Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The, Idiot Nation, By Michael Moore - 1421 Words
Idiocy starts in the head and trickles down affecting every aspect of one’s life in one form or another often in a reoccurring cycle. It can start with an idiotic suggestion that leads to an idiotic action which leads to an idiotic situation that affects everyone associated with it. This is the same effect that authority figures have in American education. Idiocy in authoritative positions have a negative trickle-down effect on America’s public education starting with idiotic politicians and elected officials which leads to news outlets and publications who spread the idiocy of these politicians, and influences the American people to buy into their idiocy and elect and re-elect more idiots into power, keeping the American people ignorant†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"In [Bush’s] first budget he proposed cutting federal spending on libraries by $39 million †¦ nearly 19 percent reduction†(Moore, 8) to an already poorly funded system. Politicians reduce funding for schools and public libraries keeping them from updating their books and maintaining their buildings that are â€Å"literally falling apart†(Moore, 8). This creates terrible learning conditions for student and horrible teaching conditions, as students are forced into crowded buildings, sometimes lacking a classroom of their own. These conditions were so bad in Washington D.C. the entire â€Å"school system had to delay the start of school for three weeks†(Moore, 8). Yet politicians, like the previously mentioned, newspapers and publications, news hosts and pundits, choose to focus on television shows, teachers, and teachers’ unions as the problem for the failing school systems as reinforced by a quote from â€Å"Chester Finn, a former assistant secretary of education in Bush the Elder’s administration, ‘If you put out a Ten-Most Wanted list of who’s killing American education, I’m not sure who you would have higher on the list: the teachers’ union or the education school faculties†(Moore, 6). When high ranking officials like Chester Finn say things like this, it is picked up by news outlet and publications who run the idea, likeShow MoreRelated`` Idiot Nation `` By Michael Moore1591 Words  | 7 Pagessystem, globalization, large corporations, the war in Iraq, and many other debatable issues, American author of â€Å"Idiot Nation†, Michael Moore would be the ideal candidate. In this piece, Moore argues that America is a nation built upon a clueless, illiterate society of people, a sub-par educational system, and manipulative corporations. All which are governed by brainless politicians. Moore effectively creates his argument by offering personal anecdotes, statistical data, cause and effect examples,Read MoreIdiot Nation, Michael Moore, Critical Essay Critique1280 Words  | 6 PagesCritical Essay In Rereading America an excerpt by Michael Moore entitled â€Å"Idiot Nation†focuses on the collapsing educational system in the United States of America. Moore brings to light his view on the failures of the educational system and the lack of financing that has been caused from the top of the food chain. Politicians as well as American corporations contribute to the decline in education according to Moore. He attempts to give the reader a clear picture of where America places theRead MoreExamination of the Education System in Idiot Nation, by Michael Moore 1351 Words  | 5 PagesIn his essay, â€Å"Idiot Nation,†Michael Moore directly conveys the horrid truth behind American education when he utters the sheer words, â€Å"the knowledge (students) acquire in school is not going to serve them throughout their lifetimes. Many of them will have four to five careers in a lifetime. It will be their ability to navigate information that will matter†(Moore 141 ). According to Moore, American education today is by no means preparing students for the real world of work. In fact, he infers thatRead MoreThe Degrading Quality of Education in America: Idiot Nation by Michael Moore and Against School by John Taylor Gatto996 Words  | 4 Pagesschool. However, in the articles, â€Å"Idiot Nation†by Michael Moore and â€Å"Against School†by John Taylor Gatto, the authors express their concerns about the degrading quality of education. There are many problems the education system is facing today, and several of them are having negative effects on the quality of the education that the students are receiving which are highlighted aptly by the effective use of rhetorical strategies by Moore and Gatto. The purpose of Michael Moore’s article is to focus uponRead MoreAmeric Land Of The Free And Home1076 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica: Land of the Free and Home of the Dumb ? Michael Moore, author of the essay Idiot Nation, is as anti-Republican as they come and not at all afraid to express his beliefs with overflowing passion. Over the past 20 years, both Moore’s popularity and notoriety have boomed to new heights as a film maker, writer, and social critic. From winning Oscars and Academy Awards for his films and documentaries to co-writing 8 renowned books, Moore has not stopped producing ways of expressing his thoughtsRead MoreIdiot Nation : Draft 1 Essay1325 Words  | 6 PagesAndrew Romero Prof. Cathy Arellano ENGWR 300 Purple 28 September 2016 Idiot Nation: Draft 1 Across America, you d be hard pressed to find a person that doesnt agree that everyone should receive a free education. Because of this, most everyone goes to high school, or at the very least receives an equivalent education. However, after this free education is done, many high school graduates are pushed to continue their studies in colleges and universities. And while these facilities are believed toRead MoreIdiot Nation Essay995 Words  | 4 Pagesurged to go on to college. This leads many people to believe that it will help our country reach the goal of becoming a smarter nation. However, in his essay Idiot Nation, Michael Moore argues that the exact opposite is occuring. We are becoming a nation full of idiots. Sadly, Michael Moore is correct. The majority of the people in this country are, indeed, idiots. This is due to the nation’s poor educational system and the people’s lack of gratitude and motivation. First of all, America’sRead MoreEssay about Idiot Nation886 Words  | 4 PagesIn â€Å"Idiot Nation,†Michael Moore discourses on the collapse of American education system and the three main reasons behind it: politicians’ ignorance, shortage of teachers, and the rise of Corporate America. Moore first points out how ignorant the President and politicians are by stating that the President cannot simply identify whether Africa is a nation or a continent. Next, Moore attributes the lack of funding in education to the fact that politicians prefer to build bomber than to improve ourRead MoreAmerican Public Education Essays1553 Words  | 7 Pagesour knowledge and open doors for opportunities to the path of having a good future. In the five readings, each written by a different author, there was a lesson learned and something to take away from each one. Reading through the passages by Mann, Moore, Malcolm X, Gatto, Rose, and Anyon, each author contributed h is or her point of view on general public education. This topic can be very argumentative depending on the quality of education people receive. Education today is the single most importantRead MoreThe Inequality And Segregation Of The Public Educational System Essay1431 Words  | 6 Pagessocially and economically. However, in America, a nation that is the world’s superpower, fails to provide proper and equal education to its children. Many public schools across America lack the proper funding, qualified teachers, and necessities. The people affected by these problems belong in low-income communities and are minorities. Many have taken their voices to shine light on this issue. Writers such as Michael Moore in his essay â€Å"Idiot Nation†reveal the frustration regarding the downfall of
Monday, December 16, 2019
Reflection About My First Year of College Free Essays
After ending this first year of college I experienced a lot of things and I will remember most of them for the rest of my life. I have experienced some good things and some others that have not been that good, but probably that is part of college and being away from home. Obviously, I would like to have changed some of those, but some others I would not have changed. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection About My First Year of College or any similar topic only for you Order Now I am going to start talking about all the things I would like to have change. During this first year I have lived good and bad moments, but I have learnt a lot about all I lived. I would like to say that one of the things that have affected me the most is living so far from home. I am not used to live away from home and it has been a problem during the all year, especially at the beginning. I missed my family a lot, because we were so close and I missed my friends as well. The other thing I would have change would definitely be my dorm. This year I probably lived in the worse dorm we have on Ohio. I know for fact that it is one of the oldest ones and it has not been renovated for more than a few years. First of all, the all hall smelled pretty bad. I do not know exactly what it was but it smelled old and it seemed dirty. Another part of it was the rooms. The rooms were small and badly distributed. They had one bed almost next to the other, and then they had just one desk for two people. Another bad thing about my dorm would be the bathrooms. We did not have a private bathroom, and they were pretty badly built. We only had four showers for the whole floor. It means twenty or twenty five people for four showers. The last thing I want to mention that I do not like about my dorm is about the laundry. When I first got in my dorm and I put my first laundry, I took my clothes out of the dryer and they were one or two sizes smaller than usual. After that I thought they would get smaller every time but they did not. Finally, the only thing I like about the rooms is that they have a sink. It is always nice if you can wash your hands and brush your teeth in your own room. I came to the United States to play soccer and this year has been a hard year for me. I have not played like I would like to have done it. Probably because of all the things I said above that have not gone very well. This is the reason why this year has not been perfect. After all, I have learnt about it and I am ready to come back next year and try my best again. Definitely I would have changed my first year of tennis and I would like to have been more successful. Moving on I am going to talk about the experiences I would not have changed. The most important one is my friends. I made a lot of friends here through the year and I would not change them for anything. I really like people from the United Stated, I think they are so friendly and they try to help you anytime. I will always remember when I first got here at ohio I was kind a lost on campus and everybody could tell that and most of them tried to help me. Another important thing that has affected me is the language. But I want to say that I would not have changed that. I am from Spain and as everybody knows the main language is Spanish, not English. It is true that a lot of people there speak English but when I came I did not know this language really well and I had to work so hard to be able to speak and write it like now. I still think I have a lot to improve but I speak it much better that last semester. I have to say it has been an important issue because I was pretty scared to come in the United States because I knew I had to understand people, talk to them, and write for school. Later on I realized that the only way to improve quickly in another language is by moving to the country and interacting with the people. Finally, I would not have changed my roommate. We are both from Spain and I knew him before we came here in the United States. I have known him since we were twelve because both of us play tennis. That is why we came to ohio, to be able to play tennis and study at the same time and together. I think I was lucky because we had a room together because it must be really hard to live and share a room with somebody that you do not know. I think every country has its own culture and if you have a roommate from another country it can be a little bit hard. Like I said before, I got lucky to share a room with him and even though I knew him from Spain you really only get to know someone when you live with them. It has been hard but we had so much fun and we really enjoyed the experience. In conclusion, I had a lot of fun this year at Ohio, and there are some things I would have changed but I think I learnt from them and I will learn more about other experiences that will happen next year. How to cite Reflection About My First Year of College, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Business Process Engineering
Question: Write aresearch essay on "Business Process Engineering". Answer: Introduction Runtime monitoring is considered as one of the significant task to offer functioning pronouncement in order to hold up the running of the business process and ascertaining weather they are in accordance with the rules and regulations. The 12th international conference on business process management 2014 was organised in Haifa Israel during the month of 7th September 2014. It has been learn that in the precedent decade, the meeting has established its reputations by illustrating the most important edge in the field of research and development by obtaining highest quality meetings and tutorials along with the discussions in the field of leaders and innovations and leaderships through innovations in the thought process. The business process management conference highlights the diversity and the richness of holding such conference, which act as a melting pot with the mix of disciplines. Such conference is rich in information in computer science along with the information in the areas of technology management and information system. Body: The 12th business process conference provided information to the number of new topics which contributes to the significant areas of interest along with the significance to the business process management research and industry. Indentifying the correlation of the nature of business process management there were eight topics which were included in the higher level of areas of discussion while some of the important areas of discussion were classified into certain areas. The relevant topics were of centred around the fields of human management subject and experimental studies, management process involved in the implementation of data, business process management scenarios with non-traditional elements, process architecture and platforms (Becker 2013). The conference also takes into the account regarding the process flexibility and evolution, procedure for modelling theory and the management procedure model. The conference highlights that each of the topic for discussion was undertaken by the committee members of the programme while the senior programme committee members provides an additional review in certain cases. The conference sessions comprised of the six research papers, which was presented with two short paper session. The conference provides the well-founded and perfect running time techniques for monitoring and verification of branch weather a property is on any interest. The system is dynamic oriented and the properties are usually articulated by making an effective use of modal operators accounting for the point in time (Fleischmann et al 2012). The conference highlights the use of chronological logics in the corroboration process. It is learnt that linear-time temporal logic is predominantly best matched for observing the definite process for implementation. In addition to these, the linear time temporal logic monitors weather the present outline is prefix for an infinite trace which shall never be concluded. The conference provides an in depth knowledge about the presence of previous operational model which used to support the decision for techniques to keep an eye on the limitation over restricted traces. It is also noted that there are two main areas, which has not been challenged or tackled in an organised way. At initial stages numerous alternatives have been proposed to make linear time temporal logic suitable for runtime verification but there is no such comprehensive techniques which is based on the finite state of automation. Meantime the conference also reflects that the verification process involved in runtime for logics is typically considered as finite traces whose continuity is though infinite. In addition to this, implementation of such techniques of semantics in the business process management has only been tackled so far with an effective manner where the continuation is infinite (Jeston and Nelis 2014). On the other hand the second most important challenge is the implementation of the most technically advanced forms of monitoring constraints where some of the issues are of challenging prospect. Some obligations needs to be put in place in order to support the monitoring process of compensations where some of the obligations are not yet been fulfilled. Hence, such features are considered as one of the most challenging aspects for fundamental compliance of monitoring the functionality. Thus, it is still considered as one of the most challenging aspects as the systematic approach for supporting the specific level of constraints in the specific language. This paper highlights the two most specific challenges, which enable the study of runtime constraints while monitoring the properties expressed in the linear time temporal logic. Perhaps its extension is a impactful tool for logic which undertakes all the monadic second order logic for the finite traces (Poggi et al 2013). Business and the business process management are more than a century old and the social construction always undermine the human society. Perhaps the business process management or business process is modern day construction of information technology. The purpose of the business process has partially succeeded, specifically in contrast to improving the efficiency of implementation of process. The business process management encodes a number of limited assumptions, which is treated as an important application in the present research method. It is important to note that business process management is significantly characterised in the functionality and usual procedures, while on the other hand it is occasionally declarative in terms of logical temperament. The stated concept off modelling is traditional and it is also different from the traditional mode of programming language. Secondly, business process management is usually treated as one of the most centrally view attribution of physical distribution. Hence, it can be said that business process management is technically more focussed rather than the aspects of business. While it can be regarded that business process management is not in favour of business process as rather than redefining it in terms of operational terms. Hence, it also ignores the standard of correctness while on the other hand it provides as a means to implementation and formulation of effective practice in information and technology (Brocke and Rosemann 2014). It is argued that business process management is insufficiently equipped with the modern day challenge, which consists of the process that incorporates the human organisation along with the diversification of the services and device, which reflect the autonomy of the human organisation. If the business process is rethought from the very first principal it is understood that social construction would establish the new conceptual theory which is based on the foundation of business process that defines it as one of the social technological systems. Such concepts defines the process to verify the various correctness which is independent of any implementation evaluation of properties in contrast to specifications so as to enact and govern them in an decentralised manner. The conference has also highlighted some key concern. It reflects that process modelling of language which can be used in the new notation or evaluation of the existing model. The conference highlights competing requirements for example the language which is used must be very simple and easy to understand. On the other hand the intended language used for the automation of discussion and documentation may be used to verify the process mining in other words it is also called as hidden Markov chains( Rglinger et al 2013). The second key concerns is the procedure for enacting the infrastructure in order to execute, support and keeping an eye on the process. Illustrations of matters, which are discussed in this concern, are related to the development of workflow engines, which is service, oriented for cloud computing along with the enterprise applications and systematic procedure of work distribution. On the other hand, process model analysis refers to the concerns of analysis of process, which is based on the model of using important event data. There are papers, which address the concerns about the growth and development of the flow of work engines, computing which is service oriented, simulations and model checking along with process of network and controllability (Dumas et al 2013). Meanwhile process mining is the analysis of technique which is data oriented. For instance the techniques which constructs the model is based on the pragmatic traces. Hence, this procedure is not restricted to discovery and consists of checking the conformances and extending it. The process of conformance checking used to check the reality as mentioned in the event log in conformity to the model. While on the other hand extension creates a new outlook in the design process which is cross-correlation with an event log. The process elasticity model is concerned with the problems, which is prevalent with the capability to deal with both the foreseeable and the unforeseeable circumstances by varying with those business processes, which is varying in nature. Such variation is making it difficult for the retention of the format of those parts, which are not affected by the variations. Hence, there are articles, which highlight the adaptive workflows and late-binding process for declarative language. While the final concern, which is reflected in this paper, is the problems related with the reinvention and reuse. The challenging aspect is to avoid the duplication of the modelling and repositories of the process involved, which are typical in the approach of promoting the reuse concept. The above stated cases in the above address the problems, which are tagged in one or more key concerns. The most important concerns, which were identified before the tagging of the articles, is concerned with the concept of process integration, patterns and collaborations. There are many such articles which are concerned with the services provided by the web and other technologies involved to integrate such business management process. While there are several business management process related articles, which offers new patterns for collection and evaluation on existing languages, which are used in present pattern of workflow challenges. Such studies are now tagged as process for developing languages. On the other hand, there are concerns, which is constantly recurring on the collaboration for example the collaborative process of modelling and systems development. It must be understood that the process differentiates the perspective of controlling the activities of the cash flow. There are certain important concerns, which are either neutral or orthodox in relation to these perspectives. Although there are most of the articles which emphasis on the perspective of the organisation while dealing with the optimum resources allocations or role based assessing the control. Perhaps it would have been very useful to add the additional tags to the articles that is based on the prospects which considered. Conclusion: The essay presents the general approach for the automatic procedure of matching the model in two of the following steps. At first, the hypothesis study was used based on the automatic denoted activities such as labelling the leverage in a semantic format of interpretation. On the other hand the study makes the use of the constraints incurred from the behavioural relations of the process models. This research offers a valuable and in depth advancing of the field of process model matching. The conference plans to improve the approach, which is based on the identification of weakness. Finally, the study provides that there is an opportunity to improve the results which is based on the orthodox domain. This may help to maximise the accuracy of the computed hypothesis. Reference list: Becker, J., Kugeler, M. and Rosemann, M. eds., 2013.Process management: a guide for the design of business processes. Springer Science Business Media. Brocke, J.V. and Rosemann, M., 2014. Business process management.Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. Dumas, M., La Rosa, M., Mendling, J. and Reijers, H.A., 2013.Fundamentals of business process management(pp. I-XXVII). Heidelberg: Springer. Fleischmann, A., Schmidt, W., Stary, C., Obermeier, S. and Brger, E., 2012.Subject-oriented business process management. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated. Gong, Y. and Janssen, M., 2012. From policy implementation to business process management: Principles for creating flexibility and agility.Government Information Quarterly,29, pp.S61-S71. Jeston, J. and Nelis, J., 2014.Business process management. Routledge. Lohrmann, M. and Reichert, M., 2013. Understanding business process quality. InBusiness Process Management(pp. 41-73). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Poggi, N., Muthusamy, V., Carrera, D. and Khalaf, R., 2013. Business process mining from e-commerce web logs. InBusiness Process Management(pp. 65-80). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Rglinger, M., Pppelbu, J. and Becker, J., 2012. Maturity models in business process management.Business Process Management Journal,18(2), pp.328-346. Rosemann, M. and vom Brocke, J., 2015. The six core elements of business process management. InHandbook on Business Process Management 1(pp. 105-122). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. van der Aalst, W.M., 2012. A decade of business process management conferences: personal reflections on a developing discipline. InBusiness Process Management(pp. 1-16). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. van der Aalst, W.M., 2013. Business process management: A comprehensive survey.ISRN Software Engineering,2013. vom Brocke, J., Schmiedel, T., Recker, J., Trkman, P., Mertens, W. and Viaene, S., 2014. Ten principles of good business process management.Business Process Management Journal,20(4), pp.530-548. Weske, M., 2012.Business process management: concepts, languages, architectures. Springer Science Business Media.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Steve Jobs Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example
Steve Jobs Rhetorical Analysis Paper Steve Jobs Rhetorical Analysis BY Mike-Biello Steve Jobs lived a life unparalleled by the common man. Raising some of the most successful corporations from the ground up, being at the forefront of the technological revolution, and battling pancreatic cancer for a number of years were all things that he succeeded in accomplishing throughout his 56 years of life. He also happened to deliver a brilliant commencement address to one of the finest academic institutions in the world. Any college graduate in the audience that sunny afternoon at Stanford University was in for a treat. The irony behind the whole situation was the act that Steve Jobs himself, although arguably one of the most successful men of the 21st century, never graduated college. this is the closest Ive ever gotten to a college graduation, Jobs confesses immediately after he begins speaking. Throughout the speech, the experiences he shares with the audience all share a common theme; the pursuit of happiness will lead you down the road of success if you follow your intuition and do what makes you truly happy. He conveys this message with the use of a cause and effect analysis, contrast, and personal anecdotes. Personal experiences help to create and develop individuality. Steve Jobs learned this at an early age as a young man attending Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Jobs was not certain what he wanted to do with his life and was very indecisive when selecting a major. After six months he decided to drop out of school and found himself sleeping somewhere other than a place of his own. We will write a custom essay sample on Steve Jobs Rhetorical Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Steve Jobs Rhetorical Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Steve Jobs Rhetorical Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Jobs explains, l didnt have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5C deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. (l) Initially it seemed somewhat odd for him to be mentioning a stage in his life that resembled the lifestyle of a vagabond. As he continues to speak, you realize he shares his college experiences to relate to his audience on a more personal level. Jobs wanted to present himself in a manner that many college students could relate to in one way or another. Although these conditions may not seem ideal for most, Jobs loved it. With so much free time on his hands, he dropped in on classes he thought he would enjoy. Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in he country I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. (l) At the time, he took the class simply because he thought he would like it. Ten years later, his decision to learn calligraphy would pay off when designing the new Macintosh computer. When we were designing the first Macintosh (computer), it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, he Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. (l) Jobs had attended a class for no reason other than to learn something he thought he would enjoy and it ended up helping to define a revolutionary computer system. The way he coped with the adversity of his situation presented him with experiences and cause and effect strategy in his speech, the cause being him dropping out of classes and the effect being the acquisition of a priceless computer typeface system. And since Windows Just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them (1). He also pokes a little bit of fun at his competitors. Starting a business is a decision that over half a million people in our country decide to make every year. The obvious goal of each business is to maximize profits, however many companies struggle to find the right recipe for success. Steve Jobs and close friend Steve Wozniacki decided to start up the company Apple in Jobs garage at the age of twenty. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from Just the two of us in a garage into a two billion dollar company with over 4000 employees(l). It seemed there was no stopping the growth of Apple, Jobs had finally found omething he loved to do. At the age of thirty however, Jobs received some unfortunate news. He was fired from the company that he had started. To go from a position of seemingly limitless potential to being unemployed, there seems no bigger contrast in lifestyle. However, rather than laying down and admitting defeat Jobs decides to brainstorm new ideas and enters what he considers to be one of the most creative stages of his life. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything(l). Over the next five years, several important events happen in Jobs life. He starts two new companies, NeXT and Pixar, and finds the woman he wants to marry. Soon after, something would happen next that no one could have anticipated. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, and I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apples current renaissance and he also adds, And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together(l). Steve shares this story with the audience to prove that no matter what situation you get placed in, making the most of it will pay off. He knows that as college graduates about to enter the orkforce, being placed in an environment unfamil iar to them is all too likely. In order to succeed you must be able to follow your heart and adapt to your new surroundings. Im pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadnt been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it(l). Finding the bright side of any situation, no matter how rough it may be, is an essential step in the rebuilding process. Jobs is encouraging the Stanford graduates to be resilient to any adversity they face. Throughout his speech, Jobs discussed in detail three events that had an infallible ffect on the person he had become. The reason these personal anecdotes resonated so strongly with me was due to the fact that all of them were negative experiences rather than positive ones. What Jobs wanted the audience to take away from these experiences was the fact that success is not easy to come by and you will face struggles along the way. The reason he succeeded is because he never gave up on doing what he loved, and any challenge you overcome will only make you more adept at handling similar situations in the future. Indicative of his track record, the audience has a solid incentive to listen his advice. When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: If you live each day as if it was your last, someday youll most certainly be right. (l). Jobs was determined to leave his mark on the world. By simply this man sets an example that would be wise to follow. He speaks with confidence and his tone assures those listening that his life would not have turned out the same way if he hadnt blazed his own trial and was influenced by the voices of others. mfour time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. Dont be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other peoples thinking(l). Steve Jobs was an ndividual who knew what he wanted in life. He did not allow anyone to impede upon his progress and his success will have an effect on those Stanford graduates well after they proceed from the stadium. Speeches have the ability to be very powerful. However, when not delivered in an effective manner, they can also have an adverse effect. Steve Jobs does a brilliant Job demonstrating the way to go about delivering a speech. He does not speak down to the students, but rather he levels out the playing field. They students can relate to Jobs because everyone encounters struggles in life, its how you deal with those truggles that makes all the difference. What he wanted for the graduates he was speaking too was nothing more than to give them the confidence to do whatever they want in life with no reluctance. He also states, Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And Ive always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you: Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish(l). No matter what; the pursuit of happiness will lead you down the road of success if you follow your intuition and do what makes you truly happy.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Discuss The Rationale Of The Payment Method And Risk Sharing Under
Discuss The Rationale Of The Payment Method And Risk Sharing Under Discuss The Rationale Of The Payment Method And Risk Sharing Under Capitation – Article Example Rationale of Payment Method and Risk Sharing Under Capitation Affiliation: Insurance companies such as MCOs, Blue Cross/BlueShield, and the government are classified as third party payers with the patient and the providers being the other two parties. The payment extended to the latter parties by the third-party payers is referred as reimbursement. However, while providers traditionally preferred the fee-for-service method, this method has been dismissed due to fee escalation. Hence fore, various other methods bearing varying merits have been devised to cater for the reimbursement needs. The rationale for the payment methods and risk sharing are highlighted below (Shi, 2013).a. Free for service – this method has been dismissed due to charge escalation. However, the method required insurers to pay charges passively set by the providers. These charges were developed under the assumption that services were provided within a set of identifiable and individually unique circumstance s involving service delivery.b. Package Pricing – this payment method is also referred as bundled charges as it covers related services in one price. For example, vag9inal delivery can have one set fee that includes pre- and post-delivery care.c. Resource-Based Relative Value Scale – this method is more based on the risks involves and therefore reimburses physicians regarding the skills, time taken, and the intensity of providing services. This method involves adjustment for reimbursement regarding with respect to the geographical factor to the practice location – hence, involving a complex formula.d. Reimbursement Under Managed Care – This is a set of reimbursement approaches. Firstly, the PPO is a variant of the fee-for-service method and institutes fee schedules relative to discounts conveyed with providers within the grid. Secondly, the HMO puts physicians on payroll. However, the HMO has a branch classified as the third method, capitation. Capitation is a mechanism which reimburses providers monthly. This method has no merit of compensating a provider with regards to enrollee frequency in search of services. It also down plays the role of providers in inducing demand – providers are encouraged to provide only needed services. Package Pricing and Resource-Based Relative Value Scale has the same effect as the capitation method – risk sharing is economically managed (Shi, 2013).ReferenceShi, L. et al. (2013). Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System: Financing and Reimbursement Methods. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Friday, November 22, 2019
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Contribute Comments to DailyWritingTips.com Contribute Comments to DailyWritingTips.com Contribute Comments to DailyWritingTips.com By Mark Nichol If you read the comments on this site, you know that DailyWritingTips.com is a collaborative enterprise: I post, and visitors correct me. But, seriously, visitors’ comments are a valuable part of the experience, and you are encouraged to weigh in with your experiences, opinions, and insights. My posts are based on my experience as a professional writer and editor and my research into grammar, usage, style, and other editorial issues. I also have an extensive background, and I’ve edited for several prominent publishers and other organizations, but such distinctions are not necessarily ironclad proofs of skill, and they don’t mean that I’m always right (or that I’ve explained something well). That is why we welcome visitors comments, and much of the information they provide is well written and well reasoned, and contributes significantly to a collaborative effort to enrich site visitors’ knowledge about writing. I respond as time permits, though I also welcome it when visitors respond to each others’ comments. In addition, several of my posts have resulted from visitors’ suggestions or questions. (I reply also to visitors who send notes directly to info@dailywritingtips.com, but I prefer that they share their thoughts with others in the comments section.) DailyWritingTips.com is a great online resource for people who care about written language to congregate and learn from each other. The most prolific commenters folks like ApK, Cecily, Deborah H, JK Brennan, Kathryn, Peter, Precise Edit, Rebecca, Roberta B., Sharon, Shirley, Stephen Thorn, and thebluebird11 as well as others, enable us all to develop our skills. Please add your name to the roster by sharing your thoughts with the rest of the DailyWritingTips.com community. (Note that email subscribers, in order to visit the site and leave their comments, must click on the title of the post they receive via email.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Types and Forms of Humor45 Synonyms for â€Å"Old†and â€Å"Old-Fashioned†Drama vs. Melodrama
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Eassy 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Eassy 1 - Essay Example Therefore intuition and deduction from this information is a priori (Lawhead 22). Rationalism is a perceived truth about something. In an argument by Lawhead rationalism is a feeling of truth about an object or an idea (23). The author further points out that the feeling is accompanied by a general assumption about truth about something (Lawhead 23). Additionally, rationalism is created about a fact that can be proven be fact or a creation. For instance, a person may believe in the belief that God exists because it is a fact that is believed beyond reasonable doubt. In this particular case, the assumption that God exists may be proven but with a strong believe but not with experience. Lawhead points out that rationalism is basically factual theories but with no physical experience or proof (45). On the other hand, empiricism is a theory that can be proven with experience. Lawhead defines empiricism as an idea or theory that is real (56). The vice is different from rationalism which is based on beliefs. Empiricism can be proven by physical evidence. However, there is no source of knowledge on an idea that can prove its existence. The only source on knowledge while using empiricism is experience. For instance, when person undergoes an operation to remove a tumor from their body they experience the medical process but they do not have the chance to see the operation. In this particular case, the person undergoing the surgery does not know the source of the tumor or the process the operation. However, the experience both pain and recovery. In future the person may describe the experience not with specific knowledge of the events but with their experience of the events. This may include the pain they felt, the time they took to recover or the price they paid for the operation. T his is a perfect example of an empirical idea. Lawhead argues that empiricism gives us knowledge more effectively
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Project Management -- Network Planning Techniques Essay
Project Management -- Network Planning Techniques - Essay Example The critical path enables the manager to decide in what sequence a set of activities will be performed and when they should start and be completed. By knowing which tasks are non-critical the manager is better able to reconcile his project with his resource constraints. Another major advantage of using the critical path method is that the manager is able to perform â€Å"what if†exercises. If the start date of the project (a, 0) has been fixed as Tuesday January 4th, 2011 and assuming that work is done only on Monday through Friday with no holidays, the earliest projected calendar finish date of the project is June 24th, 2011. By default, all critical tasks have zero slack. The task with the largest free slack occurs at node L, which is GFE delivery. The manager could use the slack to manage scope creep, to monitor and update his schedule and to revise his risk assessment. From our critical path diagram it is evident that dates for delivery of the engine and for the GFE payload are non-critical, therefore we shall set the date of delivery for both to be March 30th, 2011 because any date before vehicle integration begins on April 1st, 2011 will suffice. The critical path remains the same but completion date is pushed forward to June 28th, 2011 because total number of days needed to complete the project increases from 124 to 128. We also notice that the slack days also go up. The impact of this change will have to be reflected with a revision of project
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Global Stratification Essay Example for Free
Global Stratification Essay Please choose one example of a third world country that was colonized (like Jamaica) and apply one of the theories learned in this week (i. e. world system theory, neo-colonialism, culture of poverty, etc. ) to analyze its economic conditions. Answers: North Korea is the only country of socialistic type which didn’t take any steps to change its regime in favor of democratic or market economy during the second part of the 20th century. The country exists for more than half a century but the last 10 years it exists in the conditions of economic crisis because of economic isolation. North Korea is characterized by extremely low GDP less than 1000 dollars per capita. Therefore, the country is one of the Third World nations. The main reason North Korea is a Third World nation is that it is one of the fewer countries which still practice communism in the globe. North Korea rejects capitalism and is closed from the rest of the world. People are suffering, despite the fact that North Korea is considered the forth group of nation in the World System Theory. When Communism was proved to be inefficient, the economy of North Korea collapsed. Moreover, North Korea keeps isolating itself from globalization of capitalism; its economic situation will less likely to improve. Apart from the natural drawbacks of the communism, Culture of Poverty also plays its role in the worsening situation of North Korea. As far as people in North Korea are so poor that they didn’t even have enough food to consume, they would not take any risks to take any steps to improve their lives. Also, the consequences of violating the governmental could be fatal. Thus North Korea perpetuates poverty from one generation to the next generation. Meanwhile despite the hunger and natural disasters the Korean system hasn’t â€Å"exploded†yet.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How McEwan Presents Ideas about Memory and Recall in Enduring Love :: Enduring Love Ian McEwan Literature Essays
How McEwan Presents Ideas about Memory and Recall in Enduring Love In ‘Enduring Love†McEwan has created a storyline that refers to the 1st person narrator’s own perception of his own mind and memory. Because of this we do not know whether to trust Joe or not as he is extremely biased in his own opinion. At the very beginning of the novel we, as the reader, feel extremely safe being â€Å"in Joe’s hands†because we see the very scientific, rational mind; however as we go on through the story we see the loss of rationality and we are given hints not to trust Joe as much as we did; â€Å"His writing’s rather like yours†and â€Å"Mr Tapp went to the toilet, not his daughter†. Within the opening chapter we see as a very clear memory from Joe of the balloon accident. Within this chapter we see the very rational side of Joe where we see the view of the balloon accident from a â€Å"buzzards†point of view so that it looks like the people who are within the balloon accident are on a snooker table coming from all direction. Joe is able to stop time here and point out where absolutely everyone is in relation to himself and the actual balloon. The use of narrative and chronological time not being the same in the first chapter also gives the reader different views of Joe’s own memory and what kind of state he is in within the first chapter; the change from people running towards the balloon to then of Joe’s and Clarissa’s reunion to then being back at the balloon accident. From the very beginning of the novel we, as the reader, see that Joe is a very rational person who has to think about every single detail of his own life and other people’s lives around his own. However in Chapter 3 we see a very emotional part of Joe as he describes what both he and Clarissa are up to after the great tragedy of the balloon accident; â€Å"why didn’t I think of this?†and â€Å"she caressed my balls†. This defiantly shows another side of Joe that we hadn’t seen yet, this gives the reader the insight into Joe so that we know what different sides there are to him that can affects his own memory. This is extremely important for the reader as we must know whether the narrator is trustworthy or not. At his point we are given no reason to doubt Joe and what he is telling us. However at the end of chapter 3 we are given an inclination not to trust Joe as much as we do as Jed
Monday, November 11, 2019
Multiple Sclerosis Research essay Essay
More than 2.3 million people are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis worldwide. There are currently 250,000 to 350,000 people in the United States diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. And about 200 new cases are diagnosed every week (Multiple Sclerosis FAQs). Neurologists prescribe these patients with corticosteroids, either oral or through IV. Although scientists have found no cure to multiple sclerosis, corticosteroids have been used to successfully treat relapses and potentially stop progressive-relapsing and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. To start off with, multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system. It damages the protective coating around the nerve fibers that sends messages to all parts of your body controlling muscle and sensory activity. It is an autoimmune disease, this is when your body’s own immune system attacks itself. As the damage to protective coating around the nerve fibers increase, it becomes a process known as demyelination where the coating is destroyed. These nerves then become less and less capable at sending messages. As the messages escape they become weaker, leading to difficulty in controlling muscles in different parts of your body. Even when damage occurs to the myelin, it sometimes repairs through internal body repair devices. Described as inflammation at the site of the damage becomes less over time. The rate at which the myelin is damaged is faster than the rate at which repair happens, so the damage becomes more throughout the central nervous system. This damage is known as lesions that take the form of patchy scarring (Managing Your †¦). Patients and doctors together recognize what the disease does and how it affects your body; still they acknowledge that corticosteroids treat the inflammation and reduce that inflammation. Furthermore, there are some patterns, anyone can develop multiple sclerosis. More women than men have multiple sclerosis and the percentage keeps increasing as years go by. There is no direct evidence that multiple sclerosis is inherited. Some studies suggest environmental factors, like low Vitamin D have increased the risk of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis occurs in all ethnic groups, but is most common in Caucasians of European ancestry. When men and women develop multiple sclerosis it usually takes a long time to diagnose. In the early stages of multiple sclerosis, symptoms multiple sclerosis suggest several diseases of the nervous system. Magnetic resonance imaging help give a definite diagnoses since there is no laboratory test available to diagnose multiple sclerosis (Multiple Sclerosis FAQs). As you can see, this means anyone, even if no one in your family has multiple sclerosis, can develop it. Secondly, there are several different symptoms multiple sclerosis that develop when you have multiple sclerosis. Symptoms multiple sclerosis are different for every person; usual symptoms multiple sclerosis of relapses include optic neuritis, limb weakness, numbness, imbalance, light-headedness, and loss of facial strength. In more serious multiple sclerosis, such as in progressive-relapsing multiple sclerosis, symptoms multiple sclerosis include fatigue, and depression. Relapses usually range from days to weeks and self-fixed around weeks to months. Neurologists use Corticosteroids for selected relapses that have reoccurring symptoms multiple sclerosis and increasingly get worse through-out the relapse. Around fifty percent of neurologists use them for all relapses (Mechanistic Insights†¦). This states that even patient that have the same type of multiple sclerosis as you, you may have different symptoms multiple sclerosis and be given different treatments for your relapses, de pendent on how sever they may be. Finally, steroids in general are found naturally in plants and animals, but corticosteroids are those particular steroids released into the bloodstream by the adrenal gland. People with multiple sclerosis relapses who are being treated with corticosteroids show that the corticosteroids work by decreasing the levels of the depraved immune substances and by making the cell membranes of the white cells more flexible and less sticky. Other evidence suggests that there is also an effect on the way the brain interprets the messages coming to it from the body’s nerves. MRI studies also show that corticosteroids significantly decrease the amount of swelling around individual multiple sclerosis lesions, causing better nerve transmission through these affected areas (Steroids). As this states, corticosteroids are found in the human body and advance the relapses quicker and faster to a safer recover time than in other treatments commonly used like placebo. Furthermore, Corticosteroids are proved not to cure multiple sclerosis but to treat mild relapses. The symptoms of multiple sclerosis they can be treat with Corticosteroids usually consist of tingling in the absence of sensory loss. One major study done by N. M. Milligan, a researcher at University Hospital of Wales, stated that, â€Å"50 patients received methylprednisolone 500mg intravenously for five days or inactive placebo†¦.carried out at 1 to 4 weeks†¦.73 percent of methylprednisolone-treated patients improved compared with 29 percent of methylprednisolone-treated of those on placebo†. The group he tested on contained both relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and Chronic progressive multiple sclerosis, both these patients benefited from methylprednisolone. This study made neurologists, around the world, to start prescribing intravenously methylprednisolone for relapses. One other slightly major study done by Finn Sellebjerg, a professor of neurology at the U niversity of Copenhagen and chief physician at Danish Multiple Sclerosis Center, gave 51 patients enduring a relapse less than four weeks to receive oral placebo or oral prednisolone (Corticosteroids) 500mg per day for five days. Results of Sellebjerg states â€Å"†¦1, 3, and 8 weeks, 4 percent, 24 percent, and 32 percent in the placebo group and 31 percent, 54 percent, and 65 percent in the prednisolone group improved one point on the Kurtzke Scale score†these patients also stated that their symptoms multiple sclerosis improved much more with the steroids at 3 and 8 weeks (Steroids). This states that in most cases, corticosteroids produce patients with shorter relapses times, no side effects when used short term, and reduces the symptoms effect on the patient’s work time, wither they can or cannot work, during the duration of that relapse; compared with placebo, which in most cases, does not have an effect on the patients recovery time, does have miner side effects when even used short term, and does not reduce the symptoms effect on the patient’s capability to work during the relapses. As you can see, both of these studies prove that corticosteroids are the best treatment to us e during or after to manage a relapse. All and all, Corticosteroids may not be the cure for multiple sclerosis but it does help the relapses end faster. It makes it so that people can go back to work and ends relapses faster. It also lets patients potentially stop their progressive-relapsing and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. As a daughter of a mother that has multiple sclerosis, I’m asking you to spread the word of corticosteroid treatment to those who have multiple sclerosis. Works Cited Krieger, Stephen, et al. â€Å"Mechanistic Insights into Corticosteroids in Multiple Sclerosis: War Horse or Chameleon?†_Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery._ 119 (2014): 6-16. _Elservier._ Web. 2 September 2014. In Stephen Krieger’s persuasive article â€Å"Mechanistic Insights into Corticosteroids in Multiple Sclerosis: War Horse or Chameleon?†he discuss cellular, systemic, and clinical characteristics that might contribute to intended and unintended CS effects when utilizing doses in clinical practice. The goal of this article is to consider recent insights about CS mechanism multiple sclerosis of action in the context of MS. A diversity of mechanism multiple sclerosis drive the heterogeneous clinical response to exogenous Corticosteroids in patients with MS. _Multiple Sclerosis FAQs_. National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 2014. Web. 2 September 2014. In the informative article _Multiple Sclerosis FAQS_ it discussed that multiple sclerosis can cause many symptoms, including blurred vision, loss of balance, poor coordination, slurred speech, tremors, numbness, extreme fatigue, problems multiple sclerosis with memory and concentration, paralysis, and blindness and more. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, unpredictable disease of the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. The goal of this article is to inform patients about the use of corticosteroid in multiple sclerosis and how it can shorten relapses. Robinson, Ian and F. Clifford Rose â€Å"Managing Your Multiple Sclerosis: Practical Advice to Help You Manage Your Multiple Sclerosis†London: Class, 2004. E-book. Web. 2 Sept In Ian Robinson’s informative e-book â€Å"Managing Your Multiple Sclerosis: Practical Advice to Help You Manage Your Multiple Sclerosis†discussed a practical guide to multiple sclerosis’s management and can provide you with many information sheets on this subject. This book was written by popular demand from patients, who read their articles before, who wanted to know more about practical steps that they could take in their day-to-day living with multiple sclerosis. The goal for this book is to describe multiple sclerosis causes and diagnosis and what steps you can take for different treatments for relapses. _Steroids._ Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis, 2014. Web. 2 September 2014. In the informative article _Steroids,_ discussed that there is convincing evidence that steroids are useful in improving the recovery after a relapse of multiple sclerosis. For most relapses, there should be no delay in starting a short course of steroids. It is probable that steroids delay the onset of the next episode as well. The goal for this article was to state evidence, studies, done on corticosteroids and how they would be beneficial to use based on that evidence and how they end relapses sooner.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Sociology Reflective Essay
‘Social Stratification is the division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative property, power, and prestige; applies to both nations and to people within a nation, society, or other group. ’ (Henslin, James,2011) There are basically four systems to socially stratify a family. Social class, as one of the systems will be investigated in the following paragraphs. (1) Identification of my family’s social class position and explanations of it: Social class is fundamentally determined by how much wealth you have.Income, education and gender are three major factors that I would consider to determine my family’s social class position. Concisely speaking, I came from a single-parent family which I only live with my mother. My mother is the only person who is officially employed in my family. Her occupation is a salesperson at a beauty centre with unstable income. One other important financial income of our family will be the alimony given from my father who no longer lives with us. Our household income per month is about $10,000. According to the 2006 Population By-census, the median monthly domestic household income (at current prices) was $ 17,250.Although there are only two people in my family, our monthly income is nearly 40% below the median figure in 2006. Individually, my mother does not receive stable income so her monthly income tends to be lower than the median monthly income of an employed individual of $ 10,000. In conclusion, my family’s income is comparably low; especially the data was collected in 2006 which inflation has already been excluded. Education is counted as an essential factor determining social class as it’s believed that well-educated people can always get well-pay jobs with comfortable working environments.As mentioned in the 2006 Population By-census report, people with higher educational attainment generally have higher income than less educated ones. Also, in the past fe w decades, only economically sufficient families could provide educations for their children. There are many middle-aged people nowadays do not have high-school qualifications. Thus, in the past few decades, the more educated a person was, the wealthier his/ her family would be. My mother did not finish high-school education while I have just started my university study. Finally, a very special factorâ€â€gender, is considered. ‘Gender is a basis for social stratification. (Henslin, James, 2011) All of us in a family are both females. Even though people in modern world advocate gender equality, women still suffer from gender inequality. Stated in the report of the 2006 Population By-census, the median monthly income from main employment of working men was higher than that of working women by some 30% during 1996–2006. Other than income, clothing, right to divorce and education are restricted in some Middle East countries (e. g. Iran). Hong Kong seems t o be a liberal city but there are still some deep-root traditions and thoughts that limit the social mobility of females.Due to gender inequality, my mother was not allowed to attend high school and she is forced to receive lower pay comparing to her male colleagues with same working titles. To conclude, I would say gender serves as a force that aid pushing down my family’s social status. After the considerations of all these factors, I would place my family as working class or sometimes lower class. In term of Marx’s theory, my family would be the proletariat (workers). In term of Weber’s theory which considers three components of social class, I would still place my family as working or lower class. 2) Prediction of my own social class when I am 40 years old and the possible difference between my current family social class position and the future: It is extremely hard to predict my own social position when I am 40 years old which will be approximately two decades later as our world is never predictable. Nonetheless, if everything reminds unchanged in our world, I will be a clinical psychologist or at least graduate with bachelor degree. Ideally, I will be working for the government as a professional with ‘Iron Rice Bowl’. The salary I get will be higher than average.According to the report on salary scale of common posts in the non-governmental organizations, the monthly salary of a clinical psychologist was $ 30,615 in 2009 which was 2 times higher than the median monthly income in 2006. In 20 years time, my mother will be retired hopefully and I will be the only financial support at home. My occupation, wealth, education level and income will be the main indicators to identify my social position in our society. According to Marx, I remain a proletariat who lacks of class consciousness as I do not perceive an occupation as a clinical psychologist as an exploited worker.According to Wright, I may be on the level of managers or still work ers. I guess I will not own any means of production or labor power but I hope I can still own control over investments or money capital (e. g. a flat unit). In short, from both Marx’s and Wright’s view, my social position will not differ a lot from my family’s current social class position. However, I doubt that their views are relatively simplistic and out-dated so I prefer Weber’s three components of social class (property, power and prestige). At the age of 40, as a professional, I may have a secretary which means I gain power on controlling my subordinates at work.Also, prestige sounds more achievable as a professional with more respects. From his perspective, I may achieve vertical mobility and move to a higher-rank social position comparing to my family’s current social class position. Generally, I believe being a clinical psychologist can upgrade myself from a lower/working class to lower middle class. However, the above assumptions are made under the circumstances that nothing has changed. In my own opinion, there are some essential factors that I have to consider. For examples, the prestige and income I will get for being a clinical psychologist may not be that much as in the past.This is because studying in universities is very common; getting a university degree will be easier than the past. Potentially, there will be more clinical psychologists in Hong Kong and salaries will be lowered when there are sufficient supplies. (3) Considerations of all advantages and/or disadvantages my family’s current social class position provides or poses in helping to determine the social class to which I see myself belonging when I am forty years old: First of all, I would like to state some of the disadvantages at the beginning.Income is an important indicator determining class position. However, my mother’s income can be very unstable (as a typical factor of local working class). She can earn quite a lot this month but earn nothing in the following month. A few years ago while there was a structural change in the industry that I have considered not to continue my study but to work in order to support my family’s expenses. This kind of consideration may appear again if the economic condition is really bad.Although the possibility is very low, income uncertainty can still block my sights from determining my future social class which is possibly determined by my education level. Also, social class is likely to be intergenerational so I am very likely to be part of the working/ lower class but not what I have expected in part (2). One significant advantage is that being a part of the lower/working class provides very strong motivation for me to study harder and move to the middle class rank in the future.When being a part of the middle class becomes my goal, I can easily conclude what social position I will be in my 40s. References: (1) Thematic Report :Household Income Distributionin Hong Kong 2006 Population By-census http://www. statistics. gov. hk/publication/stat_report/population/B11200452006XXXXB0401. pdf (2) Salary Scale of Common Posts in the Non-governmental Organizations w. e. f 1. 4. 2009 http://www. swd. gov. hk/doc/ngo/Salary%20Scale%20of%20Common%20Posts%20wef%201%204%202009. pdf (3) Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach (Henslin, James,2011)
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Engineering wheat (Triticum aestivum) Essays
Engineering wheat (Triticum aestivum) Essays Engineering wheat (Triticum aestivum) Essay Engineering wheat (Triticum aestivum) Essay Describe how you would place the wheat asparagine synthetase cistrons based on homology to cistrons from other species, clone the complementary DNA and confirm cistron map. I would foremost obtain the sequences for the Arabidopsis thaliana and rice ( Oryza sativa ) asparagine synthetase ( AS ) cistrons from Pubmed, and compare this to the wheat genome sequence utilizing BLAST online. This can be seen for the wheat AS cistrons: TaASN1 and TaASN2 and putative homologues have been described on Homologene on the Pubmed ( NCBI ) web site. Homologues include the ASN2 A ; 3 cistrons in A.thaliana and the theoretical Os06g0265000 cistron in Oryza sativa. A survey performed by Wang H et Al to insulate the wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) TaASN1 and TaASN2 cistrons, compared them for homology to AS cistrons of other beings, they found that the glutamine binding sites and Class-II glutamine amidotransferase ( Glutaminase ) sphere were conserved. Hence we could plan primers from the parts of homology conserved in AS cistrons, cognizing that there is a good opportunity they will be successful for usage in cloning the complementary DNA of the wheat AS cistrons. Genomic DNA could be extracted from wheat by homogenizing wheat tissue, as described by M A ; oslash ; ller et Al in which they did this for the liliopsid, barley. The method comprised of homogenising works tissue by puting about 200 A ; micro ; g into a 2.2-ml plastic tubing with two cylindrical beads, stop deading it in liquid N and crunching the tissue into a pulverization by vortexing at high velocities. Subsequent centrifugation and washing stairss would let the extraction of genomic wheat Deoxyribonucleic acid. Using the primers designed from the homologous parts of AS cistrons, we could so magnify a part of Deoxyribonucleic acid from this cistron via PCR to obtain a longer fragment of genomic DNA to plan better primers. The new primers can be used with messenger RNA extracted from wheat grain in the procedure of contrary written text PCR ( RT-PCR ) . This would bring forth cloned wheat complementary DNA at the AS cistrons TaASN1 and TaASN2. I could so infix the complementary DNA into a cloning vector, which contains the N-terminal fragment of the LacZ operon, leting testing cells when the vector is transformed. To corroborate cistron map, I would transform the complementary DNA vector incorporating the TaASN1 A ; 2 cistrons into E.coli, to do a complementary DNA library. The E.coli that I use will be knock outs for endogenous E.coli Asparagine Synthetase cistrons. They will besides miss the N-terminal fragment of the LacZ operon, similar to the M15 mutation of E.coli. E.coli, transformed successfully via electroporation, will incorporate a vector which has the N-terminal fragment of the LacZ operon, and the TaASN1 A ; 2 cistrons. E.coli would so be plated onto agarose home bases with media incorporating: X-Gal, IPTG ( a gratuitous inducer of the Lac operon ) and glutamate, but no asparagine. E.coli transformed successfully will be able to synthesize asparagines from glutatmate utilizing the TaASN1 A ; 2 cistrons on the vector, nevertheless untransformed cells will decease due to miss of asparagine. To farther guarantee that cells have been transformed successfully, the lasting cell settlements should be coloured bluish. The vector, incorporating the losing portion of the Lac operon, will let the transformed cells to change over the colorless X-Gal into a blue coloured substance. Hence bluish settlements that survive will be successfully transformed, and besides confirm that the wheat AS cistron s ( TaASN1 A ; 2 ) map is to synthesize asparagines from glutamate. The T-DNA concept seen in Figure 1 is designed to hush the TaASN1 A ; 2 cistrons in wheat grain. The Glu-1D-1 booster has been shown to be extremely endosperm particular to wheat grain by Lamacchia et Al and would therefore be ideal in pick in which to show the hushing concept in this experiment. This is because the T-DNA will merely be transcribed in wheat grain cells which have the ability to acknowledge this booster and transcribe Deoxyribonucleic acid after it. The silencing concept, shown as: ( AS2i, AS1i, I, AS1, AS2 ) , consists if the TaASN1 cistron and the TaASN2 cistron inserted as an upside-down repetition on either side of an intronic spacer sequence ( I ) . The ensuing concept, when transcribed specifically in wheat grain cells, will bring forth hairpin messenger RNA, due to the intronic spacer. The hairpin messenger RNA, which is dsRNA, will be recognised by the Dicer-RDE composite, which cleaves the messenger RNA into short fragments of 21-23bp in length. These fragments are referred to as short interfering RNA ( siRNA ) and are recognised by the RNAi silencing composite ( RISC ) , which binds to them and migrates to mRNA with complementary sequence. By adhering to and aiming the complementary messenger RNA for debasement the cistron look of the TaASN1 A ; 2 cistrons will be inhibited, because most of the messenger RNA transcribed from those cistrons will be degraded. Therefore this concept is structured to bring forth the effectual silencing of the TaASN1 A ; 2 cistrons. After the silencing concept, there is a expiration sequence which will hold written text, guaranting accurate written text of the hairpin messenger RNA. The Ubi1 booster is the corn ubiquitin booster and noncoding DNA, which will bring forth look of a cistron downstream to it ubiquitously throughout the wheat works. The cistron downstream of Ubi1 is shown as K res in Figure 1. It is a Kanamycin opposition cistron and is included in the T-DNA concept for usage as a selectable marker to test for successfully transformed hosts. There is another expiration sequence in the T-DNA, 3 A ; premier ; to the K res cistron, to guarantee that merely the K RESs cistron is ubiquitously transcribed in wheat. The T-DNA concept will be inserted into a vector as shown in Figure 2. It contains a Ampicillin opposition cistron, and beginnings of reproduction ( ORI ) that will let plasmid reproduction in both E.coli and A.tumefaciens. The vector will be is transformed into disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which have been modified to incorporate a helper plasmid and besides will hold had their Tumor-inducing plasmid removed. This assistant plasmid will incorporate the vir cistrons required to reassign T-DNA into the works and incorporate it into the works genome. The vir cistrons recognise the left and right boundary line repetitions, strike the T-DNA, reassign it into the works karyon, and intergrate it into the works s atomic Deoxyribonucleic acid. Therefore with this method the T-DNA concept will incorporate into cells of the wheat works, nevertheless the hushing concept will merely be translated in the wheat grain cells, as the Glu-1D-1 booster is merely active in these cells. Consequently the look of the TaASN1 A ; 2 cistrons will inhibited and the asparagine content of wheat should be reduced. Describe how you would transform the concept into wheat and isolate transgenic wheat workss. To transform the concept into wheat I have decided to utilize an Agrobacterium tumefaciens binary vector method of wheat transmutation. I chose to utilize this method over Bioloistics, because the reported transmutation frequence ( TF ) utilizing Agrobacterium is reported to be higher than that of Biolostics. Jones HD besides reported that utilizing immature blossomings as a wheat explant pick has shown good T-DNA look from Agrobacterium mediated transmutation. Hence I would transform immature blossomings from wheat, with my concept designed in Q2, utilizing and Agrobacterium mediated method of transmutation. I would transform the vector into E.coli via electroporation, to magnify the concept, choosing for successful transformants utilizing ampicillin opposition conferred by the vector. I would insulate the vector from the E.coli after elaboration, and transform the vector into Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The Agrobacterium will already hold been transformed with a assistant plasmid, which contains the Vir cistrons, which will let the transportation of T-DNA into the wheat. I would so submerse hurt immature blossomings into a suspension of the transformed A. tumefaciens. The workss would so be placed onto agarose civilization medium, incorporating Kantrex for choice of T-DNA incorporating transformed workss. Kanamycin will kill any workss which do non incorporate the vector, and the A. tumefaciens will decease due to miss of opines for foods. The media will besides incorporate the works endocrines auxin and cytokinin to excite root and shoot growing severally, and bring on callus formation. Hence merely transformed workss will organize a callosity, which can be regenerate in agar to organize plantlets and so grown in dirt to turn to the grownup wheat works. Describe how you would analyze the transgenic workss to prove for a nexus between look of the asparagine synthetase cistrons and acrylamide formation. First I would analyze the wheat grain utilizing RT-PCR to find the effects of the cistron hushing. I would homogenize both transgenic wheat grain and control wheat grain ( with a dummy vector incorporating no T-DNA ) and pull out the messenger RNA. Using the primers designed in portion 1 I would so magnify the messenger RNA produced by the TaASN1 A ; 2 cistrons. By running the merchandises on an agarose gel, the comparative look and activity of the cistrons can be measured and compared utilizing the comparative strengths of the sets in the gel. Transformed wheat grain should hold less messenger RNAs produced from the TaASN1 A ; 2 cistrons due to their suppression organize the silencing concept. I would besides analyze the transgenic wheat grain and toast made from the transgenic wheat grain, utilizing High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) to farther find the effects of the cistron hushing. It is of import to prove the acrylamide content of toasted staff of life, because acrylamide is formed from asparagine under high temperatures via the Maillard reaction. A low degree of acrylamide is the most of import consequence to obtain as it is the toxic substance in toast and will be ideal to take down. HPLC is a technique normally used in nutrient, cosmetic and environmental industries to observe the presence of compounds that could be harmful to the consumer. Compounds can be separated, identified and quantified utilizing this method, which basically consists of filtrating compounds through a column, based on assorted physical and chemical interactions. Rommens et al successfully used this method to find the asparagine content of murphies and the acrylamide content of Gallic french friess. Hence obtaining a low value of both asparagine and acrylamide, when compared to command wheat grain and control toast, will mean that the hushing concept transformed into wheat has successfully lowered the asparagine content and hence besides lowered the harmful acrylamide content of wheat. Reference List Wang H, Liu D, Sun J, Zhang A. Asparagine synthetase cistron TaASN1 from wheat is up-regulated by salt emphasis, osmotic emphasis and ABA. J Plant Physiol. 2005 Jan ; 162 ( 1 ) :81-9. M A ; oslash ; ller MG, Taylor C, Rasmussen SK, Holm PB. Molecular cloning and word picture of two cistrons encoding asparagine synthetase in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. ) Biochim Biophys Acta. 2003 Jul 28 ; 1628 ( 2 ) :123-32. Lamacchia C, Shewry PR, Di Fonzo N, Forsyth JL, Harris N, Lazzeri PA, Napier JA, Halford NG, Barcelo P. Endosperm-specific activity of a storage protein cistron booster in transgenic wheat seed. J Exp Bot. 2001 Feb ; 52 ( 355 ) :243-50. Christensen AH. , Sharrock RA, Quail PH. Maize polyubiquitin cistrons construction, thermic disturbance of look and transcript splice, and booster activity following transportation to energids by electroporation. Plant Molecular Biology ( 1992 ) 18, 675-689 Jones HD. Wheat transmutation: current engineering and applications to grain development and composing. Journal of Cereal Science ( 2005 ) 41: 137-147 Rommens CM, Yan H, Swords K, Richael C, Ye J. Low-acrylamide French french friess and potato french friess. Plant Biotechnol J. 2008 Oct ; 6 ( 8 ) :843-53
Monday, November 4, 2019
Confucianism (Analects) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Confucianism (Analects) - Essay Example The practices vary and the divergence of understanding increase (Jacobs, 2012). Confucianism named after the founder Confucius aimed at uniting the people of China. It got adopted as a rule to bring together the people of china. The exams set on Confucianism took only 24 to 72 hours and any male could sit for the exam. It existed from 600 to 1900 era. Under Confucianism, the humanists control the affair of the country and thus the lack of performance by the government becomes lack of performance of the Confucianism. Confucianism has helped revive businesses eventually leading to the evolution of several achievements and thus the need for its revival (Branigan, 2009). However, the idea to revive Confucianism has not gone quite well with some of the citizens in China and thus many of the Chinese have opted resisting the religion. The Christians do not see this form of religion as Godly. As such, many have decided to resist it no matter what it can offer. The various teachings of Confucianism adopted by the Chinese people reflect on superstitions because they believe in a sculpture carving in the museum with no significant importance. Thus, the Christians have opted resisting its revival in the country (Confucius & Slingerland, 2006). Lunyu explains the relationship that exist when people come together and live as one. The morale and desire to embrace the virtues of the society should make one feel comfortable and part of the family (Jones, 1996). The devotion one has towards the service of ensuring unity determines those whoncan act as good family mamebers and those who cannot. If one can keep the virtues of their leaders, when in their presence, and when not in their presence, that means the person can turn out as a good family member. The commitment exhibited by Confucianism members give equal the commitment by anyone serving the state. This means solidarity must persist forever whether during
Saturday, November 2, 2019
BMW Brand Equity Analysis Report(BEAR) Research Paper
BMW Brand Equity Analysis Report(BEAR) - Research Paper Example The introduction provides a brief profile of the company. The report will also provide the current status of the brand as well as its investments in the business sector. Challenges that are being faced by the firm will be provided including recommendations necessary for implementation in order to realize success in the company. The recommendations should be taken into consideration if significant success and consistent quality are to be enhanced. Introduction BMW is short for Bavarian Motor Works which began in the early years of the twentieth century. It first began as an aircraft engine manufacturing in Germany. The success of its 6-cylinder BMW IIIa engine saw it become a publicly traded company (Easton, 2008, p. 1). The license to manufacture automobiles was obtained in the year 1928. Throughout the years, it has been able to gain reputation for innovation, as well as, quality in the automobile, aircraft engines and motorcycle fields. Its reputation has continued to grow owing to its award winning performance and impressive designs. BMW was listed by Forbes.com as the most reputable company in the world in the year 2012. The rankings were obviously based on such issues as people’s willingness to invest in the company, to buy, to work for and to recommend. Their perception of the products and the company were useful in the rankings. The BMW group sponsor is Bundesliga’s club and was also an official sponsor of the London 2012 Olympics. In 2010, it made a six-year sponsorship deal with USOC which is short for United States Olympic Committee. It has also sponsored many European golf events both in Italy and Germany. Status of the brand The brand has the right products that they have put in place, and they have continued to keep them competitive and attractive over the lifecycle. They have a lifecycle that follow a specific nomenclature. The nomenclature is applicable for both the automobiles and the motorcycle (Giuliani, 2012, p. 8). The brand ha s its presence in the global world and has the knowledge to delight customers around the globe. The company is looking into expanding globally to ensure that their innovation is present and known globally. This will also lead to an improvement in their reputation as well as in the loyalty of their customers. Their impressive and unique designs have ensured that the brand sticks to the minds of people. The brand is strong especially in innovation and efficiency of fuel. They have an aim of directing the future of the market using its initiatives. Their innovative initiatives have seen the brand grow stronger and have a competitive advantage over its competitors (Giuliani, 2012, p. 8). They have continued to provide luxury and unique brands that offer a different experience. This means that they have managed to further the joy and fascination of the brand. Their earnings and revenues have grown and have also broken all existing records. This is all in the back of dynamic flourishing o f financial services business and car sales volume growth. The earnings were strong and increased in a tremendous way. This is the reason why the brand is strong as opposed to the other car models. Investments in the business sector The brand is striving for a good balance of growth especially in Europe, Asia and America. This is essential especially if they want to achieve economic success in a volatile environment (Annual Report, 2011, p. 15). The group had discovered that there is future growth in such countries as Russia, Brazil,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Sir Francis Bacon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sir Francis Bacon - Essay Example Bacon's thoughts on science are closely associated with those of Galileo. A benefit of the early Renaissance was the rediscovery of the writings of those living in antiquity. With the new reading of Galileo, Sir Francis Bacon rejected the form of speculative reasoning that dominated the Middle Ages. Bacon believed that if you wanted to really know about something in nature, you needed to approach your study in a methodical manner, gathering real data that was observable and recordable. He states in his book The Great Insaturation, "There are and can be only two ways of searching into and discovering truth. The one flees from the senses and particulars to the most general axioms [laws]†¦The other derives axioms from the senses and particulars. This is the true way but yet untried. Bacon believed that if you wanted to understand soil or rocks, you would gather many different samples or specimens, study them and then let the facts of your study form new ideas about the natural worl d. Bacon melded his ideas with those of Galileo, formalizing them into a general theory of inductive reasoning that became known as empiricism (McKay 1992). Empiricism is the backbone of the scientific method utilized by students and scientists universally in modern times. Sir Francis Bacon believed that this new approach to knowing and understanding the natural world would radically change societies. He believed firmly that this new knowledge would give humans greater control over the natural elements .
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Read this document and after answer this 3 questions Essay - 2
Read this document and after answer this 3 questions - Essay Example Besides the teachers focus on the student thinking and concluding in the same way as they do, he also reports on the how the very teachers oblige their students to conceptualize facts in a snapshot by hinging their concerns on mere raw facts at the expense of understanding the concepts of what is at stake. This he compares with the notorious activity in the lower levels of study when the children are made to recite words before the class; this he says jeopardizes the morale of the students who are not sure of the words they are made to read as they want to avoid making mistakes before the class (Perry 76). This he says has made most of the children to associate reading books with other negatives and thus deem it as a way of punishment. In conclusion, Perry discusses the challenges the student and the teachers face in their endeavors to excel academically. He explores both implicit and explicit factors that are contributing to this and the mitigation that can be employed to curb the contributing factors to the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Country Comparison of Economic Development Data
Country Comparison of Economic Development Data QUESTIONS: You are required to collect comprehensive economic development data for year 2012 2013 of Malaysia and two countries of your choice and discuss which country is better in terms of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦(based on economic performance da ta collected) and discuss possible ways to improve your country’s economic development and standard of living. Malaysia Malaysia have 4 types of GDP which is purchasing power parity, official exchange rate, real growth rate and per capita PPP. For purchasing power parity in 2012 estimation is $501.5 billion and in 2013 estimation is $525 billion. In 2012 and 2013 estimation for the official exchange rate is $312.4 billion. For the real growth rate in 2012 estimation is 5.6% and in 2013 estimation is 4.7%. For the per capita PPP in 2012 is $17,000 and 2013 estimation is $17,500. Besides that, Malaysia have many different economy categories such as unemployment rate, population below poverty line. For the unemployment rate in 2012 estimation is 3% and in 2013 estimation is 3.1%. For the population below poverty line in 2012 and 2013 estimation is at 4.0% . Furthermore, for the budget consists of 2 categories which are revenues and expenditures. For the revenues in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $ 65.72 billion. For the expenditures in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $ 79.4 billion. In conjunction with the budget expenditures there is taxes which applies on the expenditures as well. For the taxes and other revenues is 21% GDP and for the budget deficit is -4.4% of GDP. For the consumer prices will have inflation rate as well. In 2012 estimation is 1.7% and in 2013 estimation is 2.2%. Lastly is the exports and imports for the country in Malaysia. For the exports in 2012 estimation is $227.7 billion and in 2013 estimation is $230.7 billion. For the imports in 2012 estimation is $186.9 billion and in 2013 estimation is $192.9 billion. The next category is people and society. There is 5 categories which is population, human development index, human poverty index, poverty rates and population growth rates. For the population in Malaysia for 2012 and 2013 estimation is 30,073,353 people. For the human development index in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 0.769. For the poverty rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 1.7%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation 1.7%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 1.47%. Japan Japan have 4 types of GDP which is purchasing power parity, official exchange rate, real growth rate and per capita PPP. For purchasing power parity in 2012 estimation is $4.638 trillion and in 2013 estimation is $4.729 trillion. In 2012 and 2013 estimation for the official exchange rate is $5.007 trillion. For the real growth rate in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 2% For the per capita PPP in 2012 is $36,300 and 2013 estimation is $37,100. Besides that, Malaysia have many different economy categories such as unemployment rate, population below poverty line. For the unemployment rate in 2012 estimation is 4.4% and in 2013 estimation is 4.1%. For the population below poverty line in 2012 and 2013 estimation is at 16%. Furthermore, for the budget consists of 2 categories which are revenues and expenditures. For the revenues in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $1.739 trillion. For the expenditures in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $2.149 trillion. In conjunction with the budget expenditures there is taxes which applies on the expenditures as well. For the taxes and other revenues is 34.7% GDP and for the budget deficit is -8.2% of GDP. For the consumer prices will have inflation rate as well. In 2012 estimation is 0% and in 2013 estimation is 0.2%. Lastly is the exports and imports for the country in Malaysia. For the exports in 2012 estimation is $776.6 billion and in 2013 estimation is $697.0 billion. For the imports in 2012 estimation is $830.1 billion and in 2013 estimation is $766.6 billion. The next category is people and society. There is 5 categories which is population, human development index, human poverty index, poverty rates and population growth rates. For the population in Malaysia for 2012 and 2013 estimation is 127,103,388 people. For the human development index in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 0.912. For the poverty rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 11.1%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation 15.7%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 0.13%. United States United States have 4 types of GDP which is purchasing power parity, official exchange rate, real growth rate and per capita PPP. For purchasing power parity in 2012 estimation is $16.47 trillion and in 2013 estimation is $16.72 trillion. In 2012 and 2013 estimation for the official exchange rate is $16.72 trillion. For the real growth rate in 2012 is 2.8% and 2013 estimation is 1.6%. For the per capita PPP in 2012 is $52,400 and 2013 estimation is $52,800. Besides that, Malaysia have many different economy categories such as unemployment rate, population below poverty line. For the unemployment rate in 2012 estimation is 8.1% and in 2013 estimation is 7.3%. For the population below poverty line in 2012 and 2013 estimation is at 15.1%. Furthermore, for the budget consists of 2 categories which are revenues and expenditures. For the revenues in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $2.849 trillion. For the expenditures in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $3.517 trillion. In conjunction with the budget expenditures there is taxes which applies on the expenditures as well. For the taxes and other revenues is 17% GDP and for the budget deficit is -4% of GDP. For the consumer prices will have inflation rate as well. In 2012 estimation is 2.1% and in 2013 estimation is 1.5%. Lastly is the exports and imports for the country in Malaysia. For the exports in 2012 estimation is $1.561 trillion and in 2013 estimation is $1.575 trillion. For the imports in 2012 estimation is $2.303 trillion and in 2013 estimation is $2.273 trillion. The next category is people and society. There is 5 categories which is population, human development index, human poverty index, poverty rates and population growth rates. For the population in Malaysia for 2012 and 2013 estimation is 127,103,388 people. For the human development index in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 0.912. For the poverty rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 11.1%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation 15.7%. Finally, for the population growth rates in 2012 and 2013 estimation is 0.13%. 5 Ways To Improve Your Country’s Economic Development And Standard Of Living 1. Wage your levies: An efficient tax collection and management system is important for a country’s economy growth. Besides exports, the majority of revenue is from taxation, without taxation, the government cannot invest in infrastructure, social programs or compensate government officials. Sales taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes and wealth taxes are made by taxpayer into the economy to improve the collective standard of living. This includes the benefit from getting better roads, schools, hospitals and a welfare system. 2. Animate within your means: By saving money and keeping your debt lower than your disposable income, you will be less vulnerable recession. For example, if your credit cards, mortgage loans, the outstanding balance of auto loans and student loans is more than your savings, investments and property combined, then the problem will come to you. It means you may have a dissatisfied conditions, as like a sudden drop in unexpectedly financial obligations. 3. Acquire valuable teaching: The education level is highly associated to the economic growth. In other words, the more skilled of the population is (composed for example of engineers, physicists, agricultural biologists, construction workers, etc), the more productive, competitive and autonomous that a country can be. For example, with the right expertise, food security can be guaranteed by increasing agricultural production; a plenty of goods can be manufactured and exported; and natural resources can safely use and local change. So by getting a professional education that is in demand, you will help your country to get productivity and a strategic advantage. 4. Devour properties and facilities created locally: By selecting to buy a five-dollar t-shirt made in your country instead of the exact same t-shirt selling for one dollar but made abroad, you just made a major positive impact: the money stayed in the local economy, domestic jobs were compensated and small businesses remain open. 5. Chosen administration bureaucrats in errand of financial development: All of the advice above cannot be effective without leaders who fight for corruption, foster a fair trade and business agreements, promote financial transparency, support for protectionist labor laws, avoid excessive public and consumer debt, engage in a prudent monetary and fiscal policy development, boost job creation, ease access to important sectors of education and healthcare, subsidize vital industries and help small businesses. 2. What is ‘Dumping’ and why do countries implement ‘Anti-dumping’ legislation? Do you think such legislations are required in today’s free trade world market? Discuss with supporting data and relevant duties What is dumping? Dumping happens when the export price of the goods in Malaysia is lower than the usual price of the similar or alike artefact in the inland market in the nation of export or basis. In other words, dumping is an global value discernment which the corporation custodies more in its inland marketplace than in the export marketplace. What is export price? Export price is actually the value that salaried or owed for the topic merchandise (supposedly vended at dumping values in Malaysia for overseas products) . In cases the export price may be built on the topic merchandise are first resold to an self-governing purchaser on basis of price. What is subject merchandise ? Subject merchandise means the lesson or kind of merchandise imported or vended imported into Malaysia that is the topic of any countervailing or anti-dumping responsibility act under Act 504. What is like product? Like product means a product which is alike or like in all compliments to the topic merchandise, and comprise other artefact which comprise bodily, technical or biochemical physiognomies, applications or uses that nearly alike to those the topic merchandise. What is normal value? Normal value is the value salaried in the normal course of interchange in the inland marketplace of the nation of export. Auctions used to verify the usual price which must be lucrative and unaffected by any association between the purchaser and vender. Nations comply ‘anti-dumping’ lawmaking because to authorizing the Examining Specialist to take corrective events against unfair interchange by overseas builders/exporters and to deliver a outline for examining accusations of damage caused by dumped or funded imports. I think such legislations are required in today’s free trade world market due to: Anti-dumping actions (Legal issues) If a corporation exports a artefact at a worth that is fewer than the worth it usually custodies in its own home-based marketplace, or vended properties at a worth which does not encounter its filled cost of manufacture, it is called as dumping the artefact. It is a sub-section of numerous forms of worth discernment and is registered as third gradation worth discernment. Many administrations take act against dumping to defend inland business and the WTO contract concentration is on how administrations can or cannot respond to dumping. It disciplines anti-dumping contract. The administration must compute the boundary of dumping (how much lower of the export worth compared to the exporter’s home-based marketplace worth), and show that the injured of dumping. References: Fatima, R. (2014). MITI. Retrieved 12 May 2014, from http://www.miti.gov.my/cms/content.jsp?id=com.tms.cms.section.Section_e2f9c09d-c0a8156f-282d282d-9947bc72 Adkins, T., Alvin, M. (2009). Dumping Definition | Investopedia. Retrieved 12 May 2014, from http://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dumping.asp Azhar, A., Reserve, T. (2014). Govt imposes anti-dumping duty on FCB from Thailand. Free Malaysia Today. Retrieved 12 May 2014, from http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/business/2013/11/29/govt-imposes-anti-dumping-duty-on-fcb-from-thailand/ Gwet, M., Gwet, M. (2013). 5 things you can do to help your country’s economy BobbyFinance. BobbyFinance. Retrieved 13 May 2014, from http://bobbyfinance.com/2013/05/24/5-things-you-can-do-to-help-your-countrys-economy/# Britt S.L. (2014). The World Factbook. Retrieved 2 June 2014, from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/my.html
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