Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The, Idiot Nation, By Michael Moore - 1421 Words

Idiocy starts in the head and trickles down affecting every aspect of one’s life in one form or another often in a reoccurring cycle. It can start with an idiotic suggestion that leads to an idiotic action which leads to an idiotic situation that affects everyone associated with it. This is the same effect that authority figures have in American education. Idiocy in authoritative positions have a negative trickle-down effect on America’s public education starting with idiotic politicians and elected officials which leads to news outlets and publications who spread the idiocy of these politicians, and influences the American people to buy into their idiocy and elect and re-elect more idiots into power, keeping the American people ignorant†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"In [Bush’s] first budget he proposed cutting federal spending on libraries by $39 million †¦ nearly 19 percent reduction† (Moore, 8) to an already poorly funded system. Politicians reduce funding for schools and public libraries keeping them from updating their books and maintaining their buildings that are â€Å"literally falling apart† (Moore, 8). This creates terrible learning conditions for student and horrible teaching conditions, as students are forced into crowded buildings, sometimes lacking a classroom of their own. These conditions were so bad in Washington D.C. the entire â€Å"school system had to delay the start of school for three weeks† (Moore, 8). Yet politicians, like the previously mentioned, newspapers and publications, news hosts and pundits, choose to focus on television shows, teachers, and teachers’ unions as the problem for the failing school systems as reinforced by a quote from â€Å"Chester Finn, a former assistant secretary of education in Bush the Elder’s administration, ‘If you put out a Ten-Most Wanted list of who’s killing American education, I’m not sure who you would have higher on the list: the teachers’ union or the education school faculties† (Moore, 6). When high ranking officials like Chester Finn say things like this, it is picked up by news outlet and publications who run the idea, likeShow MoreRelated`` Idiot Nation `` By Michael Moore1591 Words   |  7 Pagessystem, globalization, large corporations, the war in Iraq, and many other debatable issues, American author of â€Å"Idiot Nation†, Michael Moore would be the ideal candidate. In this piece, Moore argues that America is a nation built upon a clueless, illiterate society of people, a sub-par educational system, and manipulative corporations. All which are governed by brainless politicians. Moore effectively creates his argument by offering personal anecdotes, statistical data, cause and effect examples,Read MoreIdiot Nation, Michael Moore, Critical Essay Critique1280 Words   |  6 PagesCritical Essay In Rereading America an excerpt by Michael Moore entitled â€Å"Idiot Nation† focuses on the collapsing educational system in the United States of America. Moore brings to light his view on the failures of the educational system and the lack of financing that has been caused from the top of the food chain. Politicians as well as American corporations contribute to the decline in education according to Moore. He attempts to give the reader a clear picture of where America places theRead MoreExamination of the Education System in Idiot Nation, by Michael Moore 1351 Words   |  5 PagesIn his essay, â€Å"Idiot Nation,† Michael Moore directly conveys the horrid truth behind American education when he utters the sheer words, â€Å"the knowledge (students) acquire in school is not going to serve them throughout their lifetimes. Many of them will have four to five careers in a lifetime. It will be their ability to navigate information that will matter† (Moore 141 ). According to Moore, American education today is by no means preparing students for the real world of work. In fact, he infers thatRead MoreThe Degrading Quality of Education in America: Idiot Nation by Michael Moore and Against School by John Taylor Gatto996 Words   |  4 Pagesschool. However, in the articles, â€Å"Idiot Nation† by Michael Moore and â€Å"Against School† by John Taylor Gatto, the authors express their concerns about the degrading quality of education. There are many problems the education system is facing today, and several of them are having negative effects on the quality of the education that the students are receiving which are highlighted aptly by the effective use of rhetorical strategies by Moore and Gatto. The purpose of Michael Moore’s article is to focus uponRead MoreAmeric Land Of The Free And Home1076 Words   |  5 PagesAmerica: Land of the Free and Home of the Dumb ? Michael Moore, author of the essay Idiot Nation, is as anti-Republican as they come and not at all afraid to express his beliefs with overflowing passion. Over the past 20 years, both Moore’s popularity and notoriety have boomed to new heights as a film maker, writer, and social critic. From winning Oscars and Academy Awards for his films and documentaries to co-writing 8 renowned books, Moore has not stopped producing ways of expressing his thoughtsRead MoreIdiot Nation : Draft 1 Essay1325 Words   |  6 PagesAndrew Romero Prof. Cathy Arellano ENGWR 300 Purple 28 September 2016 Idiot Nation: Draft 1 Across America, you d be hard pressed to find a person that doesnt agree that everyone should receive a free education. Because of this, most everyone goes to high school, or at the very least receives an equivalent education. However, after this free education is done, many high school graduates are pushed to continue their studies in colleges and universities. And while these facilities are believed toRead MoreIdiot Nation Essay995 Words   |  4 Pagesurged to go on to college. This leads many people to believe that it will help our country reach the goal of becoming a smarter nation. However, in his essay Idiot Nation, Michael Moore argues that the exact opposite is occuring. We are becoming a nation full of idiots. Sadly, Michael Moore is correct. The majority of the people in this country are, indeed, idiots. This is due to the nation’s poor educational system and the people’s lack of gratitude and motivation. First of all, America’sRead MoreEssay about Idiot Nation886 Words   |  4 PagesIn â€Å"Idiot Nation,† Michael Moore discourses on the collapse of American education system and the three main reasons behind it: politicians’ ignorance, shortage of teachers, and the rise of Corporate America. Moore first points out how ignorant the President and politicians are by stating that the President cannot simply identify whether Africa is a nation or a continent. 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