Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Introduction to natural gas

Prologue to petroleum gas Petroleum gas is one of the most significant wellspring of vitality for lessening contamination and keeping up a perfect and solid condition we can call it as a future vitality asset. Notwithstanding being a locally rich and secure wellspring of vitality, the utilization of petroleum gas additionally offers various ecological advantages over different wellsprings of vitality, especially other non-renewable energy sources. This segment will examine the ecological impacts of gaseous petrol , interms of emanation just as the ecological effect of the petroleum gas industry itself. Petroleum gas is utilized more than 60 million homes. Moreover gaseous petrol is utilized in 78 percent of cafés, 73 percent of housing offices, 51 percent of emergency clinics, 598 percent of workplaces, and 58 percent of retail structures. Gaseous petrol is imperative to world makers, not exclusively to control their activities, yet additionally as a basic feedstock for a significant number of the items we utilize every day attire, rugs, athletic gear, pharmaceuticals and clinical hardware, PCs, and automobile parts. It is additionally an essential feedstock for synthetics, plastics and composts. Petroleum gas energizes our economy. It is a spotless consuming household vitality source that controls our economy. It cools and warms our homes and organizations , is utilized to produce power, and keeps up our personal satisfaction. Petroleum gas is a gas comprising basically of methane. It is found related with non-renewable energy sources, in coal beds, as methane clathrates, and is made by methogenic living beings in bogs, marshes, and landfills. It is a significant fuel source and a strong ozone depleting substance. Before gaseous petrol can be utilized as a fuel, it must experience broad preparing to evacuate practically all materials other than methane. The side-effects of that preparing incorporate ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes and higher sub-atomic weight hydrocarbons, basic sulfur and some of the time helium and nitrogen. Review of flammable gas: Petroleum gas is a non-renewable energy source wellspring of vitality, which speaks to more than one fifth of absolute vitality utilization on the planet. It has been the quickest developing vitality souce fuel since the seventies. Because of conservative and biological focal points that it presents just as its security quqlities, flammable gas is an undeniably alluring source oof vitality in numerous nations. At present, petroleum gas is the subsequent vitality source after oil. As indicated by vitality data organization, flammable gas represented 31% of world vitality creation in 2006. It has fantastic viewpoints for future interest. Flammable gas is viewed as the vitality wellspring of this century , as oil was a century ago and coal two centuries back. Gaseous petrol presents an upper hand over other vitality sources. It is viewed as monetarily progressively effective in light of the fact that just about 10% of the flammable gas created is squandered before it gets to conclusive utilization. What's more , innovative advances are continually improving efficiencies in extraction ,transportation and capacity methods just as in hardware that utilizes flammable gas. Flammable gas is considered as an ecologically neighborly clean fuel , offering significant natural advantages when contrasted with other petroleum derivatives. The better natural characteristics over coal or oil are that discharges of sulfur dioxide are immaterial or that the degree of nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide outflows is lower. This assists with decreasing issues of corrosive downpour, ozone layer consumption orgreenhouse gases. In spite of the fact that assets of normal are limited and flammable gas is a non-inexhaustible wellspring of vitality, these resorces are copious everywhere throughout the world. Gaseous petrol holds are ceaselessly expanding as new investigation and extraction strategies take into account more extensive and more profound boring. The developing significance of petroleum gas as a significant vitality source is appeared by the measure of venture gave to the flammable gas industry. The segment shows an extraordinary dynamism toward the start of the new milleniuum. Expanding request and costs in tje later in the ongoing past have prompted new development and investigation extends in the petroleum gas industry. New pipeline development ventures are created and arranged everywhere throughout the world. Moreover, most governments are dynamically remembering gaseous petrol for their vitality strategy plan, by following advancement policies(particularly after the vitality deficiencies of 1970s), so as to open the business sectors to rivalry. To an ever increasing extent, vitality last clients are likewise demonstrating an inclination for utilizing gaseous petrol a spotless, sheltered, solid and efficient wellspring of vitality. Flammable gas is utilized for warming, cooling and a few other industry utilizes, while it is progressively turning into the supported fuel for power age. Flammable gas is eventual fate of vitality and fuel necessities as it is one of the most perfect fuel the confirmations for this is delineated by following this information: Science of flammable gas: Flammable gas, similar to every single petroleum derivative, is the stay of ancient living issue that existed million of years prior. In the marine condition, dead creatures stopped on the sea depths, where they were secured by layer after layer of mud or residue which over the long haul became layers of rock. Covered underneath the ocean bed, the hydroicarbons put away inside the once living issue were protected , however their piece was modified by the warmth and weight from the stones above. A great many years after the fact, stores of these hydrocarbons can be found either in fluid structure as oil, or as petroleum gas. Petroleum gas frames in permeable layers of rock, with air pockets of gas caught inside the stone. Gas fields happen when a layer of impenetrable stone, for example, limestone, has shaped over the layer of permeable stone, keeping the gas from getting away. Stores of flammable gas are regularly found nearby oil stores. Petroleum gas is drab and scentless. It comprises mostlyof methane, however blended in with the methane are probably going to be other hydrocarbon mixes and a couple of contaminations. Gaseous petrol is dull scentless, bland, undefined and lighter than air. It is vaporous at any temperature over - 161 c. At the point when it is at its common state, it is preposterous to expect to see or smell petroleum gas. For security reasons, a concoction odorant that smells similar to spoiled eggs, mercaptan, is added to gaseous petrol with the goal that it very well may be smelled if there is a gas spill. Petroleum gas is a blend of light hydrocarbons including methane, ethane , propane, butanes and pentanes. Other compound found in gaseous petrol incorporates co2, helium hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen. The arrangement of petroleum gas is rarely consistent, in any case, the essential part of flammable gas is methane(typically, atleast 90%), which has a straightforward hydrocarbon structure made out of one carbon particle and four hydrogen atoms(ch4) . methane is exceptionally inflammable , consumes effectively and totally, while it radiates next to no air contamination. Petroleum gas is neither destructive nor harmful, its start temperature is high, and its has a thin combustibility extend, making it an inalienably protected non-renewable energy source contrasted with other fuel sources. Moreover , on account of its particular gravity of 0.60, lower than that of air(1.00), flammable gas rises if getting away, therefore scattering from the site of any hole. The carbon and hydrogen happens from the remaining parts of plants and creatures (organization in petroleum gas) Which were inside the lakes and oceans a large number of years back. The natural material at that point stirred up with colossal layers of silt and afterward turned around to flammable gas and unrefined petroleum as warmth from the earths inside and pressure from the layers transformed it. Petroleum gas is discovered everywhere throughout the globe in resorviors somewhere inside the earth and in seas. It is caught in permeable stone arrangements. Flammable gas can be found in oil stores, as related petroleum gas. Gaseous petrol when cooled ton a temperature of approx - 260 f, it changes over to a fluid naming condensed common gas(LNG). LNG has weight one half as that of water, or you can say 45% less weight at that point water to be careful. It is non destructive, non poisonous, scentless and dry. For accommodation in transportation and putting away flammable gas is melted to shape LNG. Petroleum gas is for all intents and purposes liberated from sulfur and accordingly doesn't produces so2 so considered as perfect and condition inviting wellspring of vitality it additionally transmits lower esteems os nitrogen oxides when contrasted and coal or oil. Force age: Flammable gas is presently utilized generally in the age of power by utilizing gas turbines and steam turbines. By joining gas turbines with steam turbines we can expand effectiveness of electric age and this mode is called consolidated cycle mode. Gaseous petrol creates less ozone depleting substances like carbon dioxide for an equal measure of warmth when contrasted with petroleum(30% less) also, coal(45 % less) along these lines consolidated cycle age of power utilizing gaseous petrol is the cleanest wellspring of intensity accessible utilizing non-renewable energy sources. Gaseous petrol is utilized in power age any place we can get it at a sensible cost further fuel cells(discussed in detail underneath) can be utilized for power age utilizing petroleum gas yet it isn't monetarily a decent arrangement. Energy components utilizing flammable gas: Energy units utilizing flammable gas for power age are being worked on. Power devices will be gadgets that utilizes hydrogen to deliver power their working is roughly same as of batteries. It is one of the cleanest method of creating power as their is no outflows what so ever and as we realize that characteristic gases are a rich wellspring of hydrogen so it very well may be utilized in energy components. Power modules are still a work in progress process as the way toward utilizing gaseous petrol in energy units is extravagant however on the off chance that they are utilized across the board everywhere throughout the world, at that point we can guarantee a perfect domain and can diminish outflows related with the age of power. Power age and mechanical application utilizes non-renewable energy sources for creating power and warmth . we can utilize flammable gas for such kind of tasks as it can assist with lessening

Saturday, August 22, 2020

National Australian Consumer Law- Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Fundamentally break down how the Australian Consumer Law influences engineers selling land to the extent that that law administers. Answer: Presentation In the Australian legitimate framework, the development of Australian Consumer Law (ACL) is a noteworthy advance towards managing the worry of reasonable exchanging and customer security. It is the aftereffect of wide helpful change that has been led by the Commonwealth and region and state governments. It is with the assistance of this bit of Legislation, wherein moves can be made against people and organizations breaking ACL. In this way considering the above talked about angles, the current task would feature on manners by which ACL impacts designers selling land. In this unique circumstance, the effect of ACL on engineers selling area will be talked about with specific accentuation on distortion and uncalled for contract terms. Distortion So as to talk about the effect of ACL on designers offering land with respect to deception and uncalled for contract terms, it is basic to examine the idea of ACL. It is the aftereffect of wide scope of agreeable change performed by Commonwealth and domain and state governments. It predominantly manages reasonable exchanging and buyer security. The bit of law supplanted Trade Practices Act 1974 and is a timetable to Competition and Consumer Act 2010. Upper leg tendon is being directed by Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) (Ross et al., 2013). In cases related with the penetrate of the law moves can be made against the mindful person. The perspectives secured under ACL incorporate gracefully of administrations or merchandise, award or offer of interests in land and the flexibly of monetary administrations or items. With regards to land exchanges, ACL is related with general restriction on tricky or deceiving conduct in exchange or trade. In land exchanges ACL additionally forces general restriction on unconscionable lead in exchange. Under ACL, the arrangement exists for making uncalled for contract terms void in customer contracts. Explicit unjustifiable practices can be prohibited in exchange and trade under ACL (Miller, 2010). Under ACL in land exchanges, the customers merchandise security and item related administrations are required to be kept up. The authorization and detailing of data gauges are likewise required to be kept up under ACL. Under Section 18 of ACL people are disallowed in exchange or business from taking part in direct which are tricky in nature or deluding or may bring about beguiling or deceiving the included gatherings. Under Section 30 of ACL, it has been restricted corresponding to deal or advancement of an enthusiasm for land or conceivable deal, misdirecting or bogus portrayals in relationship to nature of the enthusiasm for land, sponsorship, alliance or endorsement of the individual creation the announcement, payable cost for land, qualities of land, area of land, the utilization or utility of the land being put or may legitimately be put and the accessibility or presence or offices related to the land. This is material in portrayals related with exchanges identified with offer of interests in explicit land bundles. The effect on designers selling land because of encroachment of Section 30 of the demonstration may bring about common procedures because of the harms, a directive or a financial pu nishment, therapeutic requests (Nottage, 2010). Under the demonstration, it has been expressed with respect to which parts of agreement might be viewed as misdirecting or bogus that is exposed to intensive thought of the courts. The primary goal in this setting is thinking about the way that portrayal isn't simply confined to verbal explanation. It is reached out to an explanation that has been made orally or by suggestion from behaviors or words or in compositions. It likewise incorporates drawings and plans, photos, pictures, maps or disposition, signals and different behaviors (Malbon and Nottage, 2013). Notwithstanding the above examined perspectives, quiet to a pertinent reality can likewise be considered as portrayal, especially in circumstances in which misleading statement or portrayal has been played out that, at a specific timeframe was a fact that is not any more significant in setting to introduce timespan. In this setting it is required to be referenced here that it isn't constantly required to make a portrayal to another person who at last brings guarantee for example representee. The main viewpoint to be considered in this setting is whether a deceptive or bogus portrayal have been made or not, because of which with respect to the representee may encounter harm or misfortune (Rochow, 2010). Considering the above made conversation it might be expressed that distortion suggests a portrayal which negates the reality. A basic perspective to be featured in this setting is, it isn't constantly important for the individual creation the portrayal to realize that the announcement is bogus in nature. With respect to the individual creation the portrayal may have accept or observation that the announcement is valid in nature. Notwithstanding, the absence of information in regards to the lie of the announcement or the discernment that the announcement is valid in nature won't bring about giving them assurance from the risk (Paterson, 2011). To decide whether a portrayal is misdirecting in nature, the whole portrayal is considered alongside the setting in which the portrayal has been made. In this way, with respect to either parties, without thinking about the related conversation, typically the setting where the announcements were made, can't pick specific proclamations. A mentionable case related with distortion and the perspectives contemplated with respect to court to believe specific portrayals to be misdirecting or bogus in nature is Pryor v Given (1979) 24 ALR 442; (1980) 30 ALR 189 (FC). It is with the assistance of the specific case situation with the assistance of which the methodology of court in such cases can be watched (Findlaw, 2017). The specific case was in offer to the Federal Court of Australia related with choice under 53A(1)(b) of the pervious Trade Practices Act 1974 (the TPA). In the specific case the court held the appealing party as convict of offering misdirecting expressions identified with the offer of land. The grounds on which the lawful activity was started and based on was advisements available to be purchased of land in various media which utilize the expression a brilliant spot to live and watch it develop. These advertisements additionally included pictorial portrayals of various houses. In the specific case, the cou rt analyzed the commercials all in all and furthermore thought about the photos and expressions of the promotion (Harris, 2013). On investigating the promotion, it was seen by the court that a portrayal was made by appellants expressing that houses could be developed on the specific real estate parcel, though the reality repudiated their case wherein, the land was exposed to an arranging plan that required extraordinary endorsement from the power. The potential buyers of the specific real estate parcel were additionally exposed to cumbersome conditions. It was additionally held by the court that any person who saw the promotion would arrive at the resolution that houses could be based on the specific real estate parcel being referred to. At long last, it was found by the court that the appealing party was related with deluding portrayal in regards to the utilization of land that brought about break of Sec 53A(1)(b) of the TPA that was a forerunner to Sec 30(1)(f) of ACL. An intriguing part of Sec 30 of ACL is the absence of necessity to foundation the deal due to or liable to happen from the deceptive portrayal (kottgunn, 2014). Under the arrangements of ACL, portrayals made according to advancement of the offer of land with the assistance of leaflet that has been made accessible to the general population is viewed as enough to exhibit that an individual is related with misdirecting or bogus proclamations. With respect to engineers selling the land, due to related to such distortion under Sec 30 of ACL may have critical antagonistic effect running from common procedures identified with the harm, a financial punishment or directive or therapeutic requests. The money related punishments that might be experienced with respect to the designers because of penetrate of Sec18 of ACL for example misdirecting or beguiling behavior in the event that it is a partnership is potential remuneration for the case which is comparative if there should be an occurrence of people also. It is required to be noted here that these cases are not exposed to exclusion orders or common monetary punishments. In any case, with respect to petitioner, they are qualified under the law for look for money related remuneration up to a time of 6 years post the event of the direct (Corones, 2011). If there should arise an occurrence of penetrate of Sec 30 of ACL which manages offer of land and for making bogus or deceivin g portrayals the designers, if partnerships need to confront money related punishments up to $ 1.1 million or if working separately need to confront budgetary punishments up to $ 220,000. With respect to the engineers selling land, in the event of their related with specific cases of misdirecting or bogus lead need to experience common procedures and the case will be considered as common cases, in which the money related punishment that might be forced on the designer by the court is up to $ 1.1 million if there should be an occurrence of enterprises and up to $ 220,000 if there should arise an occurrence of people (Webb, 2016). The designer may likewise be furnished with encroachment saw because of which the individual will be forced with spot fines, which, in the event of companies are up to $ 6,600 and if there should be an occurrence of people it is up to $ 1,320. It is important here that in the event that an encroachment notice isn't paid by the designer the issue may bring ab out arraignment and on foundation of which may bring about most extreme punishments. Unreasonable Contract Terms Timetable 2 of ACL controls the unjustifiable terms identified with buyer contracts. With respect to the property engineers

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Chancellor Whats a Chancellor

Chancellor What’s a Chancellor Five months ago, I took on the position of Chancellor at MIT â€" a position I think of as a dream job. For the previous six years, I had been head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, which is also a totally cool job â€" head of the biggest (and best but don’t tell my colleagues in other departments I said that) department at MIT, and a department that is top ranked in Computer Science, in Computer Engineering, and in Electrical/Electronics/Communications Engineering. So it was not easy to give up a great job, but for me the chance to be Chancellor was impossible to decline. Some of my colleagues are puzzled by this transition. How could someone give up heading a top academic department? Perhaps this sounds great to you, but perhaps you are wondering â€" “so what is a Chancellor, anyway?” The job description is actually pretty simple (okay, there is probably a formal specification somewhere in the depths of MIT’s web site chain, but here is my version). In short, the Chancellor is responsible for “all things students!” From my perspective, this is as good as it gets. I get to oversee all aspects of student life and student learning for 10,000 incredible smart young people â€" wow! (As an aside, I can’t resist noting that both Cambridge, England and Cambridge, Massachusetts have academic institutions with Chancellors. MIT has me. The Chancellor at the University of Cambridge is the Duke of Edinburgh. I recently pointed out to MIT’s provost that the Duke of Edinburghs housing allowance was considerably more expansive than mine; however, I’m guessing that I am unlikely to see a castle built for me anytime soon!) While big chunks of this job involve juggling lots of short-term details, much of it is focused on articulating and developing strategic directions: what should a residence-based educational experience look like in a world of YouTube, Facebook, and smart phones and other mobile devices? How does MIT balance providing support for and encouragement of innovation and entrepreneurship by students with the traditional demands and rigor of academic excellence? How can MIT provide a global experience for every student who desires one and still meet the standards of MIT excellence in academics? What should the classroom of 2020 look like? Should there be classrooms in 2020? Given the interest in and demand for interdisciplinary careers, how can MIT create degree structures that support this while satisfying disciplinary constraints? To explore these issues, I have been on an extended “listening tour”: talking with students and student groups, with faculty, and with staff administrators; listening to alumni about their experiences and how MIT helped (or didn’t) get them to their current level of success; meeting with focus groups to examine alternatives on specific topics; and exploring best practices at other institutions. I plan to continue this process during the coming term, as I believe it is very important that MIT’s administration understand the needs and desires of previous, current and future students, and that our student body understand constraints on new initiatives and the decision process behind them. While I may not get to hear from everyone, I hope to get a broad sense of community ambition. I also hope that this gives you a sense of how MIT is wrestling with potential changes in our academic engine.

Friday, May 22, 2020

War And Peace, By Nancy Scheper Hughes And Philippe

In an age of multiple overlapping crises involving public institutions, war, capital and law, we witness a normalization of violence in everyday life. Violence, as defined by the World Health Organization is the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community that may result in various harms ranging from psychological harm and deprivation to injury and death. From an anthropological perspective, all dimensions of violence are shaped by cultural and social structures, ideas and ideologies. In their publication titled Violence in War and Peace, Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Philippe Bourgois suggest that expressions and repressions of violence are sometimes so deeply embedded in broader socio-cultural structures that they go unrecognized. According to Scheper-Hughes and Bourgois, these misrecognized and often invisible forms of violence-- racism, inequality and exclusion--are often not â€Å"disapproved of† nor seen as â€Å"deviant† behavior but, are â€Å"generally applauded conventional social, economic and political norms† (5). From these larger social, cultural, and political systems, violence derives its power and meaning. Examining instances of violence in these ways, within their wider contexts of power and meaning, is critical for a variety of reasons. First, it provides a foundation for understanding other forms of violence, such as interpersonal or gender-based violence; second, it reveals thatShow MoreRelatedFeminicide, Gender Violence Agains t Women5270 Words   |  22 Pageswomen in Juà ¡rez and it has certainly aided in the murders that have been and are still being committed against them. Overall, we see many inequalities between genders that in turn create subversive power hierarchies as described by researchers like Philippe Bourgois. This ï ¬â€šip-ï ¬â€šopping of gender roles within the workplace as well as domestically within the household opposing traditional notions of what men and women were supposed to do, we see systemic examples of gender-based violence. The underlyingRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesCollege Michael Cruz, San Jose State University Robert Cyr, Northwestern University Evelyn Dadzie, Clark Atlanta University Joseph Daly, Appalachian State University Denise Daniels, Seattle Pacific University Marie Dasborough, Oklahoma State University Nancy Da Silva, San Jose State University C hristine Day, Eastern Michigan University Emmeline de Pillis, University of Hawaii, Hilo Kathy Lund Dean, Idaho State University Roger Dean, Washington Lee University Robert DelCampo, University of New Mexico

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Find Out Who is Worried About Persuasive Essay Topics about Education and Why You Should Pay Attention

Find Out Who is Worried About Persuasive Essay Topics about Education and Why You Should Pay Attention New Ideas Into Persuasive Essay Topics about Education Never Before Revealed Persuasive essays are an excellent approach to encourage the reader to check at a particular topic in a different light. The greatest persuasive essays persuade the reader to agree with a certain point of view, perspective or maybe to take a particular action. Students may also utilize persuasive essays as a way to teach themselves various topics since the writers of persuasive essays are often likely to present their arguments with a lot of evidence and strong rhetoric. They can order persuasive essay models in order to get a better sense of what they should do, since professional persuasive essays are going to be missing a lot of the errors that amateurish writers are often going to make themselves. Students are accustomed to the simple fact which their professors give them with the assignment's topic. A great deal of students have a tendency to find writing a persuasive essay a little challenging because of the essence of the essay and its dynamics. One other important consideration is your private interest. Within a two-week period, you find it possible to revise your paper and enhance its quality when you feel a scarcity of uniqueness. There are quite a lot of topics that you're able to pick from, it all is based on the timeliness and the relevance of that said issue in society. There are invariably a vast range of opinions on the topic of technology, and here are our favourite things to consider on the subject. If it's a college essay, it is crucial to consider what aspects of it is going to be evaluated. If you are going to compose a persuasive essay on mental health then you first should understand the purpose and fashion of such assignment. A persuasive speech is intended to influence to alter the perception of the audience when it comes to their perception, belief, opinions, regarding a particular issue or topic that looks timely. Each time you wish to make sure your persuasive speech success, you ought to go far past the topic and words you have prepared. Selecting the correct topic for a persuasive speech may be not such an easy issue to do as it might appear. One other important issue when picking a persuasive speech topic is to select a topic that could provoke your audience a little. A Startling Fact about Persuasive Essay Topics about Education Uncovered Year round school isn't a good idea. Then you're interested in figuring out how to compose persuasive paper. When prior brainstorming is finished, you might begin drafting your essay. Let's say you think that Mexican-American relations need to be improved. Since you can see, lots of the topics listed are new and tackle the recent issues happening in the World today. To help students just like you find debatable topics, we've gathered a vast range of ideas on various subjects and academic levels. Selecting a simple topic may prove to be an incorrect track since you may have difficulties finding credible sources to support your views. Many studies have proven that educating prisoners will drastically reduce recidivism prices. You can also see leadership speech. A persuasive speech resembles a difficult challenge for many students. More persuasive housing is required. The education process is fluid. Though people believe education is a correct and will make society, generally, a better place for everybody, others feel there's no real method to provide a free college education as colleges would still must be funded (likely through tax dollars). Argue that public higher education has to be free for everybody.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Digital Fortress Chapter 42 Free Essays

Inside Node 3, Susan caught herself pacing frantically. She wished she’d exposed Hale when she’d had the chance. Hale sat at his terminal. We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Fortress Chapter 42 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Stress is a killer, Sue. Something you want to get off your chest?† Susan forced herself to sit. She had thought Strathmore would be off the phone by now and return to speak to her, but he was nowhere to be seen. Susan tried to keep calm. She gazed at her computer screen. The tracer was still running-for the second time. It was immaterial now. Susan knew whose address it would return: [email protected] Susan gazed up toward Strathmore’s workstation and knew she couldn’t wait any longer. It was time to interrupt the commander’s phone call. She stood and headed for the door. Hale seemed suddenly uneasy, apparently noticing Susan’s odd behavior. He strode quickly across the room and beat her to the door. He folded his arms and blocked her exit. â€Å"Tell me what’s going on,† he demanded. â€Å"There’s something going on here today. What is it?† â€Å"Let me out,† Susan said as evenly as possible, feeling a sudden twinge of danger. â€Å"Come on,† Hale pressed. â€Å"Strathmore practically fired Chartrukian for doing his job. What’s going on inside TRANSLTR? We don’t have any diagnostics that run eighteen hours. That’s bullshit, and you know it. Tell me what’s going on.† Susan’s eyes narrowed. You know damn well what’s going on! â€Å"Back off, Greg,† she demanded. â€Å"I need to use the bathroom.† Hale smirked. He waited a long moment and then stepped aside. â€Å"Sorry Sue. Just flirting.† Susan pushed by him and left Node 3. As she passed the glass wall, she sensed Hale’s eyes boring into her from the other side. Reluctantly, she circled toward the bathrooms. She would have to make a detour before visiting the Commander. Greg Hale could suspect nothing. How to cite Digital Fortress Chapter 42, Essay examples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Rebati is the one of the first and major modern Or Essays

Rebati is the one of the first and major modern Oriya work by one of the great writer Fakir Mohan Senapati . Rebati is the story of a young innocent girl whose desire for education is placed in the context of a conservative society in a backward Odisha village, which is hit by a HYPERLINK "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholera" \o "Cholera" Cholera epidemic . Story main theme moves around the protagonist girl Rebati , who wants to study. The story contains the theme like feminism, girl education, love and desire, superstition, etc. The story itself also opens a third dimension when it deals with the silent romantic relation between Rebati and a school teacher. By displaying a forbidden desire for learning Rebati , the female protagonist of the story, seems to invite misfortune for herself and her community. Fakir Mohan 's " Rebati " became an icon and her story an allegory for female education and emancipation. Rebati belongs to an interior village of Orissa where education of a girl child seemd to be a taboo. She invited the misfortune by just one forbidden thought of "learning". Once she decided to be educated, she was heavily opposed by her grand mother . At the old time, society declares the separate works and responsibly for boys girls. According to society, girls must only learn to cook, sewing, singing bajan , participate in religious activity etc. Shayamabandhu is the father of protagonist girl. His character contains the elements of modernism. His attitude and nature is different to the society. He believes that girls have also right to education so he is in favour of his daughter study and decide to send her to "village girl's school" but on the next side, the grandmother and other peoples of neighbours were not agree on the Shayambandhu decision. Meanwhile, Basudev Mahapatra enters in the village as a school teacher. Basu , got his graduation degree from a school of Cuttack and was an orphan so Shyamabandhu's wife treat him as his own child. In response, he also respects and care the family and family members. He visits the house daily to teach Rebati . The grandmother didn't like whatever was going in the house but Basu never cares about her. A silent love started to develop between Rebati and Basu but they never share their emotion with each other. The peoples of neighbours started talking about the relation of Rebati and Basu . She had just one support that is f rom her teacher. But story turned tragi c when the epidemic cholera hit the village. The whole village inc luding the family of Rebati got into the grip of this devil epidemic. It killed her father and her teacher! And the grand mother of Reba ti blamed her for the misfortune happens in the surrounding. According to her, all these happen ed because Rebati wanted to be edu cated! Girls and their education are one of the most controversial issues of Indian history. It had been 69 years of our independence and we are living in 21 century where we are talking about the smart cities and bullet trains. But the other-side government is forced to run the campaign like " Beti padhao , Desh Badhao aandolam ". This type of 21-century campaign shows that till today India did not totally change on the matter of girl's education. " Rebati " not only influenced female education, women's writing, or feminism; it also influenced the short story writers of Odisha at a later period. In the early 1980s, HYPERLINK "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagadish_Mohanty" \o "Jagadish Mohanty" Jagadish Mohanty , wrote a story based on the protagonist character " Rebati ". [5] and it made a new tradition. Since then hundreds of stories were written on women's agony, where " Rebati " represents women's fate in the changing scenario of the time. The Exercise Book, one of the less known but deeply influencing sho rt story by Rabindranath Tagore , centers around the life of a girl-child in Wet Bengal, India before partition. The protagonist of the story is Uma , which captivates the reader to be part of her joys and sorrows, her innocence and justifiable aspirations. This story explores the impact

Friday, March 20, 2020

When Is the Next SAT Test Date

When Is the Next SAT Test Date SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Here's a guide on when the next SATtest is happening and deadlines for signing up. At this moment, the next SATtest date is October 1, 2016. If you're prepping for the test, maximize your score withour top 5 SATprep strategies. Thenext SATregistration deadline is September 2, 2016. The late deadline, with extra fees, is September20, 2016. Make sure you know how to sign up for the SAT and how much it costs. Scores for the next SATtest will be released October 20,2016. Do you know what a good SAT score is? Make sure you know how high you really need to score. For college applications, it's important to get a great SAT score. Here are our best SAT strategy guides to get you on track to improving your SAT score. How to get a perfect SAT score, by a 2400 scorer Perfect score guides for SAT Reading, SAT Math, and SAT Writing Learn our complete set of SAT grammar rules Make sure you know the best way to study SAT Vocab Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Maritime Traffic Lanes

Maritime Traffic Lanes Traffic is controlled in coastal waters and inland passages with marker buoys. Buoys in coastal areas are known as lateral markers and when found in traffic lanes they are known as channel markers. Both types of markers serve the same purpose. They guide a vessel through an area known to be safe for passage, and provide a traffic separation scheme similar to a road on land. These â€Å"Rules of the Road† are very similar to those you follow while driving an automobile on land, so we will use that as an example when talking about marine traffic. IALA A and IALA B If you are driving a car in an overseas country it is sometimes necessary to drive on the opposite side of the road than you usually do. This is the same for ships, but fortunately there are only two schemes IALA A and IALA B. IALA stands for International Association of Lighthouse Authorities. IALA A is used in Europe, some areas of Africa, most of Asia, plus Australia and New Zealand. IALA B is used in North America, South America, Japan, the Philippines, and Korea. Traffic Marker Buoys Marker buoys come in two colors, green and red. Red buoys mark one side of a traffic lane and green marks the other side. Think of the area in the middle as a road or highway. On land a road has painted stripes marking safe areas for travel; a solid line marks both sides of the road and is meant not to be crossed- think of the red and green buoys as these lines. A road has a line painted in the middle to divide traffic by direction; in a maritime environment the center divider is invisible. The separation line is exactly in the center of the marked course. IALA A Rules In Europe, Australia, New Zealand, plus parts of Africa and Asia, the IALA A rules are in force. This means that when traveling you should keep the green buoy on the right or starboard side of the vessel. The shape of the marker also gives you traffic information. A triangular or cone-shaped top indicates the marker should be kept on the starboard side of the vessel. IALA B Rules The IALA B traffic separation scheme is used in North and South America, Japan, the Philippines, and Korea. It is the opposite traffic flow of the IALA A scheme. This is like driving on the opposite side of the road while overseas. In this case, while traveling keep the red buoy on the right or starboard side of the vessel. The same triangular or cone-shaped top will be present on markers which should be kept on the starboard side of the vessel. Both traffic patterns have the same rules when it comes to marker shape. A triangular marker is always kept on the starboard side of the vessel no matter if it is red or green. Markers to the port side of the vessel will be square or flat-topped. Entering and Exiting Traffic Separation Schemes When entering a traffic separation area, proceed with caution and be alert. This is like a highway on-ramp for ships and smaller craft. At busy times many vessels will be trying to enter these lanes. Try to align your vessel in the direction of travel within the lane. Essentially extending the lane beyond the actual lane markers will help you smoothly transition from open waters to the traffic lane. The entrance to a traffic separation scheme is subject to rules of Right of Way. The Right of Way is one of the most important parts of the Rules of the Road and needs to be understood completely for safe operation. Sometimes automobile traffic in busy areas takes on a special set of rules that is different from standard operation, and is usually only understood by local drivers. The same thing is true on the water. Local vessels like water taxis or tender boats might not follow these traffic lanes, this is not necessarily breaking the rules because the vessels need to operate outside the lanes to do their job. Exiting a traffic scheme is similar to entering. If you are traveling out into open water it is best to extend your heading past the end of the final marker. If your vessel is large or slow moving, traffic behind your vessel might be eager to pass. Wait until traffic clears before changing your course because not all vessels will sound the proper horn signal when attempting to pass. Be careful, Right of Way is important, but avoiding collision is more important than being right. You may need to exit a traffic lane before reaching the end of the marked passage to reach your destination. Buoys are marked with numbers like street numbers. Red buoys always have an even number and green are marked with odd numbers. Maneuvering between marker buoys is acceptable as long as it can be done safely. Check for traffic outside the lane and for any orange and white buoys marking obstructions. If the way is clear you may proceed. If you must cross the oncoming lane of traffic, wait for an appropriate gap in traffic and turn a perpendicular course across the lane. Keep other vessels in mind when slowing down or turning out of a lane. Ships have limited maneuverability at low speeds and take a long time to stop. If you cannot turn across a lane without obstructing traffic, exit on the opposite side and wait for traffic to clear then proceed across both lanes to your destination. Traffic Lane Crossings Where two traffic lanes cross there is a special marker buoy. It is striped horizontally with red and green bands. This is similar to an intersection of a primary and secondary road. The top band designates the primary traffic route and the lower band designates the secondary route. Right of Way rules govern how traffic flows at these crossings- primary and secondary designations do not determine which vessel may cross first.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Creative Action Plan XM Satellite Radio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Creative Action Plan XM Satellite Radio - Essay Example Client: XM Satellite Radio Holdings Target: Description of the target audience. Mobile Commuters. Early adopters of technology. Age 20-45years. Music lovers who appreciate variety. Techno savvy generation â€Å"Y†. Middle to upper class social strata. Competitive snapshot: Direct competitors as Sirius and WorldSpace (international competitor). Indirect competition from all providers of traditional AM FM radio, Internet Radio, cable music channels and other GPS mobile services that can offer music. CDs and MP3 Old thought/New thought: â€Å"When on the move, listening to my favorite stations becomes interrupted with coverage limitations. What’s more, the traditional AM /FM stations offer limited variety and high advertising clutter. But now with XM Satellite Radio I can listen to over 100 channels, uninterrupted in every corner of the country with crystal clear digital sound clarity† Competitive advantage: Specifically, what our product does that other brands donà ¢â‚¬â„¢t do as well. Offers technology innovation and program variety in digital sound quality anywhere within the country.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Macro economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Macro economics - Essay Example Underemployment and unemployment has had very damaging effects to the social and economic fabric of Europ. Underemployment is an immense social evil and a colossal economic waste. Unederemployment leads to an enormous degree of personal hardship and misery. It also destroys familial relationships, breeds racism and sexism and paves the way to social disintegration. Undermployment is the primordial factor for the alarming growth of inequality and poverty. The aggregate expenditure of the United States in the 1980s were focused on pension provision, education public works, defense spending and healthcare. Education expenditure in most developed countries constitutes 6% of GDP. Private expenditure in education adds two/thirds of a percentage point. United States private spending in education equals 1.6% of GDP. Higher levels of education expenditure reflect the importance attached to education at the policy level and also at the individual levels. Education is helpful for economic and social progress. Between 1970 and 1988 real spending in education had increased by 50% in the US. Numerous public works projects show a favorable benefit-cost ratio. Lifestyle improvements in transportation and communications help citizens enjoy a better lifestyle. Defense expenditures help protect democracy in America and around the world. A portion of the aggregate expenditure also goes to the payment of interest on the national debt. As a result, consumption outlays usually dominate the Federal budget and state budgets. (Joyce and Mullins, 1991) B. DISTRIBUTION OF US AGGREGATE EXPENDITURES The table indicates that, as a component of total state spending, state education and health/hospital spending have experienced a slight relative increase over time, while highway spending has declined dramatically, and public welfare spending has experienced a large relative increase. For local governments, the shifts have been toward health and hospital spending and away from education, highway and public welfare spending.The state's share of total spending has increased slightly overall. State spending on education and public welfare has increased significantly over the 23 year period since the 1970s. The expenditures for capital outlays, health and hospital spending, and highway spending has diminished. In addition, the state share of revenue and taxes should decline, as should the state share of expenditures. There are shifts for states with in four areas: 1) state taxes as a percent of total state general; 2) state aid to local government as a percent of local general revenu

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Examples of Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life

Examples of Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life Based on our group opinion, emotional intelligence plays an important role in our daily life and workplaces. Without emotional intelligence, we can categories as imperfect individuals. Although we need cognitive intelligence to solve problem but cognitive intelligence just represent a small proportion in our daily life. Therefore we agree with the emotional intelligence is more important than cognitive intelligence in influencing an individuals success. Inside our suggestion part we will suggest ways to overcome the problem the problem from our topic and apply some suggestion into some parties such as employees, managers and organization. Firstly, is about individuals. Emotional intelligence is important for individuals especially in team processes. Basically we know that we have to learn how to social with diversify people, particularly once we take part in the real workplaces, we have to work with diversify people in one group. Inside the group without teamwork, everything cannot be done well. When we work with diversify people, sometime we have to be patient in our group, because different people have different behaviour and attitudes, when they work together in one team, sure internal conflict will occurs, to avoid it, we suggest that establish a well develop emotional intelligence on ourselves first. A person with well-develop emotional is rational when they are in work and doing decision making. Besides, we also know that problem solving and decisions making can easily affected by the differing emotion. Employees with high level of emotional intelligence are capable to manage the stress and frustration which occ ur in goal setting. On the other hand, as we know that emotional intelligence are related to interpersonal team processes which consist of conflict management, motivation and confidence building. Normally this problem we cannot inevitable it, because all this problems are the natural impacts of emotional intelligence. Therefore, every group member should learn how to cooperate with the others member by encouraging each others, understanding and concern their group, accept the comment from others people, try to learn how to control our emotional in workplaces. This is why we often say that individuals with high emotional intelligence, they are more engaging in management where can motivate and stimulate team members. To be a successful individual is not easy, except we should have cognitive intelligence, we also have to develop our emotional intelligence, this is a well-develop individual that many companies looking for. Sometime when we talk about emotional intelligence, normally it will relate to job satisfaction. Our group suggest that, in order to have a better emotional intelligence on job satisfaction is to understanding the conditions. It means that we need to know how emotional intelligence can influence the job satisfaction that will help to determine its potential importance for an organization and we also tend to know that through the competencies management literature we can fulfil the job satisfaction. For instance, if you have a good performance in an organization which mean have contribute an good idea for the company, you will get better reward from the organization. It will lead to an individual job satisfaction. Besides, having a good team member of emotional intelligence would lead to an individual to have higher levels of job satisfaction. Apart from this, a leader should have a high emotional intelligence to monitor the group members. But, sometimes not every leader can perform well in the workplace, because many of them dont have developed a good emotional intelligence and at last make the group force to split. One reason of this often happens because the leader lacks of confident in their ability to manage their own feeling and the others emotion. One way to overcome this problem is to give the leader various situations workforce. The leaders will force to face the situation. With this, the leader will able to across the entire situation one by one and slowly increase his confident level. At the same time, his emotion also becoming more controllable and he also manage to monitor his group very well. On the other hand, sometime the employees cannot perform well on job satisfaction; actually leaders can help them to achieve it. Therefore, a group must lead by a leader. Because normally people can become a leader is because they have high emotional intelligence they know how to control their emotion on work. For example, when an employees cannot do his well in his work, the leader cannot angry with the employees; in contrast the leader should motivate or encourage his worker to make their work more efficiency. That is why a majority company leaders have to send their members to a course that can train or manage their emotional. They will learn the important of being good emotion in a group, through this training programme, the employees will learn more on team work how to cooperate with his or her group member in a harmony environment without any internal conflict happens. Many researcher finalise that the leader should discover the emotional intelligence of the employee and work with their team to achieve success of a task. But a diversify workplaces is a challenges for a leader to well manage their employees. Because different people have different region, culture, emotion and attitudes. we cannot hope that everyone is the same, and the leader also cannot assume that every workers can follow their roles and regulation to well perform in workplace. Therefore, what should a leader do is to join inside their group, and discover all this things. Once the leader can mix with his group member, the group member will have positive emotional intelligence on work and cooperate with each members, because they well-know each others. After we discuss all the problem and some suggestion on employees and leaders, we will discuss about organization. The effectiveness of a company or organization is depends on the members of the company such as manager and workers. Many companies have a diversify culture of worker and this is easily to come to a misunderstanding between workers and leaders. Different cultures also become a big problem in the company which will bring to an argument. This will happen because all the members in the organization lack of emotional intelligence. To overcome this problem, leaders play an important role. Leader is the one who monitor the organization and he should try to settle the problem that the organization faces. In our group opinion, I think that the leaders should create a programme to build up the teamwork, let the employees know that teamwork is important in an organization. Throughout this programme, they will be lack of internal conflict happens. Actually when a company have well- develop leaders and workers in emotional intelligence, it will be an advantage to the organization or company. Because when they are doing their business or in-charge in customers service, they really need play high emotional on their job, especially when they meet a customers who purposely make difficult job for them. According to Daniel Goleman, the author of Emotional Intelligence, he mentions that 85% of a personal and professional success will be affect by our emotional intelligence. For our group point of view, emotional intelligence will bring more advantages to a human being. It not only can help a human in their job, but also in other sector, such as family, student, business areas and so much more. Take an example, a student with a C on his or her report card, can still be excellent at any job if he or she has the emotional intelligence skills. Thus, we agree that emotional intelligence is more important than cognitive intelligence. Based on our understanding, we think that people who have high emotional intelligence means he or she who are expert in controlling and managing their own feelings. In order to be expert in emotional intelligence, we can try to develop it personally. We suggest that to develop our emotional intelligence, a person must first understand his or her own feelings. What is the meaning of understanding he or she own feeling? Such as when I angry or sad, we can predict it and try to control it dont simply put in on our face, this will make the people all around u feel the unhappy emotional. Therefore, we should avoid it to influence others people. As Daniel Goleman said, self-awareness by controlling my own emotional, I will know my own weakness and strength. Thus, a person that intends to develop their emotional intelligence must learn to be self awareness or self cautious. Secondly, self-regulation is the way to develop our emotional intelligence. After understand own self emotions, we should try to control our own self emotion flexibly, that is we should calm down when we are in anger mood because it will affect our decision making. All the problem and suggestion above is based on our group members opinion. We want to share that how important of emotional intelligence is and how it influence our daily life, decision making on workplace and relationship. Therefore, a well-develop emotional intelligence people will be more success in their future life compare with the people who just relied on cognitive intelligence. We can be more hardworking to build up our cognitive intelligence, but emotional intelligence is different, we have to experience it through our working experience and daily social with others people.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Importance of Muhammad for the Success of the Arab Conquests Essay

When considering the question of the Prophet’s success in the Arab Conquests there are various factors that must be taken into consideration. These factors shape the success, give reason for the rapidity of the spread and illustrate why Arabia was so responsive to his message. Factors such as the state of Arabia and its pagan tribes, recent historic events and the dissatisfaction of the peoples, shape this drastic and historic change in the area. Arabia was in a constant state of war due mainly to the power struggle between the Sasanian and Byzantine empires; the emperors spoke different languages and believed in other religions than their peoples. There was little loyalty and it did not much matter to the folks under which rule they lived. The lack of community, a sense of unity between the various tribes in Arabia and multiple wars were predominant factors that made way for the imminent success of Muhammad in the Arab Conquests. From the time of the Prophet’s first re velation in 610 to the death day of the Prophet in 632, Arabia had undergone a drastic and, for such time limitations, incredible changes. Starting with the geographical aspects it must be elaborated in context how the state of Arabia, the birthplace of Muhammad, was functioning and what its beliefs were pre-Islam. It must also be mentioned that in comparison to the rest of the Middle East, Arabia was considered fairly primal. It lacked any form of government or state policies as every clan was totally independent and had its own rules and leaders, called Shaykh. Such leaders acted as mediators to disputes and needs of the tribe. The tribes mostly lived off pasturage as opposed to agriculture, excluding the harams that were implemented on travel routes, in oasis and in junctures to neighbouring areas. These served as a common point for economic, social and political trade, as well as worship. Arabia was home to various pagan tribes, including the Banu Hashim into which the prophet was born, spread over the area in no apparent kind of structure. Thus, it is fair to say that Arabia was a socially and culturally less developed area than the rest of the Middle East. Secondly, Arabia was subject to numerous power struggles, which fragmented it severely. From local tribal wars, to clashes between Yemeni, Nabatean and Roman kingdoms (sixth century BC – 271 AD ) to finally the main exhaustion of the region in the early seventh century – wars  between Sasanian and Byzantine empires. Only the rise of Mecca in the late sixth century as a centre for economic trade and pilgrimage, could establish a semi treaty between the leading tribe called Quraysh, Byzantines and Bedouins to ensure safe passage of goods, which was beneficial to all. Mecca won recognition as a commercial and political influence in Arabia. However, most of Arabia was still home to incompatible Bedouin communities, which opposed each other in political, social and religious views. This resulted in many conflicts and portrayed, once again, Arabia as a torn and unstable area. Having illustrated the state of Arabia, it portrays â€Å"a world waiting for a guide† around the time of the rise of Islam. A new form of existence, social trend and way of life was to be largely appreciated by rivalling tribes. The main documents of Islam, which emerged or deal at the time of the Prophet, include the Qur’an, a divine revelation of God’s words through the angel Gabriel to Muhammad himself around 610 and the hadiths, traditions and sayings of and about the Prophet. In 613 Muhammad first started to publicly preach and attracted early converts of mostly socially and economically weakened classes to whom this monotheistic message offered salvation from the falling order in Mecca. The sheer force of Muhammad’s inspiration and beauty of speech, as he was illiterate, seemed to persuade people as well as raise universal opposition. Muhammad and his followers shortly became a threat to the Quraysh clan whose pagan religions were challenged by his message, that there was one God only. Muhammad was still able to preach, protected by his uncle Abu Talib and his tribe the Banu Hashim and flourished as a leader of the community. The Quraysh declared Muhammad as a madman and discredited his preaching, boycotting his motions. When it became apparent that his word was no longer considered reliable and that he was not gaining more converts, Muhammad was in search of a political base that could shelter him and his followers from the attacks of ridicule and harassments. This base would act as a home for the community. The Prophet’s forceful and leading persona was attractive to solve Medina’s anarchic feuding. The year 622, after the pledge of al-‘Aqaba to defend Muhammad, is known as the most dramatic event in Muslim history and the first year in the Islamic calendar. This year marks the hijra, the migration and the entry  into a community of Muslims. Due to no existing leadership or effective rule in Medina and through the portrait of an â€Å"Arab Elite† most communities wanted to pertain to, as this included fiscal and job protection advantages, remaining pagans learned Arabic and soon converted to Islam. Jewish clans that rejected the Qur’an and Muhammad as a Messenger of God were either executed or forced to exile, their properties taken into claim. Not only had Muhammad, in 10 years, managed to attract a large amount of converts, but he had also created a base for his Brotherhood, called the umma. Here, the fellow Muslims shared the same beliefs and they were given clear structure by the five pillars of Islam. The Zakat, almsgivings, were a way for everybody to assume responsibility for their brothers within the community and support the less fortunate. In addition, Muhammad changed social norms by giving the patriarchal family a greater importance and rewarding women and children with more rights. Furthermore, he implemented rules for fair business transactions. Thus, Medina was an exemplary state, which prided itself with patriarchal values and a confederation for political and economic legislations. The Umma brotherhood integrated individuals, clans, cities, disparate peoples and ethnic groups into a community under a common law and political authority. Creating this Muslim community, consisting of the early followers muhajeruun and Medinan converts ansar, and a monotheist religion alongside Judaism and Christianity was a vital accomplishment, which marked Muhammad as a man of great influence and importance for the Arab Conquests. Having established a foundation for Islam, Muhammad proceeded with spreading Islam throughout Arabia. At the battle of Badr in 624, the Prophet’s army attacked an important Meccan caravan and claimed victory. The battle described as â€Å" a sign of divine favour† , earned Muhammad a renowned reputation around Arabia and marked an important defeat of Mecca since the hijra. This was succeeded by two more battles, Uhud in 625 and Khandaq in 627, which both had rather positive outcomes in extending his influence and eliminating further Jewish clans. Finally, at al-Hudaybiya, in 628, while Meccans intercepted Medinan pilgrims, a truce between Muhammad and the Quraysh was established enabling Muslims to pilgrim to the Ka’ba. This was  the first sign of recognition of defeat by the Meccans. Merely two years later, in 630, Muhammad gained complete rule over Mecca without resistance and managed to claim the Ka’ba as the holiest shrine of Islam. Through his divine revelations, his preachings and his persuading character, Muhammad was all around respected and worshiped as the Messenger of God. He made his â€Å"religious visions operate in the body of a whole society† enabling a complete social habitual change in Arabia. Through tactic moves such as the hijra, the building of the first Muslim confederation in Medina and the Islamization of larger parts of Arabia he laid out the first step for Islam. Needless to say that without his effective leadership, it seems unthinkable that the communities of Arabia would have been able to act in such unison. Muhammad did not only perform as a religious messenger but also as a political leader, unifying the tribes and clans under one belief and a set of rules. He formed such a powerful bond between the umma that even after his death in 632, the Muslim Caliphates continued to spread Islam and conquered virtually the entire Middle East, parts of southern Spain, India and Northern Africa. Muhammad’s enormous influence in the success of the Arab Conquests and as the Messenger of God in the rise of Islam is indisputable. Bibliography 1.A History of Islamic Societies – Ira M. Lapidus 1988 2.A History of the Arab Peoples – Albert Hourani 1991 3.The Arab Conquests – Kennedy 4.What do we know about Muhammad – Patricia Crone 10 June 2008 5.Muhammad and Jenghiz Khan – Khazanov 1993

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Proposed Revisions to the Army Tattoo Policy - 765 Words

Although tattoos represent a variety of things in a person’s life, it doesn’t necessarily dictate how well a person is able to perform their job. For the last few months there has been an ongoing debate about the troops in the Army that have tattoos and as a result their careers have been placed on the line. With this upcoming change it has been specifically said that the troops cannot have tattoos that extend below their knees and elbows and also ones that reach above their neckline. Sgt. Maj. Raymond Chandler also gave another stipulation which says that their tattoos cannot be racist, extremist, or sexist it also does not matter where there tattoo is located on the body if it violates those restrictions it will still have to be removed†¦show more content†¦At the time the Army was getting what they desired which was a large number of troops, but they came to the point where they couldn’t afford them. This is when the proposed revision to the grooming policy came up for discussion. Now with the updated policy tattoos aren’t the only things taking a big hit hair, makeup, and bodily piercings are taking a hit as well (Dallet). As I was reading along in one of my sources another example that stood out to me was where an unshaven troop who was was wearing a ripped shirt, jeans, and his piercings, while on his time off (Smith). He was quickly pointed out and quickly shunned. The article stated that the airmen who were in the same location deemed the Army as the â€Å"Ghetto Service† giving the impression that they allowed pretty much anyone in their branch. Chandler is supposed to be taking actions on fixing this. I’ve always believed that no-one should be allowed to place judgment on another person because they don’t know what is going on in that person’s life. What troops fail to realize is they have the First Amendment to back them up on this crucial issue. The amendment gives them the right to sp eak as they please and voice their individual opinion. With that being said one troop in particular exercised his right. This is when Kamaljeet, who is the first person in the United States Army to be able to wear a turban. When he was enlisting the army told him that he was to give up his long hair, facial hair,Show MoreRelatedProposed Revisions to the Army Tattoo Policy1309 Words   |  6 PagesAlthough tattoos represent a variety of things in a person’s life, they don’t necessarily dictate how well a person is able to perform their job. For the last few months, there has been an ongoing debate about troops in the Army that have tattoos, and as a result their careers have been placed on the line. With this upcoming change, it has been specifically said that troops cannot have tattoos that extend below their knees and above their elbows and ones that reach above their neckline. Sgt. MajRead MoreEssay on Proposed Revisions to the Army Tattoo Policy1289 Words   |   6 PagesAlthough tattoos represent a variety of things in a person’s life, they don’t necessarily dictate how well a person is able to perform their job. For the last few months, there has been an ongoing debate about troops in the Army that have tattoos, and as a result their careers have been placed on the line. With this upcoming change, it has been specifically said that troops cannot have tattoos that extend below their knees and above their elbows and ones that reach above their neckline. Sgt. MajRead MoreTattoos Can Not Be Racist, Extremist, Or Sexist1377 Words   |  6 PagesAlthough tattoos represent a variety of things in a person’s life, they don’t necessarily dictate how well a person is able to perform their job. For the last few months, there has been an ongoing debate about troops in the Army that have tattoos, and as a result their careers have been placed on the line. With this upcoming change, it has been specifically said that troops ca nnot have tattoos that extend below their knees and above their elbows and ones that reach above their neckline. Sgt. MajRead MoreAr 670-1117328 Words   |  470 PagesArmy Regulation 670–1 Uniforms and Insignia Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 3 February 2005 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 670–1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia This rapid action revision of 3 February 2005-o Updates figures throughout the regulation (throughout). o Clarifies the definition of unauthorized tattoos while wearing the class A uniform (chap 1). Identifies officials responsible forRead MoreAr 670-1116218 Words   |  465 PagesArmy Regulation 670–1 Uniforms and Insignia Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia Rapid Action Revision (RAR) Issue Date: 11 May 2012 Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 3 February 2005 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 670–1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia This rapid action revision, dated 11 May 2012-o Integrates the Program Executive Office Soldier products list guidance into the Uniform Quality Control Program (paraRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesTeams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management 577 Appendix A Research in Organizational Behavior Comprehensive Cases Indexes Glindex 637 663 616 623 Contents Preface xxii 1 1 Introduction What Is OrganizationalRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesDemonstrating Comprehension: Questions for Review 51 Key Terms 51 52 HRM Workshop 49 Guarding Against Discrimination Practices 65 DID YOU KNOW?: Is a Problem Brewing? 66 Determining Potential Discriminatory Practices 66 The 4/5ths Rule 66 Restricted Policy 66 Geographical Comparisons 67 McDonnell-Douglas Test 67 Responding to an EEO Charge 67 Business Necessity 68 Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications 68 Seniority Systems 68 Selected Relevant Supreme Court Cases 69 Cases Concerning DiscriminationRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesand stimulate student involvement. A recent pedagogical feature is the Team Debate Exercise, in which formal issues and options can be debated for each case. New in some cases are Devil’s Advocate exercises in which students can argue against a proposed course of action to test its merits. A new pedagogical feature, based on a reviewer’s recommendation, appears at the end of the Analysis section: students are asked to make their own analysis, draw their own conclusions, and defend them, thereby

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Breast Cancer Cancer And Cancer - 896 Words

Before going in depth, let us first define what breast cancer is. According to the National Breast Cancer.Org â€Å"Cancer is a broad term for a class of diseases characterized by abnormal cells that grow and invade healthy cells in the body. Breast cancer starts in the cells of the breast as a group of cancer cells that can then invade surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to other areas of the body.† Cancer begins in the cells which are the basic building blocks that make up tissue. Tissue is found in the breast and other parts of the body. Sometimes, the process of cell growth goes wrong and new cells form when the body doesn’t need them and old or damaged cells do not die as they should. When this occurs, a build up of cells often forms a mass of tissue called a lump, growth or tumor. Breast cancer occurs when malignant tumors develop in the breast, these cells can spread by breaking away from the original tumor and entering blood vessels or lymph vessels, which branch into tissues throughout the body. When cancer cells travel to other parts of the body and begin damaging other tissues and organs, the process is called metastasis. Breast cancer affects many individuals, however; a number of people do not have knowledge about the disease until they are affected or someone close to them is affected. In 1996, the American Cancer Society estimated that 44,300 women would die of breast cancer in the United States that year and 184,300 more will be diagnosed. ThisShow MoreRelatedBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1433 Words   |  6 PagesBreast cancer is a carcinoma that develops due to malignant cells in the breast tissue. Cancerous cells are more likely to produce in the milk-producing ducts and the glands, ductal carcinoma, but in rare cases, breast cancer can develop in the stromal, fatty, tissues or surrounding lymph nodes, especially in the underarm (Breast Cancer). For women, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the 2nd leading cause of cancer death – behind skin cancer. While treatment or surgeries canRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1346 Words   |  6 Pagesinternational symbol for breast cancer support and awareness. Breast cancer knows neither racial boundaries nor age restrictions. Females of all ages and ethnicities can develop breast cancer and it is the leading most common cancer among women. Calling attention to this often fatal disease is important by supporting its victims, families and friends of victims, as well as raising funds for breast cancer research. Though males are not immune from developing a breast cancer, for the purposes of thisRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pagesacknowledge the health beings of a women is quite scary knowing that in about 1 in 8 women in the U.S will develop breast cancer. By this year of 2016 going into 2017 there will approximately be 246,660 cases found. The 20th century is described to be the cancer century. One main cancer I wanted to talk about that has my full attention was breast cancer. The important ways of looking at breast cancer as a tremendous problem is because we are losing our women to this disease. Categorizing the main issues toRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer946 Words   |  4 PagesSkylar Steinman Period 6 Ms. Jobsz 12 February , 2016 Breast Cancer It is commonly known that Breast Cancer is one of the most insidious diseases that mankind has had to deal with. With the discovery of the BRCA1( BReast Cancer gene one) and BRCA2 (BReast Cancer gene two) genes, breast cancer can be detected with a great amount of certainty on a genetic level in some women and men. 40,000 women and men die of breast cancer each year. Knowing this it is very important to try to detect the mutationRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer981 Words   |  4 PagesThe Grand Rounds Research Project: Breast Cancer To hear you have breast cancer can be a very shocking thing. â€Å"Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed among women in America as of 2015† (breastcancer,2015). First step is to know what you are dealing with when your doctor believes you have cancer, you will want to know what cancer is and how your doctor can detect it. Next your doctor will go over different stages of breast cancer that will help come to a conclusionRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1530 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Cancer† is the name for a group of diseases that start in the body at the cellular level. Even though there are many different kinds of cancer, they all begin with abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. These abnormal cells lump together to form a mass of tissue or â€Å"malignant tumor†. Malignant means that it can spread to other parts of the body or Metastasize . If the breast is the origin al location of the cancer growth or malignant tumor, the tumorRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1714 Words   |  7 PagesBreast Cancer The twentieth century has often been called and known as the cancer century. The reason being is that throughout the century, there have been more than a hundred types of cancer discovered across the world. In addition to the discovery of these many cancers, there has been an enormous medical effort to fight all kinds of cancer across the world. In the early decades of the century, cancer was considered to be a fatal disease, resulting in a high number of deaths. Although manyRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1741 Words   |  7 Pages Internationally, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer related death amongst women. (CITE) Each year an estimated 1.7 million new cases are diagnosed worldwide, and more than 500,000 women will die of the disease. (CITE) According to (CITE), somewhere in the world one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 19 seconds and more than three women die of breast cancer every five minutes worldwide. (CITE) Breast cancer is a heterogeneous condition thatRead MoreBreast Cancer : The Cancer Essay1722 Words   |  7 Pagesacknowledge the health beings of a women is quite scary knowing that in about 1 in 8 women in the U.S will develop breast cancer. By this year of 2016 going into 2017 there will approximately be 246,660 cases found. The 20th century is described to be the cancer century. One main cancer I wanted to talk about that has my full attention was breast cancer. The important ways of looking at breast cancer as a tremendous problem is because we are losing our women to this disease. Categorizing the main issues toRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1372 Words   |  6 PagesBreast Cancer Disease Overview Breast cancer is a disease in which certain cells in the breast become abnormal and multiply uncontrollably to form a tumor. Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. (Only skin cancer is more common.) About one in eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Researchers estimate that more than 230,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in U.S. women in 2015. Cancers occur when a