Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Rebati is the one of the first and major modern Or Essays

Rebati is the one of the first and major modern Oriya work by one of the great writer Fakir Mohan Senapati . Rebati is the story of a young innocent girl whose desire for education is placed in the context of a conservative society in a backward Odisha village, which is hit by a HYPERLINK "" \o "Cholera" Cholera epidemic . Story main theme moves around the protagonist girl Rebati , who wants to study. The story contains the theme like feminism, girl education, love and desire, superstition, etc. The story itself also opens a third dimension when it deals with the silent romantic relation between Rebati and a school teacher. By displaying a forbidden desire for learning Rebati , the female protagonist of the story, seems to invite misfortune for herself and her community. Fakir Mohan 's " Rebati " became an icon and her story an allegory for female education and emancipation. Rebati belongs to an interior village of Orissa where education of a girl child seemd to be a taboo. She invited the misfortune by just one forbidden thought of "learning". Once she decided to be educated, she was heavily opposed by her grand mother . At the old time, society declares the separate works and responsibly for boys girls. According to society, girls must only learn to cook, sewing, singing bajan , participate in religious activity etc. Shayamabandhu is the father of protagonist girl. His character contains the elements of modernism. His attitude and nature is different to the society. He believes that girls have also right to education so he is in favour of his daughter study and decide to send her to "village girl's school" but on the next side, the grandmother and other peoples of neighbours were not agree on the Shayambandhu decision. Meanwhile, Basudev Mahapatra enters in the village as a school teacher. Basu , got his graduation degree from a school of Cuttack and was an orphan so Shyamabandhu's wife treat him as his own child. In response, he also respects and care the family and family members. He visits the house daily to teach Rebati . The grandmother didn't like whatever was going in the house but Basu never cares about her. A silent love started to develop between Rebati and Basu but they never share their emotion with each other. The peoples of neighbours started talking about the relation of Rebati and Basu . She had just one support that is f rom her teacher. But story turned tragi c when the epidemic cholera hit the village. The whole village inc luding the family of Rebati got into the grip of this devil epidemic. It killed her father and her teacher! And the grand mother of Reba ti blamed her for the misfortune happens in the surrounding. According to her, all these happen ed because Rebati wanted to be edu cated! Girls and their education are one of the most controversial issues of Indian history. It had been 69 years of our independence and we are living in 21 century where we are talking about the smart cities and bullet trains. But the other-side government is forced to run the campaign like " Beti padhao , Desh Badhao aandolam ". This type of 21-century campaign shows that till today India did not totally change on the matter of girl's education. " Rebati " not only influenced female education, women's writing, or feminism; it also influenced the short story writers of Odisha at a later period. In the early 1980s, HYPERLINK "" \o "Jagadish Mohanty" Jagadish Mohanty , wrote a story based on the protagonist character " Rebati ". [5] and it made a new tradition. Since then hundreds of stories were written on women's agony, where " Rebati " represents women's fate in the changing scenario of the time. The Exercise Book, one of the less known but deeply influencing sho rt story by Rabindranath Tagore , centers around the life of a girl-child in Wet Bengal, India before partition. The protagonist of the story is Uma , which captivates the reader to be part of her joys and sorrows, her innocence and justifiable aspirations. This story explores the impact