study them and then let the facts of your study form new ideas about the natural worl d. Bacon melded his ideas with those of Galileo, formalizing them into a general theory of inductive reasoning that became known as empiricism (McKay 1992). Empiricism is the backbone of the scientific method utilized by students and scientists universally in modern times. Sir Francis Bacon believed that this new approach to knowing and understanding the natural world would radically change societies. He believed firmly that this new knowledge would give humans greater control over the natural elements .

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Read this document and after answer this 3 questions Essay - 2

Read this document and after answer this 3 questions - Essay Example Besides the teachers focus on the student thinking and concluding in the same way as they do, he also reports on the how the very teachers oblige their students to conceptualize facts in a snapshot by hinging their concerns on mere raw facts at the expense of understanding the concepts of what is at stake. This he compares with the notorious activity in the lower levels of study when the children are made to recite words before the class; this he says jeopardizes the morale of the students who are not sure of the words they are made to read as they want to avoid making mistakes before the class (Perry 76). This he says has made most of the children to associate reading books with other negatives and thus deem it as a way of punishment. In conclusion, Perry discusses the challenges the student and the teachers face in their endeavors to excel academically. He explores both implicit and explicit factors that are contributing to this and the mitigation that can be employed to curb the contributing factors to the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Country Comparison of Economic Development Data

Country Comparison of Economic Development Data QUESTIONS: You are required to collect comprehensive economic development data for year 2012 2013 of Malaysia and two countries of your choice and discuss which country is better in terms of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦(based on economic performance da ta collected) and discuss possible ways to improve your country’s economic development and standard of living. Malaysia Malaysia have 4 types of GDP which is purchasing power parity, official exchange rate, real growth rate and per capita PPP. For purchasing power parity in 2012 estimation is $501.5 billion and in 2013 estimation is $525 billion. In 2012 and 2013 estimation for the official exchange rate is $312.4 billion. For the real growth rate in 2012 estimation is 5.6% and in 2013 estimation is 4.7%. For the per capita PPP in 2012 is $17,000 and 2013 estimation is $17,500. Besides that, Malaysia have many different economy categories such as unemployment rate, population below poverty line. For the unemployment rate in 2012 estimation is 3% and in 2013 estimation is 3.1%. For the population below poverty line in 2012 and 2013 estimation is at 4.0% . Furthermore, for the budget consists of 2 categories which are revenues and expenditures. For the revenues in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $ 65.72 billion. For the expenditures in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $ 79.4 billion. In conjunction with the budget expenditures there is taxes which applies on the expenditures as well. For the taxes and other revenues is 21% GDP and for the budget deficit is -4.4% of GDP. For the consumer prices will have inflation rate as well. In 2012 estimation is 1.7% and in 2013 estimation is 2.2%. Lastly is the exports and imports for the country in Malaysia. For the exports in 2012 estimation is $227.7 billion and in 2013 estimation is $230.7 billion. For the imports in 2012 estimation is $186.9 billion and in 2013 estimation is $192.9 billion. The next category is people and society. There is 5 categories which is population, human development index, human poverty index, poverty rates and population growth rates. For the population in Malaysia for 2012 and 2013 estimation is 30,073,353 people. For the human development index in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 0.769. For the poverty rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 1.7%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation 1.7%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 1.47%. Japan Japan have 4 types of GDP which is purchasing power parity, official exchange rate, real growth rate and per capita PPP. For purchasing power parity in 2012 estimation is $4.638 trillion and in 2013 estimation is $4.729 trillion. In 2012 and 2013 estimation for the official exchange rate is $5.007 trillion. For the real growth rate in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 2% For the per capita PPP in 2012 is $36,300 and 2013 estimation is $37,100. Besides that, Malaysia have many different economy categories such as unemployment rate, population below poverty line. For the unemployment rate in 2012 estimation is 4.4% and in 2013 estimation is 4.1%. For the population below poverty line in 2012 and 2013 estimation is at 16%. Furthermore, for the budget consists of 2 categories which are revenues and expenditures. For the revenues in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $1.739 trillion. For the expenditures in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $2.149 trillion. In conjunction with the budget expenditures there is taxes which applies on the expenditures as well. For the taxes and other revenues is 34.7% GDP and for the budget deficit is -8.2% of GDP. For the consumer prices will have inflation rate as well. In 2012 estimation is 0% and in 2013 estimation is 0.2%. Lastly is the exports and imports for the country in Malaysia. For the exports in 2012 estimation is $776.6 billion and in 2013 estimation is $697.0 billion. For the imports in 2012 estimation is $830.1 billion and in 2013 estimation is $766.6 billion. The next category is people and society. There is 5 categories which is population, human development index, human poverty index, poverty rates and population growth rates. For the population in Malaysia for 2012 and 2013 estimation is 127,103,388 people. For the human development index in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 0.912. For the poverty rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 11.1%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation 15.7%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 0.13%. United States United States have 4 types of GDP which is purchasing power parity, official exchange rate, real growth rate and per capita PPP. For purchasing power parity in 2012 estimation is $16.47 trillion and in 2013 estimation is $16.72 trillion. In 2012 and 2013 estimation for the official exchange rate is $16.72 trillion. For the real growth rate in 2012 is 2.8% and 2013 estimation is 1.6%. For the per capita PPP in 2012 is $52,400 and 2013 estimation is $52,800. Besides that, Malaysia have many different economy categories such as unemployment rate, population below poverty line. For the unemployment rate in 2012 estimation is 8.1% and in 2013 estimation is 7.3%. For the population below poverty line in 2012 and 2013 estimation is at 15.1%. Furthermore, for the budget consists of 2 categories which are revenues and expenditures. For the revenues in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $2.849 trillion. For the expenditures in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $3.517 trillion. In conjunction with the budget expenditures there is taxes which applies on the expenditures as well. For the taxes and other revenues is 17% GDP and for the budget deficit is -4% of GDP. For the consumer prices will have inflation rate as well. In 2012 estimation is 2.1% and in 2013 estimation is 1.5%. Lastly is the exports and imports for the country in Malaysia. For the exports in 2012 estimation is $1.561 trillion and in 2013 estimation is $1.575 trillion. For the imports in 2012 estimation is $2.303 trillion and in 2013 estimation is $2.273 trillion. The next category is people and society. There is 5 categories which is population, human development index, human poverty index, poverty rates and population growth rates. For the population in Malaysia for 2012 and 2013 estimation is 127,103,388 people. For the human development index in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 0.912. For the poverty rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 11.1%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation 15.7%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 0.13%. 5 Ways To Improve Your Country’s Economic Development And Standard Of Living 1. Wage your levies: An efficient tax collection and management system is important for a country’s economy growth. Besides exports, the majority of revenue is from taxation, without taxation, the government cannot invest in infrastructure, social programs or compensate government officials. Sales taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes and wealth taxes are made by taxpayer into the economy to improve the collective standard of living. This includes the benefit from getting better roads, schools, hospitals and a welfare system. 2. Animate within your means: By saving money and keeping your debt lower than your disposable income, you will be less vulnerable recession. For example, if your credit cards, mortgage loans, the outstanding balance of auto loans and student loans is more than your savings, investments and property combined, then the problem will come to you. It means you may have a dissatisfied conditions, as like a sudden drop in unexpectedly financial obligations. 3. Acquire valuable teaching: The education level is highly associated to the economic growth. In other words, the more skilled of the population is (composed for example of engineers, physicists, agricultural biologists, construction workers, etc), the more productive, competitive and autonomous that a country can be. For example, with the right expertise, food security can be guaranteed by increasing agricultural production; a plenty of goods can be manufactured and exported; and natural resources can safely use and local change. So by getting a professional education that is in demand, you will help your country to get productivity and a strategic advantage. 4. Devour properties and facilities created locally: By selecting to buy a five-dollar t-shirt made in your country instead of the exact same t-shirt selling for one dollar but made abroad, you just made a major positive impact: the money stayed in the local economy, domestic jobs were compensated and small businesses remain open. 5. Chosen administration bureaucrats in errand of financial development: All of the advice above cannot be effective without leaders who fight for corruption, foster a fair trade and business agreements, promote financial transparency, support for protectionist labor laws, avoid excessive public and consumer debt, engage in a prudent monetary and fiscal policy development, boost job creation, ease access to important sectors of education and healthcare, subsidize vital industries and help small businesses. 2. What is ‘Dumping’ and why do countries implement ‘Anti-dumping’ legislation? Do you think such legislations are required in today’s free trade world market? Discuss with supporting data and relevant duties What is dumping? Dumping happens when the export price of the goods in Malaysia is lower than the usual price of the similar or alike artefact in the inland market in the nation of export or basis. In other words, dumping is an global value discernment which the corporation custodies more in its inland marketplace than in the export marketplace. What is export price? Export price is actually the value that salaried or owed for the topic merchandise (supposedly vended at dumping values in Malaysia for overseas products) . In cases the export price may be built on the topic merchandise are first resold to an self-governing purchaser on basis of price. What is subject merchandise ? Subject merchandise means the lesson or kind of merchandise imported or vended imported into Malaysia that is the topic of any countervailing or anti-dumping responsibility act under Act 504. What is like product? Like product means a product which is alike or like in all compliments to the topic merchandise, and comprise other artefact which comprise bodily, technical or biochemical physiognomies, applications or uses that nearly alike to those the topic merchandise. What is normal value? Normal value is the value salaried in the normal course of interchange in the inland marketplace of the nation of export. Auctions used to verify the usual price which must be lucrative and unaffected by any association between the purchaser and vender. Nations comply ‘anti-dumping’ lawmaking because to authorizing the Examining Specialist to take corrective events against unfair interchange by overseas builders/exporters and to deliver a outline for examining accusations of damage caused by dumped or funded imports. I think such legislations are required in today’s free trade world market due to: Anti-dumping actions (Legal issues) If a corporation exports a artefact at a worth that is fewer than the worth it usually custodies in its own home-based marketplace, or vended properties at a worth which does not encounter its filled cost of manufacture, it is called as dumping the artefact. It is a sub-section of numerous forms of worth discernment and is registered as third gradation worth discernment. Many administrations take act against dumping to defend inland business and the WTO contract concentration is on how administrations can or cannot respond to dumping. It disciplines anti-dumping contract. The administration must compute the boundary of dumping (how much lower of the export worth compared to the exporter’s home-based marketplace worth), and show that the injured of dumping. References: Fatima, R. (2014). MITI. Retrieved 12 May 2014, from Adkins, T., Alvin, M. (2009). Dumping Definition | Investopedia. Retrieved 12 May 2014, from Azhar, A., Reserve, T. (2014). Govt imposes anti-dumping duty on FCB from Thailand. Free Malaysia Today. Retrieved 12 May 2014, from Gwet, M., Gwet, M. (2013). 5 things you can do to help your country’s economy BobbyFinance. BobbyFinance. Retrieved 13 May 2014, from Britt S.L. (2014). The World Factbook. Retrieved 2 June 2014, from

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Relationship Between John Proctor and Elizabeth in Arthur Millers

The Relationship Between John Proctor and Elizabeth in Arthur Miller's The Crucible The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller in 1952. It gives an insight into the terror of the Salem witch trials of 1692. Many innocent people were accused of witchcraft; plotting against God, killing people by using magic, taking over a person's mind and binding with the Devil. These were very religious times and any little hiccup in one's behaviour can give reason that one has been taking part in witchcraft. For example, John Proctor occasionally ploughs his field on a Sunday which is not strictly correct Christian behaviour and leads the prosecutors to think that Proctor is linked with the Devil. The Crucible is also a metaphor for McCarthyism in America in the 1950s. Many American people were questioned because they were suspected of being an, 'Un-American', or threatening the safety of the state. This questioning soon turned into a modern day witch-hunt. If anyone even criticised the government they were worthy to be questioned. In both cases the policy, 'guilty until proven innocent' seemed to apply, completely opposite to the justice system of today. In the beginning of Act II there is definite tension between Proctor and Elizabeth. Elizabeth's first line when she sees Proctor is, 'What keeps you so late? It's almost dark.' She does not greet him with warmth and love but with a hint of suspicion aroused from Proctor's recent affair with Abigail Williams. As the conversation carries on Elizabeth is very controlled with what she says. For example, Proctor says to her, 'Are you well today?' and she replies, 'I am.' It seems quite unnatural an... ... can't bring himself to confess to lies and when he heads off to be executed he exchanges a passionate kiss with Elizabeth. It shows the build up of emotion and an audience can see the strong love between the two of them. If you were to only see an extract from Act II you would think that Elizabeth and Proctor were an unloving and broken couple. But now their interactions are completely different, they show love, need and compassion for each other. The final line, said by Elizabeth, is, 'He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him.' She knows he is a good man and that he is doing the right thing for himself. Although they have to part, at least their relationship has been healed and Proctor can die knowing that Elizabeth loves him and has forgiven him; and Elizabeth knows that Proctor still loves her.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Western Political thought: Machiavelli

Nicollo Machiavelli is one of the political thinkers that have contributed immensely to the development of the political thought. However, his thoughts and principles were a radical departure from those of his contemporaries. One of the political thoughts that were different from that of the past thinkers was on the morality of power. According to him morals cannot be used to judge the legitimate and illegitimate application of power. He claims that power and authority are equal variables and anyone that has power gains the right to give commands. He claimed that being good does not give one a moral authority and goodness does not give power to anyone. This view conflicts with the moralistic political theory that associated morality with authority (Nelson, 1995). Machiavelli criticizes the moralistic concept of authority saying that it does not add any value to power. The other political thought that was distant from the past thinkers was on the subject of law and force. Machiavelli first agreed with the past thinkers saying that good laws are important for an orderly political system. However he claimed that good people do not like following laws which means that for the good laws to work, there must be coercion. He wanted to imply that good laws have their legitimacy founded on the use of force. This thought appeared to be cruel, but in reality, laws cannot be legitimate if they are not accompanied by coercive force (Sydney, 2005). The last extreme thought by Machiavelli was on his treatment of politics. In opposition to the definition of the past thinkers who saw politics pragmatically. Machiavelli dismissed politics and an entity that could only be seen from the supremacy of powers that are coercive. The authority in politics according to him cannot exist independently and politics is all about gaining supremacy for personal interests (Nelson, 1995). Though Machiavellian political thoughts were different from those of the past thinkers, modern political theory is based on Machiavellian principles and thoughts. His eccentric thoughts have provided a foundation for the modern political theory.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Eye Contact with Japanese Businessmen Essay

In Japan, the businessmen avoid eye contact. The businessmen would rather not waste their time and distract other men, especially their senior officers. Distractions may be embarrassing, especially when one should be focusing on the task at hand. In this research paper, comparisons among America and its culture will be displayed to accumulate ideas on why the Japanese avoid eye contact. There is more than one factor playing in Japanese customs on avoiding eye contact. This paper generates ideas from animalistic behavior, to parental control, to busy cities, to friends, to professional NBA players, and to a religion that began in the United States. Not only is eye contact distracting, but also unnecessary while the notion of withdrawing oneself can be seen as helpful to cope with certain conditions in the environment. As we study cultures we can determine the differences between countless etiquettes and mannerisms across the world. Looking at two separate countries, we can compare what is considered acceptable and unacceptable. Because we live in the Unites States, it is easy to know what we, as Americans, should do and not do in a business meeting. If American businessmen, especially ones who are uninformed, meet with Japanese businessmen, the possibility of embarrassing or offending the Japanese culture is likely when conducting business at an absolute or selfish angle. The Japanese culture maintains a business that is great on group effort and loyalty. With these certain characteristics, the Japanese take on many roles to support their ways of humility. This is why we can see the Japanese businessmen intentionally avoiding eye-contact with other businessmen during a meeting to preserve modesty. Business is a consolidation within man to form an agreement at peace. We learn from studies of history and animals that staring is a sign of aggression. When eye contact is made, a mutual reflection of a challenge (or fight) occurs. Both parties may not want to partake or antagonize a fight, but when the eyes of humans and animals alike connect, the brain will induce a chemical reaction that triggers responses in the body to take action in order to defend itself. Now in a business setting, the Japanese aren’t ones to create a fight when a disagreement occurs. This is a way to respect senior decisions to avoid acting naive. If we take a look at the American culture, we can see how American parents confront their children when the children are misbehaving. Young children will naturally want to stop all eye-contact and maybe even run away. To correct this behavior, parents are told to maintain eye contact while communicating with their child. This is a way to build trust in a hea lthy relationship. When we think of the word â€Å"business,† its easy for Americans to think of New York City, a place of a heavily, dense population of business trafficking. The place can be described as busy because everyone is running around while trying to get to their next business meeting. It wouldn’t be considered rude if someone bumped into you by accident if they were rushing into a taxi cab. A newcomer to the city might, at first, be outraged, but in time city dwellers are accustomed to it. In Japan, perhaps eye-contact avoidance is another practice due to high population. The Japanese is one culture to like their privacy. A great way to ruin one’s privacy is to intentionally engage in eye-contact, especially with a prolonged engagement. Imagine coming home from work everyday in public transportation and running into an unknown interval. One thing a person might do is make eye-contact with a stranger to see if the stranger is aware of this interval. Now imagine you are conducting a meeting and you come across some interval in your way. An instinctive reaction is to seek help. However, in an important business meeting, this is a devastating episode in which you may bring down a friend if he is unaware of this interval as well. The best thing to do, in Japanese customs, is to own up and not throw your best friend under the bus with you. How should you do it? Perhaps avoid eye contact and stay calm with your best manners at hand. The Japanese are known to close their eyes when they are listening intently. This is a reaction to block out from sensing other things that are going on in the room. In America, we can find many distracting things that are meant to distract you. If you go to an NBA playoff game and watch a professional basketball player attempt a free-throw at an away game, you will see almost everyone in the audience do their best to distract the player, in order for him to miss the free-throw. You will hear loud noises, see shirts waving, and even see fan memorabilia made, bought, and obtained for that sole purpose during a free-throw shooting. One American religion, called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints shows reverence similar to the Japanese eye contact phenomenon. During a sacrament meeting at the LDS church, many people will give talks or performances such as singing or violin playing. In one, hour long meeting, there may be up to 5 or more people conducting a session. After each person concludes their talk or performance, it is in the Mormon practice to show gratitude with reverence. The LDS members will keep quiet during the session without gossip or clapping to maintain the spirit. Comparing the Japanese to an LDS sacrament session, closing the eyes and being reverent is a way to block out an unnecessary force. As we can determine in an NBA playoff game, there is no room for respect. Players will have to play hard and with whatever comes in their way. Eye contact is a method to show people â€Å"I am here.† People have an ambition, or sometimes a reaction, to make one’s presence known. We do it for attention, for work, or to make new friends. However, the Japanese have grown accustomed in a practice of avoiding eye-contact when things are busy and sometimes serious. In the business place, respecting senior officers is important to maintain one’s own status while progressing in rank. It is important for the Japanese not to discourage other businessmen or to bother them during a stressful time. How else can one show respect than to maintain a personal boundary?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Emotional Poems for Veterans Day

Emotional Poems for Veterans Day When emotions take over, the poet within you often emerges. These Veterans Day excerpts from poems touch the heart and soul of every patriot. They will send chills down your spine. They bring the horror of war home. If you know a veteran, share these words to let them know their devotion to country is important and appreciated. Veterans Day Poems Stephen Crane War Is Kind Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.Because your father tumbles in the yellow trenches,Raged at his breast, gulped and died,Do not weep.War is kind. Philip Freneau On the Departure of the British From Charleston But fame is theirs - and future daysOn pillard brass shall tell their praise;Shall tell - when cold neglect is dead - These for their country fought and bled. Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass I saw battle-corpses, myriads of them,And the white skeletons of young men - I saw them;I saw the debris and debris of all the dead soldiers of the war;But I saw they were not as was thought;They themselves were fully at rest - they suffer’d not;The living remain’d and suffer’d  - the mother suffer’d,And the wife and the child, and the musing comrade suffer’d,And the armies that remain’d suffer’d. Edgar Guest The Things That Make a Soldier Great Endanger but that humble street whereon his children run,You make a soldier of the man who never bore a gun.What is it through the battle smoke the valiant soldier sees? John McCrae In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blowBetween the crosses, row on row,That mark our place; and in the skyThe larks, still bravely singing, flyScarce heard amid the guns below. Li Po Nefarious War In the battlefield men grapple each other and die;The horses of the vanquished utter lamentable cries to heaven,While ravens and kites peck at human entrails,Carry them up in their flight, and hang them on the branches of dead trees. Rudyard Kipling Tommy Its Tommy this, and Tommy that,And chuck him out the brute,But its Savior of his Country,When the guns begin to shoot. Siegfried Sassoon Aftermath But the past is just the same - and War’s a bloody game...Have you forgotten yet?...Look down, and swear by the slain of the War that you’ll never forget. Wilfred Owen Anthem for Doomed Youth What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?Only the monstrous anger of the guns.Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattleCan patter out their hasty orisons. Alfred, Lord Tennyson The Charge of the Light Brigade Half a league, half a league,Half a league onward,All in the valley of DeathRode the six hundred.‘Forward, the Light Brigade!Charge for the guns!’ he said:Into the valley of DeathRode the six hundred. Elizabeth Barrett Browning Mother and Poet Dead! One of them shot by the sea in the east,And one of them shot in the west by the sea.Dead! both my boys! When you sit at the feastAnd are wanting a great song for Italy free,Let none look at me! Sophie Jewett Armistice We pray the fickle flag of truceStill float deceitfully and fair;Our eyes must love its sweet abuse;This hour we will not care,Though just beyond to-morrows gate,Arrayed and strong, the battle wait.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Spirit of Islam †World Religion Class Essay

The Spirit of Islam – World Religion Class Essay Free Online Research Papers The Spirit of Islam World Religion Class Essay Omid Safi is a professor of religion at Colgate University. Safi comes from a long line of Islamic poets. He is an American but spent the first years of his life in Iran with his grandfather who was an Ayatollah. He describes him as looking just like Ayatollah Kamani but differing in the message that comes out of his heart. Safi is both a student and professor of Islamic studies and particularly Sufism. However, Safi says that he is not a Sufi but seems to have a deep respect for what it means to be a Sufi. Omid is obviously a Muslim but he seems to be on a quest for truth. He is moved to the core of his being by the values of Sufi’s. But he states that he is a Muslim that is on the path towards a better relationship with God. The values of Sufism are not something you put on a pamphlet; they are processes that take a lifetime to understand. Sufism is very in touch with the mystical world of Islam, it has been popularized in recent years by the poet Rumi. Rumi was a Persian poetic and Mystic of the 13th century. At this time national identity didn’t matter as much because if you were a religious scholar it was expected that you would travel and teach throughout all Islamic lands. He wrote 90,000 lines of poetry and it is now being interpreted in English. Safi is happy that more people are able to experience Rumi now but believes it is important to listen to the original verse as Rumi intended. It originated as a spiritual movement against increasing worldliness after Muhammad’s death. Sufi’s aspire to a special intimacy with God in this life. Safi says that practicing the path of Sufi is â€Å"One of the most important manifestations of Islam and one of the most pertinent for finding hope in our current situation†. Until the 18th century you would find Sufi’s in the entire Islamic world. After the 18th century a very radical interpretation of the Qur’an which starts out in Saudi Arabia and practicing the Sufi way was actually banned in places. 85% is Sunni, 13% Shiite, 2% other. Sufi’s have tried not to be known as the third sect of Islam. The role of poetry in the Sufi practice stems from an understanding that it is a powerful form of learning. It provides provocative images of longing as one travels through the desert, often times alone. A good portion of Islamic verse reads like a beautiful love poem even though they are very careful not to call the Qur’an poetry. The Prophet Mohammed surrounded himself with poets. Poetry is a major part of Sufism because poetic language appeals at an emotional level where as theological language just can not appeal. In the Muslim world even people who are illiterate often know hundreds of lines of poetry. As compared to the western world where we think of only highly educated people having such a capture of poetry. The practical examples of this are Shepard’s who walk day after day alone; perhaps poetry is both entertaining and a reminder that God is always with them. Seemi Bushra Ghazi is a woman who practices Islam. She comes from a long line of Ordure scholars. Currently she is a singer and she recites Qur’an as a non cleric. Ghazi is also a professor at Colgate University. Her parents founded some of the first Islamic Sunday schools in America. She believes that English translations of Qur’an do not do justice to women particularly because of the loss of gender that can have significant meaning in English. Women at home reciting Qur’an in the morning make a powerful impression on their children. She believes that women are very powerful and necessary in order to spread the message of God. Islam is a ritual practice that interweaves itself into life completely. As a woman she is very interested in the role of women in Islam, not to imply that there is just one role. She does not wear a veil unless she is praying or is in a part of a world wear a veil is required. However, she seems to take comfort in the veil and thinks of it as a sanctuary that she is able to take with her. 2 questions: 1.) Is it fair to think of Sufism as a philosophy about how to live as apposed to a religion? 2.) So much of ones choice in religion seems purely based on where they are raised or who their parents are. As a result do you think that Sufism, being less fundamentalist, would tend to thrive more in a place like America were there are cultural Muslims seeking a religious ideology that works in a free society? Research Papers on The Spirit of Islam - World Religion Class EssayCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeMind TravelBringing Democracy to AfricaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoQuebec and Canada19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Artificial Intelligence Company Case Study

Discuss About The Artificial Intelligence Company Case Study? There are many articles, which have written on the rise of the robotics, which has been regarded as the robotics process automation, in the various organization across the industries. This very subject conjures the images of the robots taking over the workplace and it eventually the entire world (Brighton, 2015). First, it is important to know the definition of the robotics. Accounting to the institute for the Robotic process Automation as well as the Artificial Intelligence they defines it as the application of the technology which allows the employees in the company to be able to configure the computer software or perhaps a robot to capture and interpret the existing applications (Andrade, Pereira, Walter, Almeida, Loureiro, Compagna & Kyberd,   2014). This is for the processing a transaction, manipulating of the data as well as triggering of the responses and communication with the other digital system (Tirgul & Naik, 2014).   This definition of the robotics it highlights on three vital aspects; the initial is the software,   secondly, existing application the robotics software will   sit on top of the existing applications,   in order to connect the pieces of the puzzle that have been connected to the employees manually (Hagerty, 2015).   The last part is on the employees; the software will be programmed as well as be managed by the humans. A simple illustration of robotics in the organization is the automation of the low-level work in the recruitment process (Cox, 2017). The robotics could be effectively automate on the manual, repetitive process, which involves the high volume of the transactions as well as multiple tasks. Rather than the physical mechanical devices the robotic are the intelligent piece of the software, which has been implemented on top of the current information technology infrastructure, which could help in the elimination of the low level, work that are tedious (Brighton, 2015). The rise of the current robotic evolutions has been emerging as the product of three mutual re enforcing macro tends. This has been as a result of the technology underlying the robotics software, which have diversified over the years. The organization in the case study scenario is an Artificial Intelligence company, which is based in Brisbane. The organization over the years has had interest in the use of the robotics for the domestic use as well as in the other industries such as the mining, transport as well as manufacturing industries across Australia.   It has been using the robotic in small number in order to grow the sideline business (Cox, 2017).   The organization aims at being competitive over the other rivalry firms therefore they aim at diversifying the organization over the next five years. The company has been planning to expand on their operations within the Australian as well as the Asian region. When an organization leverage on the robotic technology as their key component for the expansion strategy it would likely be more competitive than the other organization. The research problem is find out the application of the robotic technology in order to consider it for the Artificial intelligence organization for their next five year strategy plan in order to diversify and become more competitive over the other rivalry organization. The company wants to expand on their operations within the Australian and to the Asian region (Hagerty, 2015). The problem the CEO is encountering she does not have wide range of the information on the issue of robotic technology. She is only aware of general positive and the negative aspects of using the robotics in the work and the home environments (Cox, 2017).   The research is important because it will provide recommendations to her on how to leverage the use of the robotic technology in order to improve on the business. The research study is aimed to find how to leverage the use of the robotic technology in order to improve on the business. further, it research will examine on the various types of robots, their advantages and negative aspects and provide a recommendations on the best ways to use in this small business so that they are able to diversify and venture the new markets . The objective of the study is to evaluate the robotic technology and its application in the current industry of the organization to improve the business. On this case study, it has been assumed that the competitor or the rivalry organization are not aware of the robotic technology and therefore Artificial Intelligence Company will have a competitive advantage over this aspect (Webber & Nilsson, 2014). The research has further assumed that organization under the research is a fictional company, which acts as a guide to help provide insight over the robotic technology. Robotic is the application of the technology, which allows the workers in a given company to be able to configure the computer software or perhaps a robot to capture as well as interpret the existing applications for the processing of the transaction (Ghahramani, 2015). Further, it has been regarded as the utilization of the innovation which enable the representative in the organization to be able to design their PC programming or the robot to catch as well as decipher the existing applications. This will help to prepare for the exchange, control as well as activation of the reactions along with speaking with some of the other advanced frameworks (Hagerty, 2015). The term robot has been highlights as the controller that could be reprogrammed in order to perform various functions. It could executes various functions such as the moving objects, device through using the numerous programmed movements. The robots have been used in many almost all the sectors in the industries. This is the reason, which has made the small Artificial intelligence organization to venture in the design of the robots in order to be used in the transport, the mining, domestic, and the manufacturing industries (Hagerty, 2015).   Some of the uses of the developed by the manufactures as follows: One of the use has been for the exploration. The robots have been designed in order to enter to the environment, which are dangerous to the human being. An example has been observed in the atmosphere within the volcano or perhaps investigating the marine life.   Secondly, it has been used by the military (Tirgul & Naik, 2014). The military have used robots such as the flying robots drones, which have been brought in the present time in the modern armed force. In the future, the robotic airplane as well as the automobiles could be utilized in order to transmit the petroleum. The robots have also been useful in agriculture in order to farm (Ghahramani, 2015). The harvesters in order to cut as well as collect the crops use the robot that have been programmed. In the car industry, there is the use of robotic arms in executing various tasks to manufacture the automobile as they are in the assembling procedure (Siciliano & Khatib, 2016). They usually perform jobs such as sorting, welding , lifting, painting as well as bending. The robots have also been useful in the hospitals there have been development of the robotic suit which are under construction, which would allow the nurses to be able to raise the patients without injuring their backbones.   The artificial intelligence company have invented, designed as well as developed on the robots, which would be useful in the field of transport, domestic, manufacturing as well as the mining industries (Ferber, 1999). Some of the types of the robots, which have been used in these sectors, are: According to Siciliano & Khatib (2016) highlighted that the global number of the domestic household robots would rise to thirty one million between 2016 to 2019. The sales of the robots for cleaning would likely increase to about thirteen billion dollars in this period (Hagerty, 2015).   . The robotics in the personals as well as domestic applications have experienced a great worldwide growth with much relative in the mass market products such as the floor cleaning robots, lawn mowers as well as the edutainment robots which have been dominating the market (Ghahramani, 2015). In the upcoming years, the vacuum as well as the floor cleaning robots would continue to make up the wider share of the units at the work when it comes to the households (Siciliano & Khatib, 2016). The sales volume would rise to more than three million units to approximate thirty million units within the forecasted period. The vacuum and the floor cleaning robots account to more than ninety-six percent of the d omestic robot sales.   The robotic mowers as well as the pool cleaning robots have been ranked the second and third respectively. There has also growth, which has been reported in the sale of the handicap assistive robots as well as for the elderly.   The sales figure stands at thirty seven thousand units at 2015 (Russell, Dewey & Tegmark, 2015). This value is expected to increase with the mirror in this development over the forecasted period. Some of the mining robots are the abandoned mine robot: this kind of the robot are built for the mining organization in order to be driven to the abandoned mineshaft to search for the potash leftover from the many years ago. The tethered fibre optic robot: This robot was built in order to be sent to hundreds of feet down the mineshaft. It has the capability to travel a long distance. The robots are used in the various manufacturing environment. They usually are made of articulated arms, which are used in the applications such as in the painting, and welding.   These robots are automatically controlled, and they are multipurpose manipulator, which are in three or more taxes in order to perform the duties assigned to them (Siciliano & Khatib, (2016). The robot, which is used in the welding, is regarded as the arc robot and the ones used for the painting are designed in order to perform the tasks of painting. These robots are able to undertake the task faster as well as in uniform and accuracy as comparison to individuals. Today there are various types of robot, which have been developed for the transportation industry. Some of this are travel mate robots.   These robots have been created an autonomous robot suitcase that has the capability of moving both vertically as well as horizontally positions. Another type is the SMP robots. This company have created unmanned robot, which have various applications such as the security as well as surveillance. These robot they have the ability to avoid the obstacles are they are able to work under the conditions that is difficult such as low temperatures of less than twenty degrees. The use of robots currently being used by some of the organization and Artificial Intelligence Company is part of these groups. The company has been some robotic technology in small number on their sideline business but they want to fully venture in to it in order to expand their business in Australia and the other region in Asia (Frankish & Ramsey, 2014).   The company is focused in the design of the robot, which would be used for the domestic use, mining, manufacturing as well transport industry. The company is small but they want this to be their expansion strategy. In order to be able to incorporate this technology to the company they are aiming at hiring designers in the field of robotic to help the company to be able to position itself in Australia as well as venture to the other regions (Suri, Dearani, Mihaljevic, Chitwood Jr, Murphy, Trento & Gillinov, 2016). The company has been using the robotics in their sideline business therefore with this experience and additional kno wledge they would be able to implement this strategy and begin the production process. Some of the areas they would use the robots is when it comes to security where they would replace the security personnel and adopt the SMP robotics for the surveillance and security. The robots would also be incorporated in undertaking the task therefore; there would be increase in the production. The short term option which the Artificial Intelligence Company could implement the robotic technology will be based on the making their invention to for the commercial purpose and the short be in a position of manufacture the robots, which are upgraded as comparison to their rivals. This will enable the company to establish itself in the market of Australia since they are capable of performing their duties much efficiently. Consequently, the capital gains from the project would enable the company to expand in the Australia region (Frankish & Ramsey, 2014). When it comes to the long terms options for the company, it will aim at utilizing the robots in their operations. When the company has gained enough ground in the Australian market as one of the major manufactures (Patel, Mullins, Pierorazio, Jayram, Cohen, Matlaga & Allaf, 2013). The company will need to incorporate the robots for increase of the production in order to meet the demand of the products produced since it would be th e major player in the market due to gain in the competitive advantage they would have. These challenges would pose a great challenge to the Artificial Intelligence company but they could be mitigated through the following: one way is the manufacture of the robot, which are much less expensive, thus it would enable the company reduce on the cost of manufacturing (Ingrand & Ghallab, 2014). On the issues of taking the jobs of individuals, they could be taken to training in order to learn about the programming as well as design thus they will be able to retain their jobs. Some of the consideration on these is the issue of unemployment. The company need to know that the robots will displace the job of many employees. Many individuals will lose job because a single robot can perform tasks of more than five people (Cohen & Feigenbaum, 2014). To address on the issue the company could encourage people to venture on other jobs or even self-employ themselves (Cohen & Feigenbaum, 2014). Another consideration would be on the security. An individual may hack the robot and take control of the robot to commit crimes. This could be addressed through designing of the robots that have encryption for the password to operate. This report was aimed to research on the robotic technology and its application in order for the Artificial Intelligence Company to consider in their strategic plan and be able to improve the business. There is many modifications, which could be made to the current robots to make them become more reliable as well as productive. From the findings, it has been found that the robot would provide a competitive edge against the competitor and they will offer productivity to enable the company venture in the Australia as well as Asia market.   The report would provide an insight to help the company to undergo changes to enable it operate the robots in all their operations. I would recommend the company to start in the design of the robot especially those that are used in the domestic uses since they are not complex to manufacture. Further, the organization should provide invest in the research in this field in order to be able to the company achieve diversity effectively and implement on the expansion strategy plan appropria Andrade, A. O., Pereira, A. A., Walter, S., Almeida, R., Loureiro, R., Compagna, D., & Kyberd,P. J. (2014). Bridging the gap between robotic technology and health care . Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 10, 65-78. Brighton, H. (2015). Introducing Artificial Intelligence: A Graphic Guide. Icon Books Ltd. Cohen, P. R., & Feigenbaum, E. A. (Eds.). (2014). The handbook of artificial intelligence (Vol.3). Butterworth-Heinemann. Cox, B. (2017). Artificial Intelligence Military Robots. Frankish, K., & Ramsey, W. M. (Eds.). (2014). The Cambridge handbook of artificia intelligence. Cambridge University Press. Ferber, J. (1999). Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence (Vol.   1). Reading: Addison-Wesley. Ghahramani, Z. (2015). Probabilistic machine learning and artificial intelligence. Nature,    521(7553), 452-459. Hagerty, J. (2015). Meet the New Generation of Robots for Manufacturing. Wall Street Journal, 2. Ingrand, F., & Ghallab, M. (2014). Robotics and artificial intelligence: A perspective on   Ã‚   deliberation functions. AI Communications, 27(1), 63-80. Jones, M. T. (2015). Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach: A Systems Approach. Jones &   Ã‚  Ã‚   Bartlett Learning. Patel, H. D., Mullins, J. K., Pierorazio, P. M., Jayram, G., Cohen, J. E., Matlaga, B. R., & Allaf,    M. E. (2013). Trends in renal surgery: robotic technology is associated with increased use   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of partial nephrectomy. The Journal of urology, 189(4), 1229-1235. Russell, S., Dewey, D., & Tegmark, M. (2015). Research priorities for robust and beneficial   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   artificial intelligence. AI Magazine, 36(4), 105-114. Shneier, M., & Bostelman, R. (2015). Literature Review of Mobile Robots for Manufacturing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   National Institute of Standards and Technology, US Department of Commerce. Siciliano, B., & Khatib, O. (Eds.). (2016). Springer handbook of robotics. Springer. Suri, R. M., Dearani, J. A., Mihaljevic, T., Chitwood Jr, W. R., Murphy, D. A., Trento, A., ... &   Ã‚   Gillinov, A. M. (2016). Mitral valve repair using robotic technology: Safe, effective, and   Ã‚   durable. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, 151(6), 1450. Tirgul, C. S., & Naik, M. R. (2014). Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Webber, B. L., & Nilsson, N. J. (Eds.). (2014). Readings in artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Wal-Mart's Employees are Motivated to do Their Jobs Essay

Wal-Mart's Employees are Motivated to do Their Jobs - Essay Example If Wal-Mart treated its employees so poorly, they would not be motivated in their jobs and the corporation would not succeed. So, how does Wal-Mart motivate its employees? They are motivated because the working environment in the stores creates a team atmosphere, because they can move up in position and are provided good benefits by the company, and because they feel that they help customers. Wal-Mart retail employees work in departments that provide a positive environment by using teams that motivate the workers to perform their job well. Each worker in a department has a specific task, and all members of the department work together to achieve the department’s goal. Because all the workers have a task that leads to a goal, they all have to depend on each other. This interdependence makes the team strong and provides a sense of belonging for the employees. Just like a sports team, each Wal-Mart department needs employees that work together in order to be successful. If one pe rson does not work, the team will not achieve their departmental goal. So, the employees are motivated to do their jobs for each other. The feeling of belonging is one of the most motivating of all human needs, but employees need more than just a sense of belonging. Wal-Mart provides other needs of the employees by giving them great benefits. One of these benefits is the opportunity to move to higher positions. Wal-Mart promotes within the company, so an employee that works hard can become a store manager. Workers who have the chance to better themselves are more motivated to prove their worth at their current level. Wal-Mart also provides employees with health insurance and life insurance. One of the greatest of human needs is the protection of health and family. Since the company gives benefits that allow employees to provide for themselves and their families, the workers feel thankful and are motivated to achieve in their roles. While employees are working each day, they also ear n vacation and sick leave. This benefit allows employees to spend time with their families which helps provide for the social growth of the family. But, despite all these extrinsic motivations, the greatest motivation the corporation provides is intrinsic. The main reason that Wal-Mart employees are motivated to do their jobs well is because they are helping customers. Wal-Mart sells items that are necessities for many people. Without Wal-Mart, most Americans would not be able to purchase the goods needed for their families, especially since the current economy has closed many stores that once provided products now only available at Wal-Mart. Additionally, for many customers, Wal-Mart’s low prices allow them to purchase more food and other items than they normally would, which is also important in a economy in recession. Because of all these factors, Wal-Mart employees feel good about helping customers get the items they need. They understand that by doing their jobs well the y are helping customers’ lives, and these customers are people who are just like them. When employees feel positive about the work they are doing, they are motivated to work harder. Despite what many critics say, Wal-Mart retail workers are motivated to do their jobs. Wal-Mart provides an excellent team working situation that gives employees a sense of belonging. Also, Wal-Mart provides good benefits for its employees that allow them to provide for th

Business&Management Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 words

Business&Management - Dissertation Example These five questions are very important as it covers all major areas for studying consumer behaviours. In order to cater to those five questions, this paper has presented and discussed important sections like literature review, primary research and secondary research. The literature review has presented important theoretical background to understand the mechanism behind consumer behaviour. The primary research has obtained important data for identifying the prevailing consumers’ behaviours and secondary research has provided the factual data to link with the primary data. The gathered primary data has disclosed major trends in consumer behaviour in car markets of the UK and on the Chinese people. These primary data are also discussed and analysed in the light of the given theoretical background and secondary data. The output of the primary data analyses has supported the consumer behavioural theories and secondary data. As per the discussions based on literature review, primar y and secondary data, this paper is able to cater to the five pre-defined research questions. The consumer behaviour in automobile industry of China and UK is influenced by a number of factors like culture, economic condition, brand, quality, price etc and these factors varies as per the national culture and system of the two countries. The successful automobile companies presented in both countries are able to differentiate and identify the multiple factors influencing the consumer buying behaviour. 1. Introduction The cultural paradigm of different markets like China and Britain reflect significant impacts on the purchasing behaviour of cars and domestic vehicles. The main aim of the paper revolves around understanding the reasons or factors which bring about cultural changes and thereby affect the demand for cars in the two markets. Chinese consumers in their activity of purchasing cars render special emphasis to the paradigm of quality and service. People of China tend to buy th e cars of those companies which tend to provide the best service available in terms of sales and customer service. Further, the Chinese consumers also entertain large amount of sales packages along with the products which help in enhancing the product attributes. The Chinese consumers in addition to enhanced quality and service parameters also desire better accessibility of the vehicles in the consumer markets. This signifies that the dealership factor with regard to the branded cars must be further enhanced to help the Chinese consumers gain easy and better accessibility to such products. Moreover, the Chinese consumers are also characterized as being effective negotiators while making a deal to purchase a new car. Thus, the car manufacturers who desire to enter

Econ 101 Model Building Exercise Research Paper

Econ 101 Model Building Exercise - Research Paper Example This means that economic recession cues may actually enhance interest in products that make people more attractive and presentable, despite the fact that recessions dampen interest in majority of product segments. By identifying why and how economic depressions and recessions affect the psychology of women, this model should enrich developing links between consumer behavior, economic conditions, and gender relationships psychology. Civi (2013) establishes that economic recessions can be associated reliably with increased consumer spending on traditional inferior goods, for example foregoing salmon for tuna due to budgetary constraints, as well as morale boosters like films. Whereas his research identifies increased spending on beauty and personal care products, the suggestion made is that this spending could be a third economic recession indicator, which has deep roots in human ancestral psychology. Ratner et al (2014), in turn, note that the economic recession of 2007/2008 saw a down-turn in spending for most consumer products and real estate consistent with other economic declines, while people were less likely to go on vacation to instead spending time at home. However, even with the predictable decline in consumer spending during the last recession, beauty and personal care products fared unusually well. Lopaciuk and Loboda (2013) supports this conclusion, showing that while the rest of the economy suffere d record sales decline, cosmetic companies like L’Oreal experienced a 5.3% sales growth, using this evidence as proof of the ‘lipstick effect’. This idea, it is noted, has been subject to discussion and debate in recent economic downturns, especially in the Great Depression during which sales in cosmetics grew dramatically. While consumer spending has always tended to decline in the midst of economic downturns and recessions, there is compelling evidence that economic recessions are linked to increased consumer spending on

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Method - Essay Example All participants were working at least part-time jobs, and had completed high school. The informed consent form will be read out loud to each participant, as well as being printed in English. All participants shall be assured of their rights to confidentiality, anonymity, and voluntary withdrawal without penalty. It was emphasized to the participants that no personal information would connect them with their responses, as code numbers would be used to de-identify all information that they provided. When each participant acknowledges that they understand the requirements of them in the study they will be asked to sign the consent form. Two booklets were designed for this study. A variety of media pertaining to the "Oklahoma Bombing" in 1995 (i.e., a "Political Terror Act"), and the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 (i.e., a "Religious Terror Act") were presented in either of an 8-page booklet. Each booklet presented media materials which emphasized the act as either "political" or "religious" in the text of the articles (e.g., "Terrorism and Religion" Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Vol. 20, November 2001).

The Gramscian approach to understanding civil society and how this Essay

The Gramscian approach to understanding civil society and how this might be relevant to how the world bank works with NGOs through its lending programme - Essay Example The Civil Society Unit of the Bank is directly charged with overseeing the carrying out of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and related projects. This report is compiled on behalf of the unit with the aim of shedding some light on what considerations and choices are made in conceptualizing such projects. The unit believes that whereas some of the concerns leveled at the Bank are genuine and well founded, the vast majority of them are based on lack of information on the theoretical framework of carrying out the projects (The World Bank, 2005, 4). The main approach used by the Bank in dealing with civil society in general is grounded on the Gramscian approach originally postulated by Italian scholar Antonio Gramsci. This paper aims at shedding light on this approach so as to allay some of the criticisms that may be based on misinformation about the approach. The post Marxist or Gramscian approach to the understanding of civil society is grounded in the works of sociology scholars Karl Marx, Georg Hegel and Gramsci. It came up in opposing response to the liberal democratic approach which was mainly propagated by philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville. Both approaches aimed at explaining the nature and role of civil society. The development of civil society dates back to Roman Empire in which it was known by the Latin term societas civilis. The term refers to the range of organizations, groupings and societies that operate outside the formal government. They include registered NGOs and more informal groupings such as pressure groups and other small movements (Mcllwaine, 2007, p 5). According to Liberal Democratic Approach proposed by Tocqueville and others, Civil Society is a mainly autonomous sphere of liberty incorporating an organizational culture that morphs into both political and economic democracy. It is therefore a productive force and a useful

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Econ 101 Model Building Exercise Research Paper

Econ 101 Model Building Exercise - Research Paper Example This means that economic recession cues may actually enhance interest in products that make people more attractive and presentable, despite the fact that recessions dampen interest in majority of product segments. By identifying why and how economic depressions and recessions affect the psychology of women, this model should enrich developing links between consumer behavior, economic conditions, and gender relationships psychology. Civi (2013) establishes that economic recessions can be associated reliably with increased consumer spending on traditional inferior goods, for example foregoing salmon for tuna due to budgetary constraints, as well as morale boosters like films. Whereas his research identifies increased spending on beauty and personal care products, the suggestion made is that this spending could be a third economic recession indicator, which has deep roots in human ancestral psychology. Ratner et al (2014), in turn, note that the economic recession of 2007/2008 saw a down-turn in spending for most consumer products and real estate consistent with other economic declines, while people were less likely to go on vacation to instead spending time at home. However, even with the predictable decline in consumer spending during the last recession, beauty and personal care products fared unusually well. Lopaciuk and Loboda (2013) supports this conclusion, showing that while the rest of the economy suffere d record sales decline, cosmetic companies like L’Oreal experienced a 5.3% sales growth, using this evidence as proof of the ‘lipstick effect’. This idea, it is noted, has been subject to discussion and debate in recent economic downturns, especially in the Great Depression during which sales in cosmetics grew dramatically. While consumer spending has always tended to decline in the midst of economic downturns and recessions, there is compelling evidence that economic recessions are linked to increased consumer spending on

The Gramscian approach to understanding civil society and how this Essay

The Gramscian approach to understanding civil society and how this might be relevant to how the world bank works with NGOs through its lending programme - Essay Example The Civil Society Unit of the Bank is directly charged with overseeing the carrying out of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and related projects. This report is compiled on behalf of the unit with the aim of shedding some light on what considerations and choices are made in conceptualizing such projects. The unit believes that whereas some of the concerns leveled at the Bank are genuine and well founded, the vast majority of them are based on lack of information on the theoretical framework of carrying out the projects (The World Bank, 2005, 4). The main approach used by the Bank in dealing with civil society in general is grounded on the Gramscian approach originally postulated by Italian scholar Antonio Gramsci. This paper aims at shedding light on this approach so as to allay some of the criticisms that may be based on misinformation about the approach. The post Marxist or Gramscian approach to the understanding of civil society is grounded in the works of sociology scholars Karl Marx, Georg Hegel and Gramsci. It came up in opposing response to the liberal democratic approach which was mainly propagated by philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville. Both approaches aimed at explaining the nature and role of civil society. The development of civil society dates back to Roman Empire in which it was known by the Latin term societas civilis. The term refers to the range of organizations, groupings and societies that operate outside the formal government. They include registered NGOs and more informal groupings such as pressure groups and other small movements (Mcllwaine, 2007, p 5). According to Liberal Democratic Approach proposed by Tocqueville and others, Civil Society is a mainly autonomous sphere of liberty incorporating an organizational culture that morphs into both political and economic democracy. It is therefore a productive force and a useful

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Compare and contrast the consequences of WWI respectively WWII Essay Example for Free

Compare and contrast the consequences of WWI respectively WWII Essay WWI and WWII brought an extreme destruction and devastation to the world, certainly the previous wars had also brought devastation, but in a totally different scale. These wars were the biggest in the history of men with unexpectedly huge causalities to every country participating. The technology of warfare had improved beyond the imagination of men, bringing weapons that could kill enormous masses of people within a short period of time. WWI and WWII both had devastating results, far more than expected since each war took more than 10 million lives each and as written in the header, that was much more than any previous war. The cost of the war had gone along the size. Whole Europe fell in large debts from the wars, and there were inflation everywhere, more severe after the first war, and you can almost assume that the leaders of the countries had learnt something at least. Especially the inflation were high under the depression in Germany. The previous optimism from the 19th century was gone, now people had experienced the true horror of war, of the first world war, and after the second world war the horror that it could be repeated, a thought which didnt occur to most people after the first war. Partly due to that many countries changed their ideologies after both wars, countries drew back after the first war, trying to repair some of the devastation, along with the more republics that came, the ideologies became more turned inwards the country above all, we are the better, nationalism is a possible definition, but in many cases, except Germany, who mostly under these years were driven by hatred and revenge against the unfair Versailles treaty, it was more a fear, a paranoia, especially for the French along the Maginot line, walls rose between countries and the whole area were pretty tense, not as tense as before the war, but still everything hadnt faded away. The exception for this was the USA with their attempts to create the League of Nations, but it became very short lived and hadnt the impact it needed for becoming strong. However it planted the seed for the coming UN, which makes another similarity, both wars created these welfare organisations. But after the WWII the countries in Europe again started to look over their own borders, becoming a little more widely minded, countries became more involved in worldwide questions and started with these war-preventative organizations like NATO, trying to prepare for the next war, now that they knew that a repeat of the war werent impossible. These would show themselves useful sooner than expected. Since WWII as well as WWI led to a new conflict, for WWI obviously the WWII, and later for the second, the cold war, although it werent even close to the scale of the previous wars mostly due to the fact that it didnt blossom to the war it were predicted to. Both wars also had an enormous impact on the economy in Europe. Among others huge economic debts piled up for each country involved. Furthermore the countries lost labour, since they got killed in the war. This was a downfall for the economy but to make up for some of the scarcity of labour women got to work in the factories, something which earlier was unthinkable, especially in the first world war. A general opinion of men during the late 19th century and the early 20th century was that women should be at home, taking care of the family etc, while men should work, providing the family with money. Although women was accepted working in factories to a great extent in the second world war, compared to the first and especiallty the time before, it would take a lot of more years before a women, not during war time should work. This also provided to the new liberal ideologies after the Second World War. Moreover things that had an impact on the economic change was the new technical improvements during the wars, since many products was invented as a consequence of the war and also the rate of mass production rose during the first world war. Also due to the enormous cost of the war there were inflation in many countries, one extreme example is Germany after the first world war, the Versailles treaty had put Germany under unimaginable debts. Debts that Germany had no opportunity paying back. Thats the major reason behind the inflation, when in just a few months in 1923 the worth of the mark compared to the dollar rose from 4.6 million to 4.3 trillion, about 1000000 times as much. Also the geography of the world changed after the wars, the borders changed quite a lot, and for example the first world war was the final blow for the Ottoman Empire, the reason that it fell, although it were about to fall anyway this was the spark. Then during the war Austria Hungary fell and the borders changed a lot in the Balkans. Finally, as pointed out the effects are quite similar, the atmospheres after the wars were rather similar, both were tense and allowed for new conflicts to start. The distrust of people for the government rose greatly. Furthermore theres one effect I havent taken up yet, the destruction of the earth after the wars, great parts of Europe were affected, trenches were built, big land parts were bombed, and destructed even whole cities were bombed, then especially the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki under the second world war. Then theres the social trauma, both of the soldiers and the families at home, losing their relatives. But as they are similar, there arent many significant differences, probably the biggest were however the fact that no country did demand any compensation for the war, then there were no opportunity of a scenario like the one of Germany after the First World War to occur another time. Even though there also were positive sides on the war like the great leap in technology the overall effects were greatly negative, both wars had devastating effects.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Unethical And Immoral Behaviors In Chinas Modern Market Economy Business Essay

Unethical And Immoral Behaviors In Chinas Modern Market Economy Business Essay With China stepping in the transform from traditional planned economy to modern market economy, a lot of unethical and immoral behaviors exist in its economic area during the process of economic system conversion and social transformation. It may cause by immature education level and economics growth too quickly. Sanlu Milk Incident, which has attracted great attention from all Chinese people, especially that from the Party Central Committee, is attributed to many aspects. Although it may be a serious incident of Chinese enterprise toward global market, but it may wake up the attention of Chinese government and management toward ethical business on the responsibility on customer. description on the milk scandal The toxic milk scandal became public in August 2008 with the disclosure that the baby formula produced by Sanlu was contaminated with melamine, which caused kidney failure among the babies who consumed it. However, until the Chinese Health Ministry confirmed on Sep 12, 2008, that the milk powder produced by Sanlu was contaminated by melamine, neither the government nor the company took any actions to warn the public. Later, government inspections reported that the products of 21 other dairy firms were also contaminated with melamine. Even as the milk scandal unfolded, many countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Australia, and Indonesia rushed to ban Chinese dairy products. Foreign companies which sold China made products or products which used Chinese ingredients had to recall their products. overview of food industry business ethics Significance of business ethics Nowadays, the issue of business ethics comes to peoples mind more frequently especially in the food industry since food are the essential items for human and it will affect our health directly. In 2004, the use of hair in the production of soya sauce was exposed and made headlines in the press. Moreover, there is many more news about China how they use very cheap material like industrial acid and oil to mix into their food products in order to minimize the introduction costs. As a developing country, business in China is developing very rapidly. It is now playing a more decisive role in social life and almost all people would be involved in business activities. As a result, unethical business behavior would have negative influence towards society. Hence, society is now more concerned with the issue of business ethics. Since the Chinese foods are now exported all over the world, ethical practice of Chinese enterprise issues are the key factors to be success. General perception on business ethics in food industry There is much news recently that related to food safety in world wide. Therefore, consumers have three types of ethical concerns toward food industry. Methods of Production and Distribution The production of food raises a number of issues that need to be considered. The packaged food industry essentially consists of manufacturing using farm produce. Clearly hygiene, quality control, health and safety considerations are of great importance. The following are among the issues that should be considered as per my knowledge: 1. Animal welfare in the meat products industry. 2. Use of child or bonded labour, or employment of illegal immigrants. 3. The International Labor Organization (ILO) standards provide useful benchmarks in this area. 4. Improper use of the pesticides, antibiotics, and other chemicals. 5. Misuse of water resources and the consequent impact on local farmers 6. Good quality control of the food supply 7. Ensure the material supply and healthy to human 8. Use environmental friendly packaging as much as possible for the packaging 9. Inform the actual gradients of the food contented 10. Inform the public immediately once unhealthy food was produced and distribute to market According to our observation toward Chinese business, their objective of the business is only generating profits as much as possible. The ethical senses are not significance within the society. Reason behinds the widespread sufferings of the infants According to the case content, there is several factors lead to this hazard. On Sanlu In fact, Sanlu acknowledged the problem far beyond the serious ha affects hazard explored in 2008. From the case content, there were several customer complained the problem to Sanlu about the ill effect of taking the milk by infants. However, Sanlu chose not to launch this news to alarm general public due to they do not wanted to affect its sales and image. In addition, they were not willing to import the sophisticated milk test machine from overseas. On Government First, we believed that Chinese government has too much confidence on the self governance by the enterprise especially on Sanlu these big companies. One of the regulations implemented was the inspection-free policy. A company would not be required to undergo inspection for a period of 3 years if it can meet the following three requirements: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Product with stable quality à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ High market share à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ passed the inspection for more than 3 consecutive times However, past performance did not reflect that there will be not problems in future. Since, the demand of Chinese milk increased significantly and the milk supply source has been polluted, the problem got serious in 2008. If Chinese government inspected the quality of Sanlu continuously, the situation will be under controlled. Moreover, the respond of the milk incident was too slow to control the situation. The Shijiazhang government and the Communist Party of China did not report about the said issue to the provincial and state level authorities till 9 Sep, 2008. At that time, about 53000 infants were already affected. On the steadily growth market and growth strategy of Sanlu Since there is high demand in milk industry and there is not strict control over the milk supply, more and more farmer and agent joined the supply market for making money. The situation got worse after the Mengniu and Yili enter into the Hebei market because the supply of milk was tight in this fast growth market. Since the milk demand from Sanlu and other company increased steadily, the market collection station cannot get enough milk for production. Since it is a profitable market to sell milk to these producers, many middlemen aroused and sell the milk to Sanlu directly. They were not ethical enough since they had diluted the milk to increase the supply volume for more profit and they added this melamine into the milk which was harmful to infants. Since not quality inspection from milk station, this toxic milk was finally gone into the market and lead to the milk scandal finally. Sanlu also needed to responsible on this issue since its growth strategy in market share made they ign ore the quality control by milk station and make this incident. Finally, the covered error of the milk scandal did not made the problem dismissed. Reversely, it generated a serious problem not only about the image destroyed of Sanlu its own but also the image of Chinese milk products, hundred thousand of farmer made not income and needed to kill all of their cows as well as thousands of infant were suffered from Kidney stone. If proper action has been done, the situation will be better. Sanlu and Government actions toward the milk scandal On September 17, 2008, the Chinese Health Minister, announced that melamine contaminated milk had led to more than 6,200 children falling ill in the country and over 150 children suffered acute kidney failure. Six days later it was announced that four children had died and the number of children falling ill had increased to 54,000. On Sanlus production and management actions On September 12, 2008, the Hebei provincial government ordered Sanlu to stop production after preliminary investigation confirmed that melamine contaminated baby formula was the reason for kidney stones among children. The company was also ordered to stop sales of all brands of its baby formula, recall its products, and destroy all the products that were unsold and recalled. Also Sanlu set up a fund of 800,000,000 yuan, which 700,000,000 yuan was estimated to be the compensation amount that the compensation amount that the company needed to pay to its customer such as refund, hospital expenses and compensation on sick or death of the infants. On September 15, 2008, Sanlu had issued a public apology of its role in the milk scandal. Zhang Zhenling (Zhenling), Vice President of Sanlu, read out a letter of apology at a news conference in Shijiazhuang, The serious safety accident of the Sanlu formula milk powder for infants has caused severe harm to many sickened babies and their families. We feel really sad about this. Sanlu Group expresses its most sincere apology to you. We solemnly declare we will recall all the infant milk powder produced prior to August 6. And for those produced after that date, we will also make a recall if consumers have doubts and worries.15 Later, Sanlu also sacked Wenhua. On Government actions The Health Ministry informed the World Health Organization, Hong Kong, and Macaus health departments, the New Zealand Embassy in China, and the press about the melamine contamination in baby formula. The Ministry also announced that a free medical checkup would be given to affected children. It sent medical specialists to hospitals across China to help treat the affected children. Started from September 2008, the Chinese government started a nationwide inspection of baby milk powder. It announced that liquid milk products including packaged milk and yoghurt would be checked for melamine contamination. On September 16, 2008, GAQSIQ announced an inspection of all Chinese baby milk powder makers and found traces of melamine in 69 batches of baby formula produced by 22 companies including brands like Mengniu,12 Yili,13 and Bright Dairy.14 After the inspection, these dairy firms were ordered to stop new production and sale of dairy products. As the milk scandal escalated, steps were also taken against some government officials. While some of them were sacked, some of them resigned owning moral responsibility. On September 17, 2008, Ji Chuntang, Vice-Secretary of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Mayor of Shijiazhuang, was removed from his job. Earlier, four officials including the Vice Mayor in charge of agricultural production, the Director of Shijiazhuang Municipal Animal Husbandry and Fishery Bureau, the Director of Shijiazhuang Municipal Food and Drug Administration, and the Director of Shijiazhuang Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision were dismissed. On September 22, 2008, Li Changjiang, the Director of GAQSIQ, resigned. On September 26, 2008, four executives of Sanlu including Wenhua were arrested for producing and selling sub-standard products. Milk dealers and suppliers were also arrested for selling contaminated milk to dairy companies. Jiabao, the then Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China, said, The government will put more efforts into food security, taking the incident as a warning. What we are trying to do is to ensure no such event happens in future, by punishing those responsible leaders as well as enterprises. None of those companies lacking professional ethics or social morals will be let off.16 In an effort to restore confidence among domestic and international consumers, the Chinese government introduced a new set of quality control standards which included strict limits for melamine in dairy products. In the case of infant formula, the limit was set at one milligram of melamine per kilogram and the limit for liquid milk at 2.5 milligrams per kilogram. On October 09, 2008, in an effort to stimulate the dairy industry of China, the Chinese government announced an emergency rescue plan for the affected dairy farmers. The government planned to give 300 million Yuan in subsidy. In addition, the interest rate for loans granted to dairy producers to buy raw milk was also reduced by 3 percent for the period between October and December in 2008. Some local governments in China had also promised to give a subsidy to the dairy farmers. For example, the Hebei province had allocated 316 million Yuan (US$46.4 million) as subsidies to dairy farmers. The dairy companies in China had to recall several thousand tons of melamine contaminated milk products. Sanlu was ordered to recall its products immediately after the Hebei provincial government found melamine contamination in its baby formula. After GAQSIQ had found melamine contamination in the products of 22 Chinese dairy companies, they were also asked to recall their products. On October 15, 2008, GAQSIQ ordered recall of all dairy products made before September 14, 2008. According to a notice issued by the agency, All supermarkets, shops, and all city, town, and village-level vendors will urgently remove and seal up all milk powder and liquid milk made before September, pending further testing. On December 27, 2008, it was announced by the Chinas Dairy Industry Association that the affected children and their families would get compensation from the 22 companies found guilty of producing and selling contaminated milk powder. According to the statement issued by the Association, The enterprises offered to shoulder the compensation liability. By doing so, they hope to earn understanding and forgiveness of the families of the sickened children. The money for compensation is in place now and will soon be handed to the people who have custody of the sickened children through various channels. If the babies suffer from relative after-effects, all medical fees will be covered by the fund. In a letter sent to the victims and their families by these 22 companies, the compensation amount was specifically mentioned for sick children, for those who were suffering from kidney failure, and for families whose kids had died because of the tainted milk powder. It was also mentioned in the l etter that dairy producers would set up a fund to pay the medical costs of the children who were ill, until they reached the age of 18. On January 22, 2009, two people were sentenced to death for their involvement in the Chinese milk scandal. Wenhua was given a life imprisonment and three other executives were given imprisonment from five to fifteen years In my personal opinion, the government failed to supervise product quality responsible. The effectiveness of the regulatory environment in China is slow in disclosure the hazard as well as makes prompt action to stop it. According to some research in the internet, there were many government departments to monitor food safety in China. As there was no single agency to look after all product safety regulations and enforcement in the country and there was no clear hierarchy of agencies, the duties of different departments often overlapped. Recommendations to Sanlu to recover its goodwill as well as Chinese milk industry toward global Investors who had already invested in the Chinese dairy industry were worried about regaining consumers confidence. In this respect it means consumers are now thinking twice before purchasing such products, so the key challenge now is to regain the consumers trust. As you can recall the case from Hong Kong, Vitasoy milk and Lemon tea also suffer from big hazard of the pollution in production line and made the milk turns sour in around ten years old. We believed as a well known organization with market leadership role, they can recover their goodwill step by step like Vita Corporation in order to gain the customer confidence again as below. However, the situation in Hong Kong is much easier to turnover since the government and the legislation control is much strict and clear to follow. If Sanlu would like to gain back the image, both Sanlu and Government needed to do something to ensure the quality of their products is healthy and safe to customer usage. We believe that ethical business environment is the key issue to recover the confidence from general public on the Chinese milk production On Government Regulations To avoid similar incident happen again, implementing of new issues and regulations are necessary. For example, AQSIQ should have regular and sudden inspection on the quality of products. The food industry inspection should be in random and strictly follow the international standard norm. Laws and ethics Nonetheless, only depends on laws, it is not sufficient to ensure the problem would not exist in future. It is more difficult to depend on enterprise to follow the law in PRC such the corruption and education level is not high. There are many acts that are legal but unethical. And there are also many people use money to change illegal to legal by cover the problem or override the checking from government. As in the milk scandal, the use of small amount of melamine was legal because it is not harmful to adult; there was no regulation on it. It is clear that laws cannot fully control human behavior; as law is only norm to control people behave. However, for business ethics, the standard is much higher than that of laws. It is because as a highly ethical company, their goals are not only profit but also care of the public as well as their customer. Ethics is not concerned only with peoples behavior. It is a standard for our core values. As an individual or a company, in addition to bein g legal, being ethical is the key which shows that their values are of higher standard rather than meeting the minimum requirement only. As a ethical corporation, Sanlu should use the concept that customers babies are their babies, they will not give some harmful materials or potential harmful ingredient towards their own babies. They should care the health of all babies although add melamine and dilute milk can be acceptable to increase production. Education on general public Peoples behavior is actually influenced by norm, attitude and values from the society and most likely are from their own family. Changes in norm, attitude and values are very important for improving business ethics. We believed that it is the value of Chinese enterprise was too famous on profit and do not know clearly what ethical standard they needed. Hence, on top of implementation of measures and regulations, education on both top management and employees would be the most fundamental way to do so. For example, government can improve more foreign consultant and special to teach ethic and made speech in university to raise the concern of general public and know they can do it profitability like coca cola, nestle as well as PG etc. On Sanlu itself Ethic knowledge training Unethical issues cannot be done by only one level. If the ethical standards are enough in the company, they will carry out a mutual inspection on other actions toward ethic enterprise. For example, before employees go to their working positions, the company should provide ethics training, covering ethical issues and addressing the rules, compliance requirement and the corporate values to their employees. Let employees realize the importance of business ethics for the company as well as their own. During training, discussions on cases of ethical dilemma and analysis with employees are valuable in developing employees awareness of business ethics and ethical competency. Furthermore, the company should communicate information about the reporting mechanisms with all employees. When there is any unethical behavior, employees can report to the company immediately. This would be the most efficient way to discover any problems and take prompt actions to solve them. Quality control process and crisis management Since Sanlus image was totally damaged in this incident, we recommend that Sanlu can import the modern of art testing machine for strict quality control and the production chain should be more transparent toward general public. They can set up a additional inspection team which contains outsiders from other milk industrys expert and also foreign country representative to investigate the production channel, sourcing as well as the healthy and safety level on its our products. Therefore, the general public may slowly regain its confidence on Sanlus milk products. Also, the management team should have a knowledge sharing about the investors New Zealand industry on how they manufacture the milk and ensure the required process and ethical norm can be implemented in Sanlu to regain the image from global market. Once the incident happened again, Sanlu should know how to reduce the negative effect toward customer like stop production immediately, message general public timely and recall all affected products from retailer and dealers in order to show their sophisticated experience in crisis management. Like Vita group, we believe that the market will accept their products again. In conclusion, we believe that the critical factor on this incident and regain image of Sanlu in the case is all about ethics. We believed that the technology and expertise in China are enough to produce healthy and safety products. However, their action has been affected by the norm to earn as much money as possible in short period of time by legal but no ethical actions. In order to reduce the negative image toward Chinese product such as foods, drinks, electronic and toy. Chinese government should pay more effort on improve the ethical standard by education and control of the government officials. If they cannot to do so, the short-term goal of Chinese enterprise toward profits without concern on general public would affect the development of the economy of whole Chinese market.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Children and Television Essays -- Sociology

As Americans we should be very concerned about the effect that television is having on our children. Today's children watch far too much television. As a result, a number of horrific conditions occur, which could have easily been prevented, if we as parents and caregivers simply would get off of our lazy butts and just turn off the tube. The National Coalition for Children and Families states, "By the time adolescents graduate from high school, they will have spent 15,000 hours watching television, compared with 12,000 hours spent in the classroom." The influence that television is having on America's children is having alarming results. Everyday we are seeing more and more children with developmental delays, distorted realities, and just plain laziness. Children as young a one year old and younger are influenced by television, and the effects have already begun to take place before we even notice that the baby is watching. Television has become a complete nuisance. It has taken hold of our children's lives and it is sucking their energy, creativity, and personalities right out of them. There are many educators, caregivers, and parents who are under the belief that television is an essential learn tool and has helped many children to advance beyond their age level. Many shows such as Blue's Clues, Sesame Street, and Barney are geared to teaching young children between the ages of 2 - 5. But the truth of the matter is children at this tender age are watching television without receiving any personal interaction. One on one interaction is a key developmental tool that is so desperately needed for toddlers to be able to progress in learning. But a line must be drawn when we allow television to be the sol... ...ll this help them to create a healthier lifestyle, but it will also help them to build their immune systems against disease. Grab a book and sit down and read to your child or have them read to you. This will help to develop their vocabulary and personal interaction skills, and not to mention its fun too. Another great idea is to pull out a game and sit down and play with your children. This will not only teach them many valuable skills, but also give them great memories for years to come. Basically it's about getting back to parenting. Learning together, and teaching each other new things, will help to develop a great relationship between the two of you. Give the babysitter (the television) the night off and just spend time with your kids. If you can do this, your children will be smarter and more secure, not to mention happier, healthier members of society.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing Moral Systems in Lord of the Flies, Crime and Punishment, Scarlet Letter, and Pygmalion :: comparison compare contrast essays

Superficial Moral Systems Exposed in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, and George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion    "The superficial nature of human moral systems" is a valid concern in society today. This has always been a factor in society that authors have felt the need to address. People see the hypocrisy in themselves and know that it exists in others. The manners that are so commonly used in public are rarely practiced in private. Most people are ashamed to say and do what they believe is right when they are in public. This understanding causes people to worry what other human beings are doing out of the public view. If it weren't for the opinions of others, most of the popular ideas on morality would not be implemented at all. In The Lord of the Flies, the morality of apparently civilized boys gradually seems to vanish in direct relation to the amount of time that they are separated from society. They never understood why they had behaved themselves before they were stranded on the island. They only repeated the moral systems of their parents just as any other perfunctory gesture. As soon as they are on their own, they begin to do what is easiest rather than what is "proper." This concept is not far from what the reaction to any person would be in this situation. If someone found that suddenly he were not longer responsible to anyone, his life would greatly change from the way it was before. People do many things to please family and friends. People only do what is expected. If moral behavior is no longer expected, it will stop being practiced. A perfect example of this human hypocrisy lies in The Scarlet Letter's Arthur Dimmesdale. To his congregation, Dimmesdale is an icon of morality, but he knows better. Every night he beats himself with a "bloody scourge" because he knows that while he is preaching against adultery, he has committed this act. In his Puritan society, what he has done is not allowed. Not only does he not want to be punished, but he also wants to keep his influence in the community. The public opinion is dear to him. He has convinced himself that it is better for everyone if he does not confess, but he knows that he is lying to himself.